Chapter 438 Tracking Orochimaru

After hurrying all the way, Kanpū, Shisui, and Kakashi successfully arrived in the Land of Rivers seven days later, and they rushed to Orochimaru's underground experimental base the next day.

Unfortunately, this base has collapsed during the battle, and the entire terrain seems to have been hit by a magnitude 5 earthquake. There are a few rotting snake corpses in some corners, and they can smell a pungent stench when they get close.

After the three people checked for a while, Kakashi frowned: "The traces of the battle here have been cleaned up. The other side is very careful, and did not leave any clues."

Moreover, after such a long time, the smell here has almost dissipated, and his Ninken can't track it.

"Is it Orochimaru?" Shisui opened his 3-Tomoe Sharingan and looked around, but unfortunately, he didn't find anything.

Kanpū rubbed his chin and try to recall the original plot.

'In the original work, Orochimaru got Fuma Clan's allegiance not long after defecting from Konoha, and the current Jigumo came from the Land of Rivers to inform us, which fits this plot.'

But there is also a huge 'error' in the middle!

And this 'error' was caused by Kanpū!

In the original plot, Orochimaru had already planted a curse seal on Anko before defecting!

But now in this world, when Anbu was investigating Anko, they didn't find the existence of the curse mark on her body!

In other words, under Kanpū's intervention, Orochimaru defected ahead of time!

Kanpū touched his chin and began to touch his nose: 'In other words, Orochimaru at this time has not developed the cursed seal, and may not even have found Libra Jugo.'

'Do I have a chance to pick him up?'

'No, I should be thinking about where Orochimaru will go now.'

Withdrawing his chaotic thoughts, Kanpū continues to recall the original work's plot.

'In the original work, Orochimaru entered Akatsuki after accepting Fuma Clan's allegiance.'

'Although the plot has been messed up by me, Akatsuki's desire for talent will not change!'

'As long as they are a strong Missing-nin, they will be favored and recruited by the Akatsuki!'

'So if there's no any accident, Orochimaru will still join Akatsuki.'

Thinking of Akatsuki, Kanpū thinks of Hyōketsu, 'After this guy left Konoha, there was no news from this guy. I wonder if this guy managed to enter Akatsuki.'

'How about… I disband him and look at the memory?'

Kanpū shook his head when he thought of this, 'Unless I am really out of clue, it's better not to bother this double-agent.'

"Shisui, Kanpū, do you have any ideas?" Kakashi looked towards the two.

Kanpū rolled his eyes and said with an expression of reminiscence: "I remember that when I came here for a mission, that Jigumo told us that their clan's residence…"

"It's around here!"

Shisui's eyes lit up, "No wonder he was able to find Orochimaru's traces!"

Kanpū took advantage of the situation and said: "If that Jigumo can find Orochimaru, Orochimaru will surely be able to find their clan's residence!"

The two looked at each other, and there was an emotional resonance!

Kakashi hurriedly urged: "Then what are you doing in a daze? Let's go find it!"

Kanpū immediately took out two kunai engraved with Flying Thunder God Technique's imprint and handed them to them: "Send a signal when you find it."


After Shisui and Kakashi took the kunai, the three immediately split up and searched in three directions. An hour later, Shisui found the Fuma Clan's camp in a dense forest a hundred miles to the south.

But unfortunately, he was late!

In the Fuma Clan's camp, there are nearly a hundred dead corpses lying on the ground. The blood has soaked the soil red, and the bloody smell attracts a large number of flies and mosquitoes. There also seems to be wild beasts wandering in the distance, but because of Fuma Clan's accumulation of prestige before their death, they didn't dare to approach.

Shisui walked around the station, and found that some of the corpses here were fragmented. Some have their necks twisted, some are covered in purple, black, blue, green, and other strange color.

Shisui then sent out a signal flare with a solemn expression.


The red flare exploded with a loud noise.

Shisui stood there and waited. After a few seconds, no one came.

'So slow.'

Ten seconds…

Thirty seconds…

Five minutes…

Ten minutes…

Shisui took out the Flying Thunder God Kunai given to him by Kanpū with a weird look.

'Why doesn't Kanpū teleport over yet?'

Shisui frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly thought of a possibility: 'This place is about a hundred kilometers away from Orochimaru's underground experimental base, and Kanpū is searching in other directions. Could it be that it is beyond the range of his Flying Thunder God Technique?'

Shisui put away the kunai with a wry smile, and then carried out the intelligence gathering work alone.

Half an hour later, an invisible wave of air surged gently beside Shisui, and Kanpū appeared beside him in the next instant.

Shisui turned his head and smiled: "You are here."

"Cough cough, I'm not late, am I?" Kanpū asked solemnly.

Previously, because Kanpū had forgotten that his Flying Thunder God Jutsu was thirty kilometers away. After seeing the flare sent by Shisui, he realized that both Shisui and Kakashi were more than thirty kilometers away from him, so he had no choice but to run towards Shisui's location. It was only until thirty kilometers away that Kanpū teleported over with Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Unfortunately, we are all too late."

Shisui sighed, "Fuma Clan has been silenced, and it should have been done three days ago."

"Did Orochimaru do it?" Kanpū looked at the corpse on the ground, frowning slightly.

"At first, I thought it was Orochimaru, but after inspection, I found that it was not just Orochimaru!"

Shisui pointed to the fragmented ones and said: "This is a tear wound caused by a huge steel sharp weapon, it is very rare, unlike Orochimaru's fighting style."

He pointed to those colorful ones, and said, "This is highly poisoned. According to the symptoms of the poisoning, it looks like the method of Sunagakure."

'Huge steel weapons, penetrating wounds, poison, Sunagakure…'

Kanpū raised his brows: "Sasori of the Red Sand?"

Shisui solemnly nodded: "I think so too! It's just… how come Orochimaru is with Sasori of the Red Sand?"

Kanpū has already cleared the matter in his heart: 'Orochimaru joined Akatsuki just like the original plot, and then he lived a two-person world with Sasori of the Red Sand.'

Kanpū looked towards the pondering Shisui, and interrupted him: "Shisui, can you confirm the direction they are leaving?"

Shisui recovered, shook his head, and said: "The other side is very cautious, they left no traces that can be tracked."

'The clue is broken again?'

'Do I really have to disband Hyōketsu?'

Kanpū pondered for a while, shaking his head secretly, 'Absolutely not!'

'Hyōketsu has been out for a long time. Once disbanded, I am very likely to faint for a long time,'

'Although Orochimaru and Sasori are gone, but what if there is a White Zetsu's clone hiding in the ground?'

This kind of White Zetsu's clone is too terrifying, as it can hide underground without being discovered, and can move and communicate at super high speed through organic matter such as plant roots and groundwater. Any information they collect they collect can be transmitted to the main body and the rest of the clones in a very short time!

If Kanpū disbands Hyōketsu, the information that Gekko Kanpū is unconscious when Hyōketsu dissipates may spread throughout Akatsuki. Kanpū can't ignore such a big weak spot!

Even if Hyōketsu might not have joined the Akatsuki at this time, and even if there may not be a White Zetsu''s clone underground, Kanpū is unwilling to take the risk.

He is a wretched…, cough, a cautious Shinobi. He will never give the enemy a chance to take advantage of him!

Just as Kanpū let his imagination run wild, Shisui suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, why hasn't Kakashi-senpai come yet?"

Kanpū was startled, and turned his head to look at Shisui.

One hundred and fifty kilometers away.

Kakashi is standing under a big tree while holding the Flying Thunder God Kunai. His right eye looks in front of him with no emotion, his vision is out of focus.

'I don't know why… but this feeling…so familiar…'

When Kanpū and Shisui realized that Kakashi might still be waiting for the 'Flying Thunder God Taxi', the two hurriedly buried all the remains of the Fuma Clan's members in the ground, and then turned back to find Kakashi.

Shortly after the two left, a white head suddenly popped out from the blood-colored mud, it was the White Zetsu's clone!!

White Zetsu tilted his head to look at the direction where Kanpū and Shisui left, and his face showed a bit of puzzlement: 'Konoha's Shinobi really came! How did Orochimaru guess it?'

'There is also Shisui of the Body Flicker… This guy was able to deduce the identity of the murderer just from the injuries of the corpse.'

'In this way, the information that Orochimaru and Sasori are together will soon be passed back to Konoha…'

White Zetsu's clone pondered: 'Will this reveal the existence of Akatsuki?'

'It should not be possible, right?'

'Forget it, I'll just let someone else bother with such annoying things.'

White Zetsu's clone grinned and immediately passed the information here to his main body and all the other clones!


In the vast sea, a big ship braved the wind and waves, and more than ten sailors on the deck are working hard.

However, there are only two people in the cabin: Orochimaru and Sasori.

Orochimaru leaned against the wall to doze off, while Sasori is making a puppet. The material is the leader of Fuma Clan, who had been kept fresh for less than three days: Kagero!

At this moment, a white head drilled out of the wooden plank and said: "Orochimaru, Konoha's Shinobi really appeared at Fuma Clan's camp. They are Shisui of the Body Flicker and Gekko Kanpū, and they have guessed through the wounds of the corpses that it was done by the two of you."

Orochimaru showed a sneer: "They really betrayed me!"

Some time ago, when Danzo led someone to besiege him, Jigumo suddenly left, and he had already doubted it at that time. He then ordered the Fuma Clan's Shinobi to chase down Root's Shinobi to prevent them from retreating.

After Orochimaru joins Akatsuki, he got a huge backing, so the Fuma Clan and so on became dispensable.

Thinking that they might betray him again, Orochimaru decisively took a detour on the way to the Land of Water, and blatantly wiped out these backstabbers!

It's just that when he made a move, Sasori took a fancy to Kagero's body and followed suit.

After exterminating the clan, Orochimaru asked a White Zetsu's clone to hide in the ground. If Jigumo really betrays him, then he believes that Konoha's Shinobi will definitely come there!

And it turns out that he is correct!

As for Shisui's discovery, it is nothing!

Orochimaru chuckled lightly and said: "Sasori and I are both Missing-nin, so it is normal to have a cooperation. Although Konoha will pay attention to it after knowing it, it is absolutely impossible to think of an organization like Akatsuki in the Shinobi World because of this, don't worry."

The White Zetsu's clone shrugged, and then retracted his head into the wooden plank.

Orochimaru narrowed his golden vertical pupils slightly and began to doze in a false sleep, but his mind was full of thoughts.

When Danzo's shadow clone brought people to encircle and kill him, he made it clear that it was 'he' who sold Danzo's Sharingan information to Kanpū.

But the truth is, he didn't do it.

'So here comes the question, how did Kanpū-kun know about the Sharingan in Danzo's eye?'

Thinking of this, Orochimaru formed a hand seal with both hands, and made a shadow clone.

"What are you going to do?" White Zetsu's clone drilled out of the wooden plank again, and asked as he looked at Orochimaru's shadow clone.

"You are just a clone passing information, so don't ask too much." Orochimaru did not explain.

After the words fell, his shadow clone had already shot out of the cabin.



The top of the central tower.

Deva Path and Konan have already learned about the information of the Land of Rivers from the White Zetsu's clone.

"The organization has just formed, Orochimaru and Sasori are already exposed to Konoha's Shinobi. Will Akatsuki be affected?"

Konan was a little worried, "Pain, before the information is sent back to Konoha, should we take advantage to kill Shisui of the Body Flicker and Gekko Kanpū?"

Deva Path shook his head slightly and said: "You are not their opponent."

Konan lowered her eyes, feeling a little unhappy.

"According to Zetsu's information, Shisui of the Body Flicker already awakened Mangekyo Sharingan and Gekko Kanpū also mastered Flying Thunder God Technique. If those two works together, even I will find it difficult to kill them."

It's because Flying Thunder God Technique, the Space-Time Ninjutsu, is really too buggy. If the user can't beat the enemy, they can just teleport directly. Without the same level of Space-Time Ninjutsu, they can't catch Flying Thunder God Technique's user at all!

However, Rinnegan has no achievements in Space-Time Technique, so what can he do?

Konan said hesitantly: "Konoha has two Flying Thunder God Technique's users now. If you can't kill Gekko Kanpū, then Yellow Flash, who is stronger than him..."

Deva Path then said: "Konan, at this stage, we don't need to face Yellow Flash head-to-head. Even if we collect Kyubi in the future, we only need to take care of Kyubi's Jinchuriki. When we gather the nine Biju, we will have the absolutely strength to destroy Konoha. At that time, no matter how strong the Yellow Flash is and no matter how fast he is, he can watch. He might be able to save a few more people with his speed, but what's the point?"

Konan nodded and didn't say anything more.


The Land of Rivers.

When Kanpū and Shisui found Kakashi, this guy was very calm. He stood under the tree and looked ahead quietly, his vision was unfocused, as if suffering from the soul-disappearing disease.

Shisui felt a little sorry, and quickly explained: "Kakashi-senpai, the distance between us just now exceeds Kanpū's Flying Thunder God Technique's range, so he couldn't come to you, don't be angry."

Kanpū said: "Kakashi-senpai is a broad-minded person, how could he be angry about such a trivial matter? Isn't that right, Kakashi-senpai?"

Kakashi's pupil slanted slightly. Looking at Kanpū and Shisui talking together, he felt very unhappy.

'These two guys left me hanging at the gate of the village before, while they ran to Ichiraku Ramen to eat and drink merrily …'

Then, he couldn't help but think of Kanpū, the bastard who never told him the truth about Obito's defection. The more Kakashi thought about it, the more angry he became, and his mentality was about to explode!

He doesn't know if it was an illusion, but Kakashi suddenly felt a slight tingling sensation in his left eye, which is covered by the forehead protector, and then he felt that the Chakra consumed by Sharingan suddenly increased.

'What happened?'

Kakashi was a little puzzled.

At this moment, Shisui opened his mouth and told Kakashi what the two had found in the Fuma Clan's camp, diverting his attention.

"Orochimaru and Sasori killed Fuma Clan's clansmen three days ago?" Kakashi's attention was transferred to Orochimaru at this time!

Shisui nodded: "It was indeed three days ago. We were too late, and now, we have no way to track them."

"No, I can."

Kakashi said angrily in a cold and somewhat proud tone, "Take me there."

Kanpū, who is next to him, was startled, and then he suddenly remembered something: 'Kakashi's Summoned Ninken!'

Shisui also remembered this, and was overjoyed: "Kakashi-senpai, your Ninken can track the smell from three days ago?"

Kakashi nodded: "If it hasn't rained for the past three days, they should be able to track the smell left by those people when they leave."

"Then, Kakashi-senpai, why didn't you summon your Ninken earlier?" Kanpū complained.

Kakashi rolled his eyes and snorted: "It's been a long time since the battle that took place at Orochimaru's experimental base, and the smell left there are just rotten flesh's stench. It is useless to summon my Ninken earlier. Okay, stop talking nonsense and take me there quickly."

Under Kakashi's urging, the three quickly set out on the road, and arrived at the Fuma Clan's camp in less than an hour.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" (Summoning Technique) Kakashi immediately bit his thumb, and slammed the ground with his palms.



"Aooo~ "

With the dog barks, five Ninken of different sizes came out of the white mist and circled around Kakashi.

Kanpū remembers that Kakashi raised eight Ninken in the original work, 'It seems that he has not got all eight Ninken yet.'

While he was thinking about it, the Ninken next to Kakashi were already scurrying in all directions. About five to six minutes later, the five Ninken ran towards the southeast at the same time, turning their heads and barked at Kakashi from time to time

"Found it!" Kakashi's eye lit up, and he immediately called Kanpū and Shisui to catch up.

The three people rushed all the way with the five Ninken, running without stopping for a day and a night, and finally... they saw a sea!