Chapter 439 It's Really Ugly

Although the Land of Rivers does not have Shinobi Village, relying on the rich natural resources in the country, its economic development is fairly good, and its import and export trade is also impressive, so there are many docks near the coast.

Kanpū's group of three are at one of them at the moment.

The are many boats at the dock, people come and go, and farther away is the boundless blue sea, the sea and sky are the same color, and the sky is wide and far-reaching.

The three inquired around for a while, and soon confirmed that Orochimaru and Sasori rented a ship to go out to sea from here.

Kanpū and Shisui looked towards Kakashi.

Kakashi spread his hands and said: "The wind on the sea is strong, and the smell can't last long, so my Ninken can only track it until here."

After saying that, Kakashi lifted the five Ninken's Summoning Technique.

"In this case, we can only use reason!"

Kanpū took out the Shinobi World's map and analyzed, "From here, you can go to three countries, the Land of Fire, the Land of Wind and the Land of Tea. But the Land of Rivers is adjacent to the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind. If Orochimaru and Sasori wanted to go to these two countries, they don't need to take a ship to go out to sea."

"Then, only the Land of Tea across the sea is left!"

Shisui asked strangely, "What are they going to do in the Land of Tea?"

The Land of Tea is a peninsula country. Because it is surrounded by the sea on three sides, the fishery is developed. As for other things, it is very common. Let alone Shinobi Village, even wandering Shinobi don't like to go to this country.

Kakashi crossed his arms, moved his eye from the Land of Tea to the east of the map, and guessed: "Will their target be the Land of Water?"

Shisui's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Is the Land of Tea just a transit station?"

Kanpū put away the map and said: "Whether it is the Lan of Water or not, they need to go to the Land of Tea, so let's go to the Land of Tea!"


As a senpai, Kakashi rented a ship out of his own pocket and hired six sailors under Kanpū and Shisui's earnest gaze. They went to sea smoothly that evening.

The sea was very windy, and the waves came and went one after another, slapping the deck of the ship, splashing countless drops of water.

The three of them stood on the deck, looking at the high sky and the broad sea. The clouds are light, the wind is heavy and the waves are blooming, one couldn't help feeling broad-minded when they saw this.

However, although the scenery is beautiful, you will get tired after seeing it too much. When the sky gets dark, the three briefly discussed, and then Kanpū and Shisui walked into the cabin to sleep, while Kakashi watched the night.

The night is getting darker, the six hired sailors also dozed off. There was a faint sound of snoring, the waves rose and fell tirelessly, and the surroundings were completely silent. Only Kakashi was standing on the deck, looking up at the crescent moon in the night.

Two silhouettes slowly emerged in his mind.

One is Rin… dead.

The other is Obito… defected.

Kakashi's right eye showed a heavy sadness.

There was once a beautiful friendship in front of him, but he didn't cherish it. Now that he lost them, he regretted it very much. There is nothing more painful than this in the world than this.

'If God can give me another chance…'

'It's time.'

Kakashi put away his sorrow, entered the cabin and kicked Kanpū awake: "It's time for you to be on duty."

Kanpū opened his eyes vaguely, yawned and wanted to continue sleeping, but as a result, Kakashi roughly threw him out of the cabin.

'F**k your sister!'

Kanpū fell hard. He rubbed his waist and stood up from the wet deck. He was completely awake at this moment and couldn't help but raised his fingertip in respect to the cabin.

Whoosh whoosh…

In the middle of the night at the sea, the wind and waves were even more violent. Kanpū shivered after being hit by the sea breeze. He hurriedly took out a coat from the sealing scroll and put it on, then leaned against the door of the cabin, squinting his eyes and quietly watching the night.

Time passed, and at some point, a shadow slowly emerged from the waves onto the deck.

No matter what, Kanpū is an excellent Shinobi who has experienced war, and he is very alert. As soon as the shadow got on the ship, he opened his eyes abruptly.

"Long time no see, Kanpū-kun."

Orochimaru stood on the deck, his body was wet, with the kimono clinging to him, water droplets kept falling from the tips of his long black hair on the deck, and the deck under him was soaked in black in less than half a minute. At this moment, he looked like a ghost!


Kanpū is overjoyed. He didn't expect Orochimaru to come to him himself!

Just as he was about to remind Shisui and Kakashi loudly, he heard Orochimaru said softly: "I'm just Shadow Clone, no need to be so nervous, Kanpū-kun."

Kanpū was startled, then nodded slightly.

Although he can't distinguish shadow clone, he knows that it is indeed unlikely for Orochimaru to appear alone in front of them after being baptized by the Genjutsu of Shisui's Mangekyo.

Immediately afterwards, Kanpū felt his hair stand on end.

'Why does Orochimaru's shadow clone appear here?'

'Could it be that Orochimaru couldn't sleep at night, so he made a shadow clone and came out to relax?'

'But the moment the shadow clone saw me, he didn't show the slightest surprise. Obviously he knew that we are here for a long time!'

'So the only explanation is that, we are exposed!'

'We are exposed when we wandered around in the secret experimental base of Orochimaru or the Fuma Clan's camp!'

'That means, White Zetsu's clone!'

Kanpū felt both afraid and fortunate: 'As expected of the witty me!'

'Fortunately, I didn't disband Hyōketsu back then, otherwise, the relationship between us may arouse Akatsuki's suspicion!'

"What are you thinking, Kanpū-kun?" Orochimaru's shadow clone stared at Kanpū's eyes, as if he could see through his mind.

Kanpū came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "I'm thinking that our tracking direction is correct. Orochimaru-sama, we will see you again soon."

Orochimaru slowly stepped forward for two steps, and said hoarsely: "Aren't you curious about how I found you?"

Kanpū immediately praised: "Orochimaru-sama is the legendary Sannin after all, so I'm not surprised at all."

Orochimaru let out a series of cold laughs, which was even more mysterious in the sea breeze.

The corner of Kanpū's mouth showed a grin: "Orochimaru-sama, please stop laughing, if you laugh again, Shisui will be woken up."

Hearing this, the corners of Orochimaru's mouth twitched, and the laughter stopped.

He squinted his golden vertical pupils, looked up and down at Kanpū, and finally said what he wanted: "Kanpū-kun, came to you this time to make a deal with you."

'Another deal?'

Kanpū frowned slightly: 'Even after defecting, you still dare to come and make a deal with me?!'

"What deal?" Kanpū asked calmly.

"Information deal!"

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked the water drops on his face, and then said bluntly, "I want to get an information from you. And correspondingly, you can also obtain an information of equal value from me, how about it?"

With the help of White Zetsu's clone, Orochimaru knew that Kanpū's group of three had found that Sasori was with him at the Fuma Clan's camp. With this information, at this time, he believed that Kanpū and the others must be very curious about why Sasori would be with him!

Orochimaru doesn't think that Kanpū will reject himself!

The fact is as he thought, as Kanpū did not refuse: "I agree!"

Orochimaru smiled, his golden vertical pupils showed the brilliance of everything was under his control, and then he said: "Then let's tell each other what we want to know, and see if the value is equal!"

Kanpū stretched out his hand: "Orochimaru-sama is several times older than me, so please ask first."

Orochimaru was a little uncomfortable when he heard this, but his expression remained unchanged, and he lightly said the information he wanted: "How did you know about the Sharingan in Danzo's eye?"

Kanpū was startled, 'He didn't expect Orochimaru wanted to know this!

He smiled: "Orochimaru-sama wants to know this?"

"It's your turn." Orochimaru looked confident.

Kanpū's eyes flickered: "I want to know… where the Ryuchi Cave is!"

Orochimaru's pupils shrank when he heard this.

'Ryuchi Cave?'

'Aren't you supposed to ask about Sasori?'


Seeing that Orochimaru was a little dazed, Kanpū hurriedly called out softly, "Do you think the value of our information is equal?"

Orochimaru came back to his senses and showed a sneer of disdain: "What a joke! Ryuchi Cave is one of the Shinobi World's Three Holy Lands, and countless people want to find it. Its information value is incomparable!"

Kanpū sighed when he heard this. Although he vaguely guessed this ending, it is still kind of unacceptable to hear Orochimaru say it in person.

It's the just like the feeling of being rejected when you confess your first love!

But Kanpū felt that he could work harder, so he mustered up his courage and confessed again: "Orochimaru-sama, I can add more chips. As long as I have it, I can trade no matter what it is!"

His sense of urgency has always been strong. Although Minato is willing to recommend him to Jiraiya, what if Jiraiya, the old pervert, disagrees?

He can't put his eggs in one basket, so he has to find more baskets!

Orochimaru is his second basket!

Well, the third basket is Tsunade.

"Does it include your life, Kanpū-kun?" Orochimaru suddenly issued a soul torture.

Kanpū hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and nodded: "Included!"

"Although we don't have much contact, I will not misunderstand a person. Kanpū-kun, you will never sacrifice yourself for a certain information!"

Orochimaru sneered again, "Besides, if your life is gone. so what if I know the location of Ryuji Cave? Kanpū-kun, it's really ugly! Hehehehe…"

Kanpū also laughed: "Orochimaru-sama thinks it's ugly? But why do I remember that when we first traded, you promised me a trade request, saying that as long as I can afford it, I can trade anything with you, whether it is forbidden technique or your... life."

Orochimaru laughed.

Kanpū turns into a repeater: "Although we don't have much contact, I will not misunderstand a person. Orochimaru-sama, you will never give your life for anything, so… you are as ugly as me, Orochimaru-sama, hehehehe..."

With Kanpū's night owl-like sneering, Orochimaru's facial muscles stiffened slightly and twitched. The the anger and the murderous intent in his golden vertical pupils can be seen, and they are gradually boiling.

After a while passed, Orochimaru gradually suppressed the killing-intent in his heart, staring at Kanpū's sneering face, and then he said gloomily: "It seems that our negotiations have broken down."

"Although the negotiation broke down, we can still get the information we want from the other side."

Kanpū squinted his eyes and said with a smirk, "For example, using strong force, or… Genjutsu?"

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils shrank upon hearing this: 'Shisui?'

'Not good!'

Orochimaru was about to disband himself immediately, but at this moment, under the hazy moonlight, six figures dressed in red cloud robes with black background suddenly descended!