Chapter 501 Where Did You Find Your Summoned Beast?

Genma arrived at the central tower at 12:30, but what surprised him was that the central tower was extremely deserted. Apart from Kanpū and ten examiners, in the huge space, there is only one ragged… candidate?

Genma's heart skipped a beat, and the smile on his face becomes a bit stiff at that time. He then asks softly: "Kanpū, what about the other examiners and candidates?"

Kanpū said calmly: "In the second stage, only one person passed. As for those who failed, I asked the other examiners to send them out."


Genma froze upon hearing this.

'Although the Chunin Exams' difficulty increases every year, you can't just fail everyone in the second stage!'

'How did I run my third stage if it becomes like this?'

Shiranui wants to cry but has no tears.

Kanpū pretended to be calm, and said: "Brother Genma, don't cry. After my screening, the ones who come to you are definitely elites, and they will be 100% promoted to Chunin!"

'Even if the candidate is not good, there's no way I would fail the last candidate!!'

Shiranui was angry and helpless. He turned his head and looked towards Itachi, and walked over bravely.

Taking out the senbon from the corner of his mouth, Genma forced a smile and said: "Congratulations on passing the Chunin Exams' second stage. I will be the examiner for the next third stage. The time and location of the exam is… "

Genma frowned, 'Now that there is only one candidate left, is it necessary to use the venue with great fanfare?'

Genma's thoughts revolve, and he continued, "The time and place for the exam is… this moment and this place!"

Kanpū's brows raised when he heard this.

The rest of the examiners are also subconsciously looked at Genma.

On the other hand, Itachi's expression has not changed, it is still calm like before.

Genma has no way of retreat under Kanpū's operation, so he could only walk all the way in the dark. He looked at Itachi and said: "You have half an hour to rest. After half an hour, I will arrange for an examiner to fight against you. If you can hold on for ten minutes, you will pass my assessment!"

Hearing this, Itachi finally frowned, 'Fighting against the examiner?'

If he is fighting against Kanpū, Itachi believed that he has no odds of success at all!

After all, Shisui has often mentioned Kanpū's powerful combat power to him.

As if seeing what Itachi was thinking, Genma said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's a Chunin Examiner, and…"

Genma thought to myself, 'Since he has reached this point, how about some excitement?'

"And… you can choose the opponent yourself!"

Genma plans to arrange the ten examiners. The strength of these ten people varies. If Itachi chose the strongest one, it is considered his bad luck. If he chose the weakest one, it is considered his good luck!

"I understand."

Itachi nodded in response, sat on the ground directly, first took out two food pills from his ninja bag to replenish his stamina, and then closed his eyes to refine Chakra.

At the same time, Kanpū dragged Genma to the corner, and asked innocently: "Shouldn't the third selection be at the conference venue on the other side?"

For the Chunin Exams in the past, including Naruto's in the future, were all held in the conference venue. So Kanpū wondered why there is an exception this year.

Genma looked at Kanpū blankly, and said with a helpless snort: "Isn't it all because of the good things you have done? Now that there is only one candidate left, isn't it to use the conference venue? It's better to just finish the test here."

"As expected of Brother Genma. To be able to think of such a perfect solution in such a short period of time, I am far inferior to you." Kanpū knew that he was in the wrong this time and quickly released some rainbow farts.


Genma didn't know whether to cry or laugh when he heard this.

Just as Kanpū was about to make persistent efforts, he suddenly felt a fiery gaze shooting down from the top of the central tower. When he looked up, he saw Tagorihime floating in the air, looking at him with a smile.

Genma also noticed the abnormality in the air, his pupils narrowed slightly, and he grabbed Kanpū's arm and asked: "Who is that woman? She can actually float in the air…"

"It's my Summoned Beast."

Kanpū explained vaguely, then jumped up. Stepping on the body of the central tower, he quickly rushed to the top of the tower.

At this moment, Genma had a strange look on his face, 'Summoned Beast?'

'Your Summoned Beast is used to warm the bed, right?!'

After reaching the top of the tower, Kanpū took out the scroll and threw it over, then boasted: "This time, it was done beautifully."

"It's just mere nine Genin, it's not worthy of praise."

Tagorihime looked indifferent, but her eyes were staring at the scroll closely. She checked a few crystals and saw that Kanpū was not lazy and couldn't help but smiled coquettishly. "Kanpū, next time there is such a good thing, you have to find me~"

Kanpū nodded: "Of course!"

'After all, there are only three of you, and only you, Tagorihime, is good at such thing, who else can I look for if not you?'

After exchanging a few friendly words, Tagorihime dissipated into smoke and dissipated.

Genma, who had been paying attention to Kanpū, was stunned: 'She is really Summoned Beast?'

When Kanpū came down, Genma walked over righteously: "Kanpū, where did you find your Summoned Beast?"

Kanpū was stunned: "Why do you ask this?"

Genma smiled heartily: "As a Tokubetsu Jonin, it is impossible to justify not having a Summoned Beast, Kanpū, please."

Kanpū squinted his eyes and his gaze turned strange: "You…"

Genma said seriously: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not greedy for the beauty…"

"I understand, I understand."

The corner of Kanpū's mouth rose slightly, showing a strange smile, then shook his head and said, "But I'm sorry, my Summoned Beast is from Ryuchi Cave, one of the Three Holy Lands."

Genma was startled when he heard this, and there seems to be a lightning struck his mind.

Not because of the name of Three Holy Lands, but because… 'The one floating in mid-air just now was a snake?'

Genma stared at Kanpū strangely, looking at him up and down, and finally stretched out his thumb. Kanpū knew what his dirty mind was thinking, but just as he wanted to clarify, Genma waved his hand and said: "Just take that I didn't ask anything."

After saying that, Genma walked to the examiners and began to arrange the candidates for the third stage.

Kanpū shook his head, 'If you misunderstood, just misunderstood. I don't take advantage of the beauty snake anyway.'

'It is not a loss.'

Half an hour later.

Itachi opened his eyes and stood up from the ground neatly.

Although the half-hour rest could not restore his state to the peak, he still recovered 70% of his combat power.

Next, as long as he selects the weakest examiner, he should be able to pass the third stage!

"Have you had a good rest?"

Genma smiled and asked, and Itachi slightly nodded.

"Then choose your opponent." Genma waved his hand, and ten examiners stepped forward one by one, standing on both sides of Itachi, each staring at him expressionlessly.

Itachi was not scared by this, and was completely unaffected by the examiners' momentum. He squinted his eyes to find the weakest among them.

"You only have ten minutes." Genma reminded.


Itachi responded, and then, with one minute each, all ten examiners were investigated with his eyes.

"So, what is your choice?"

Ten minutes later, Genma looked at him with a smile in his eyes.

Kanpū also came to the side, watching with great interest.

Itachi pointed his finger at the third one on the right, and said: "I choose him."

Genma waved his hand to signal the rest of the examiners to back off, and said at the same time: "To be honest, I don't know which of the ten is the strongest and the weakest, so good luck!"

After the other nine examiners withdrew to 50 meters away, Genma started to talk again: "Then, the third stage of Chunin Exams will officially begin!"

As soon as the words fell, Itachi has already took out a kunai and rushed towards the examiner.

Although the examiner hadn't said a word, there is a little fire in his heart. Since Itachi chose him, wasn't he telling others that he was the weakest of the ten?

Who wouldn't lose their temper from this?

At that time, the examiner quickly took out a kunai and fought with Itachi.



The fierce sound of kunai collision became denser and denser, and the figures of the two gradually turned into afterimages, colliding back and forth in the field.

Kanpū and Genma stood fifty meters away, and Kanpū said softly: "Why do I feel that this Chunin is a bit too weak?"

Genma shrugged and said, "Of course it's because Uchiha Itachi chose the weakest one."

"Oh, you are quite scheming." Kanpū gave a weird laugh.

Just now, Genma deliberately said that he didn't know who was the strongest and who was the weakest among the ten examiners, which was to affect Itachi's confidence, otherwise, if he told Itachi that he chose the weakest, wouldn't it increase Itachi's belief in victory?

Genma smiled and said: "Although he is the weakest, he is still a Chunin. Uchiha Itachi, how does his talent compare to Shisui?"

Kanpū looked into two afterimages in the field, touched his chin and said: "They should be on the same level, but talent is useless if you don't work hard."

'The harder you work, the more lucky you are.' This is the wise words that Kanpū has come to comprehend along the way!

While the two were talking, the fighting parties in the field suddenly retreated.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)

Although Itachi is young, his Fire Release is already very good. He opened his mouth and spouted a fireball with a square of three meters., burning and rampaging.

The examiner quickly moved to the left in a calm manner to dodge the fireball, and at the same time formed hand seals: "Suiton: Suiben!" (Water Release: Water Whip)


The examiner waved out a long whip made of water, passed it under the fireball, and whipped towards Itachi's feet.

The latter's expression remained unchanged, and immediately, he gave up the fireball and formed hand seal to create a shadow clone.


In the white smoke, two Itachi sprang out one from the left and the other from the right, and quickly circled around the examiner along an arc. At the same time, their hands moved, and the sky filled with kunai and shuriken shot towards the examiner like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

The examiner immediately dissipated the water whip and took out some kunai, but looking at the Ninja Tools flying messily in the air, he laughed on the spot: 'What Uchiha Clan's genius? He can't even throw Ninja Tools. At this level, I don't have to block them, as these Ninja Tools would collide with each other and fell from the air!'

'Should I suggest to the head examiner to send Uchiha Itachi back to the Academy for further study?'

While the examiner let his imagination run wild, the Ninja Tools lased in midair really collided, but accompanied by the violent metal impact sound, these kunai and shuriken actually changed directions one after another during the collision. Not only did not hit the ground, they instead shot towards the examiner from various tricky angles!

That examiner's face immediately changed greatly.

Genma also frowned when he saw this: 'Uchiha Clan's Shurikenjutsu!'

'The last Shinobi who could do such excellent Shurikenjutsu was Shisui!'

The examiners who watched the battle around were also solemn. When they were shocked by Itachi's talent and strength, they also felt sorry for their colleague who fought against him.

If he had been fully alert at the beginning, he might be able to block this wave of Ninja Tools throws, but his expression just now clearly told everyone that he was inflated and his mind was distracted.

So now, he is doomed.