Chapter 502 The Naughty Brat, Namikaze Naruto

"That's it."

Genma sighed softly, took out a kunai instantly and flickered next to examiner, blocking all Itachi's Ninja Tools.


The examiner's face was ugly, but he didn't refute anything. He directly bowed his head and apologized, "I'm sorry, I underestimated the enemy carelessly."

Genma waved his hand and said, "Although there are elements of carelessness, Itachi's strength has indeed reached Chunin-Level."

Chunin Examiner did not speak any more, he bowed his head and stepped aside.

"Head examiner-sama, have I passed the test?" Itachi dismissed the shadow clone and asked with a tired face.


Genma nodded slightly, looked at Itachi with a little appreciation in his eyes, and said with a smile: "But passing this test does not mean that you can be promoted to Chunin."

Itachi said: "I understand."

The final promotion list of the Chunin Exams must be confirmed by the Hokage, but he is the only one who passed this year's Chunin Exams. Besides, Itachi performed perfectly in this selection examination, so he believes Minato will agree.

"Go back and wait for the news."

Genma called two examiners to escort Itachi. When he turned his head, he saw Kanpū who was going to slip away from the side, "Kanpū, where are you going?"

"It's late, I want to go home and take a nap." Kanpū walked forward without looking back.

Shiranui said angrily: "Stop!"

"What are you doing?" Kanpū said with displeasure.

"You need to come with me to Hokage Tower to explain to Hokage-sama!" Genma said with a snort.

Only one person passed the Chunin Exams this time. No matter if it's a big or small thing, Genma doesn't want to carry it alone.

"Explain? Explain what? I shed blood for the village, so don't mess around!"

Kanpū 'struggled' to resist, but was still dragged by Genma all the way to Hokage Tower.

When Genma reported the Chunin Exams' process to Minato, Kanpū stood on the side with some guilt.

After a while, Minato turned his head in surprise to look at Kanpū with a surprised face: "Only one person passed the second stage?"

Kanpū showed a shy smile and argued slightly: "Hokage-sama, in fact, the test I gave are not difficult at all. It's because the candidates this year are not good enough, so don't blame me."

Minato didn't know whether to cry or laugh and shook his head. Although it was a bit 'shocking' for most of the candidates to be rejected in the second stage, but as long as the result is fair, there will be no problem.

So he looked towards Genma and asked: "Genma, are the results of the third stage correct?"

Genma nodded solemnly: "Yes, Itachi's actual combat ability has reached the requirements to be promoted to Chunin."

"In that case, three days later, I will announce the list for those who advanced for this Chunin Exams." Minato said with a slight smile.

"Yes!" Genma nodded in response.

Coming out of Hokage Tower, Kanpū crossed his hands on his chest. Looking at Genma with strange gaze, he said in a muffled voice: "Just trivial matter, why are you dragging me here to explain to Hokage-sama, hmph, hmph."

Just as Genma was about to speak, he heard a series of yells.

"Bastard, that brat has climbed onto the Hokage Rock again."

"Whose child of that brat? It's too much!!"

"If I had such a son, I would have killed him long ago!"

Hearing the angry reprimands from the surrounding, Kanpū showed thoughtful look. He took a few steps back, his gaze crossed the Hokage Tower's rooftop and landed on the Hokage Rock not far away.

There are four huge Hokage heads on Hokage Rock. And on the fourth one representing Minato's head, a black spot as small as an ant is trying hard to… 'Paint?'

The corner of Kanpū's mouth twitched: "That's…"

Genma sighed, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a bitter smile: "It's Naruto, he is Hokage-sama's child."

Kanpū didn't feel too good when he heard this.

'In the original work, Naruto, as an orphan, painted Hokage Rock in order to attract the attention of others, but isn't the Minato's couple living well now?'

'Why did he still paint?'

At this time, Minato has also jumped out of the office. He is standing on the rooftop of Hokage Tower, wearing the Hokage Robe. The breeze blew through his golden hair, which makes him looked cool, but Kanpū can see the helplessness from his back.

'That's right, when you encounter a naughty kid like Naruto, which dad doesn't have a headache?'

"By the way, Brother Genma, what is Naruto's full name?" Kanpū suddenly remembered something and asked softly.

"Full name?"

Genma was a little puzzled, and said, "Namikaze Naruto, what's the matter?"


Kanpū smiled and shook his head.

In his previous life, many people wondered why Naruto didn't follow Minato's surname. Some said it was to protect him, who is a Jinchuriki. Some said that Minato killed too many people in the Third Shinobi World War, so if people know that Naruto is his son, he will be assassinated by the enemy's spy, and some people say that Minato is just a live-in son-in-law…

'Live-in son-in-law?' Kanpū snorted disdainfully when he thought of this. After all, even Uzumaki Clan was wiped out of the country, so what kind of live-in son-in-law is Minato?

But no matter which one it is, in this life, Naruto's surname is Namikaze.

While Kanpū still in thought, Minato suddenly turned around and jumped off the building, coming to Kanpū and Genma's side.

"Hokage-sama." The two quickly called out respectfully.

Minato smiled wryly and said: "That child Naruto is really giving me a headache."

"Hokage-sama, why did Naruto go paint Hokage Rock?" Kanpū curiously asked.

Minato sighed and said: "It's all my fault. I am too busy with work and didn't have time to accompany Naruto, which made him become like this."

Kanpū asked strangely: "Where is Kushina-sama?"

"Kushina doesn't want to be a full-time wife at home, so…" Minato said with a bitter smile.

Kanpū realized that although both Minato and his wife love Naruto, both of them are career-oriented people. One is busy with Hokage's work, the other is busy with mission, and they have no time to take care of Naruto…

"Then, you can just use shadow clone." Kanpū said suddenly.

Minato smiled even more bitterly: "At first, we did use shadow clone to take care of Naruto, but half a year ago, Naruto discovered that we used shadow clone to take care of him instead of our main body. Because of that, he was very unhappy, and that's when Naruto started messing around."

'So it's like that.'

Kanpū realized again, 'In the original work, Naruto wanted to attract the attention of others, and in this life, he wanted attract the attention of their parents.'

'Can't this naughty brat learn how to develop in low-profile manner like me?'


Minato looked at Kanpū with a serious expression and said, "I have something important to discuss with you!"

Kanpū said: "Hokage-sama, please said it."

"I want you to be Naruto's tutor." Minato said with serious face.


'Isn't that the main occupation of that pervert Ebisu?'

'And now that Naruto is so young, it is the time when he is the naughtiest, so if I become his tutor, I'm afraid that I will have miserable future!'

But thinking of Minato taking care of himself so much, Kanpū can't refuse him at all.

Thinking of this, Kanpū immediately patted his big muscles and said domineeringly: "No problem, since it is Hokage-sama's request, I will definitely complete it!"

Minato breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Kanpū, Naruto has not yet come into contact with Ninjutsu, so your job is mainly to accompany him, and then teach him to read as much as possible, and also, pass on some Shinobi knowledge appropriately."

Kanpū nodded, and then asked: "Then, what are my working hours?"

"From 10 am to 3 pm." Minato said immediately, obviously well prepared.

Hearing this, Kanpū thought, 'Forget it, it's only five hours. It's not a big deal.'

"I understand, then, should I start working today?" Kanpū was eager to have a try.

"Thank you, Kanpū." Minato seemed relieved.

Although Kanpū felt that something is strange, the arrow was already released from its string.

With a flicker, Kanpū disappeared quickly.

"Hokage-sama, can Kanpū do it?" Genma, who had been standing next to him, suddenly asked.

"I hope so."

Minato is also helpless. In the past six months, he has changed six tutors for Naruto. Unfortunately, no one can last for more than a month, so he hoped that Kanpū can control Naruto.

On Hokage Rock.

After the five-year-old Naruto climbed the Hokage Rock, he first drew a red dragon on the left side of Minato's head, and then painted a rainbow on his right face. Looking at his masterpiece, Naruto kicked the paint near his feet away, laughed triumphantly with his hands on his hips, looking very arrogant.



When Naruto was so proud, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head and tears came out!


Naruto turned around. Clutching the back of his head, he glared at Kanpū, who suddenly appeared, like a tiger, "Who are you?"

"I am the tutor invited by your father, my name is Gekko Kanpū."

Kanpū crossed his arms on his chest, and introduced himself with a smile, "Call me sensei."

At the same time, he also looked at Naruto seriously. Naruto is a little over one meter tall, wearing a bright yellow attire, with short golden hair, and three fox whiskers on his cheeks, which looks quite cute.

But Kanpū's words make Naruto a little unhappy.

"Why is it another tutor again?"

Naruto raised his head and said with a snort, "What can you teach me?"


Kanpū frowned, 'Why does this feel different from what I expected?'

"Have you had other tutors before?"

Kanpū was a little depressed. He thought that he was the first tutor invited by Minato, but after thinking about it, he knew that it's not the first day Naruto being naughty. So with Minato's character, he must have hired other tutors, but the effect should not be very good, or else, he won't ask himself.

Faced with Kanpū's question, Naruto nodded a little, and then shouted impatiently: "So, what can you teach me?"

"Then, what do you want to learn?" After calming down his emotion, Kanpū asked with a smile.

Naruto rolled his eyes and he said treacherously: "I want to learn Shadow Clone Technique."

"Shadow Clone Technique? Why?" Kanpū was stunned.

"Because Tou-chan and Kaa-chan always use shadow clone to fool me."

Naruto shouted with his hands on his hips, "So I also want to learn Shadow Clone Technique, and use shadow clone to fool them!"

Kanpū felt a headache when he heard this, 'This brat is quite vengeful.'

Kanpū thought of the online novels he read in his previous life, and knew how to deal with these naughty kids, so he said with a smile: "Naruto, should I tell you a story? About a monkey, a pig… You don't like it? It's okay, I'll tell you about Nezha…"

"I won't listen, I won't listen, I won't listen…"

Naruto covered his ears and shook his head desperately, "I want to learn Shadow Clone Technique, I just want to learn Shadow Clone Shadow Clone Shadow Clone…"

The magic sound flooded his brain, and Kanpū's face turned a little green, 'This naughty kid is not easy to fool.'

At this moment, three Shinobi suddenly ran up from under the cliff: "Naruto, you actually dirtied Yondaime-sama's head again. If you don't wipe the stone statue clean today, we will visit your house!"

'Visit his house?'

Kanpū was shocked, 'These Shinobi actually dare to visit Minato's house?'

'Or do they not know who Naruto's father is?'

"Who are you three?" Kanpū asked calmly.

"We are the Shinobi responsible for guarding the Hokage Rock." The three Shinobi said in unison.

As a landmark of Konoha, dispatching three Shinobi to guard Hokage Rock is nothing strange.

Kanpū asked again: "Do you know whose family Naruto is from?"

The three Shinobi looked at each other and shook their heads in unison: "We don't know, but in the past six months, Naruto, this naughty brat, came here twice every three days to wreak havoc. If he keeps causing troubles like this, we will really go visit his house!"

'They really don't know.'

After careful consideration, Kanpū understood that although Minato is the leader of the village and well-known to everyone, he has always kept a clear line between public and private matter. Moreover, Naruto is a Jinchuriki, so he will definitely not let Naruto be exposed to the public prematurely.

So except for neighbors or people close to him, Kanpū believed that that most people in Konoha don't know the name of Minato's son.

Although Naruto knows that his father is Hokage, he never said it to the outside world. In his opinion, he is a real big man, and he must get rid of the troubles he caused with his own ability. How can he used his father to get away from trouble?

Naruto immediately pulled the corner of Kanpū's clothes and shouted: "It's him, he is the one who ordered me to do this!!"

Before Kanpū and the others could react, Naruto had already run away.


Looking at the three Genin, whose eyes are getting sharper, Kanpū laughed awkwardly, "You may not believe me, but today is actually the first time I've met Naruto."

"Do you think we will believe your words?"

"Immediately remove the paint on Yondaime-sama's statue, otherwise, we will visit… Cough, we would report to the higher authorities!"

The three Shinobi said aggressively.

Hearing this, Kanpū had no choice but tip-toed and run away.