Chapter 542 Network Cable

"Stop it!"

Kanpū shouted out loud, "Little beasts, don't you who is the main body? Why are you guys beating me crazily!"

Kanpū moved his palms, pushing the five Byakugan shadow clones back again and again.

The original good mood was suddenly corrupted by these five bastards, how can Kanpū stand it?

Taking a deep breath, Kanpū resentfully walked to the small fire to warm up. The warm flame dispelled the haze in Kanpū's heart. After sitting there for a while, Kanpū intends to give the created ten 'Flying Thunder God Technique's coordinate lines' a name!

'Logistics Line?'

Kanpū shook his head: 'Too vulgar, and no matter what the logistics it is, the speed is too slow, not worthy of Flying Thunder God Technique!'

After squinting and thinking for a few minutes, Kanpū suddenly thought of a good name: 'Network Cable!'

'Aiya, this is really…'

'The network cable is for the Internet, and the network speed is much faster than logistics, which matches Flying Thunder God Technique!'

Thinking about it this way, Kanpū felt a little eager to move: 'How about going online tonight?'

'No, no, no!'

'In case White Zetsu finds out, he might destroy my 'Network Cable'!'

'But I want to eat fish… cough cough, I have ten 'Network Cables', so even if one is destroyed, the problem is not big.'


Each of the ten 'Network Cables' are separated by more than a hundred kilometers. If Kanpū travels at a speed of one hundred kilometers in an instant, but it can be discovered by the White Zetsu underground and tracked until a whole 'network cable' was dug out, then Kanpū… can just trouble his shadow clones to create another 'Network Cable'.

Kanpū closed his eyes, closed the Sharingan and activated Sage Mode at the same time. In an instant, the ubiquitous Natural Energy around him suddenly turns into countless streams and rushes towards Kanpū's body, and a faint trace Senjutsu Chakra came out from the body like a spring, squirting everywhere!

In the next instant, Kanpū quietly disappeared from the Forest of Death.

The ten 'Network Cables' start from the eastern coast of the Land of Fire and traverse the Land of Fire. Their ending points fall on the border of the seven countries adjacent to the Land of Fire. In the counterclockwise direction, they are respectively the Land of Hot Water, the Land of Rice Fields (later the country of sound), the Land of Iron, the Land of Waterfall, the Land of Grass, the Land of Rain, and the Land of Rivers!

Among them, there are two more 'Network Cables' passing through Konoha. They are three hundred kilometers apart from each other, and Konoha is in the middle of these three hundred kilometers.

And Kanpū, who activated Sage Mode, happened to be able to sense the Flying Thunder God Technique's coordinates within one hundred and fifty kilometers!

Of course, this is not a coincidence, but a deliberate design by Kanpū, so that Kanpū can surf the Internet at any time, and go wherever he wants to go!





With the extremely fast 'network speed', Kanpū flickered along the 'Network Cable' all the way towards the eastern coast of the Land of Fire. Half a minute later, Kanpū reached the end of this 'Network Cable', a sandy beach full of gravel.

Turning off the Sage Mode, Kanpū looked around, and under the hazy moonlight, the surroundings are dark and silent.

Hush, hush, hush…

A sea breeze with a salty smell rushed towards his face, and it lingered for a long time.



Kanpū suddenly felt a little dizzy in his head, and his stomach felt a little queasy. He couldn't help but bend over and retch.

After some time, Kanpū recovered.

Kanpū is secretly fearful, 'I've only been on the Internet for half a minute, and it's already like this?'

But he changed his mind. After all, from Konoha to here, it was several thousands kilometers, and he can finish it in half a minute. If there were no repercussions, Kanpū would feel that it is too overpowered!

After using Healing Technique on himself and confirming that there is nothing wrong with his body, Kanpū looked into the distance and saw the sea glowing with black light like a piece of silk lying in front of him, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Kanpū looked down at his feet again. The beach was full of stones of different sizes, and the stone engraved with his Flying Thunder God Technique's imprint was buried under these stones.

'As expected of my shadow clone, it is really hidden well!'

Kanpū's figure flickered, and he directly appeared on the surface of the sea. He then plunged so violently: 'If I say I want eat fish tonight, I will eat fish!'

A few seconds later, the calm seabed undercurrent surged, causing the sea to vibrate faintly. It didn't take long for Kanpū to get out of the seabed, and there was already a sea fish weighing more than 20 kilograms in his hand!

Kanpū then activated Sage Mode again to surf the Internet!

The extreme flickering brings the ultimate visual sensory manifestation. With every flicker, Kanpū's eyes have no time to accept the surrounding scenery, and he has already sensed the next 'network point' in his mind, and then teleports away quietly.

After repeating this, Kanpū felt that his eyes were covered with a layer of mosaic, making him unable to see.

When his sight was restored, Kanpū has returned to the small fire in the Forest of Death, and the five Byakugan shadow clones are standing on the side emotionlessly. their complexions were strange, when illuminated by the flickering fire, they are like zombies.

Kanpū casually threw the sea fish in his hand, and said: "Grilled fish vomit~~"

The feeling of dizziness, nausea and retching came again.

After taking a break, Kanpū is full of vitality again.

'As expected of Naruto's Uzumaki Clan's physique!'

Kanpū looked at the shadow clone next to him who was scraping fish scales, gutting fish and using Water Release to clean the blood, and felt very relieved.

After eating delicious but light sea fish, Kanpū suppressed his restlessness and wanted to continue to train Sharingan.

But at this moment, Kanpū suddenly thought of something. He is immediately stunned, and then he activated Sage Mode again.

As Natural Energy continuously poured into his body, the Senjutsu Chakra gradually filled up.

Next, Kanpū mobilized a faint trace of Senjutsu Chakra into his 2-Tomoe Sharingan.

'It hurts!'

Senjutsu Chakra is stronger than ordinary Chakra, and eyes are fragile, so when Senjutsu Chakra flooded into Sharingan, Kanpū's eyes immediately overflowed with bloodshot.

Kanpū looked towards the five shadow clones and asked: "Has the Sharingan evolved?"

The Byakugan shadow clones on the opposite side looked at him in confusion.

"Are you getting dizzy after being on the Internet for too long?"

"If Sharingan can evolve so easily, why is it necessary to kill father, mother and even biological brother?"

"Just wash up and sleep."

Hearing this, Kanpū's mouth twitched, and he didn't bother to take care of these bastards.

Unfortunately, as the shadow clones said, pouring Senjutsu Chakra into the 2-Tomoe Sharingan, apart from feeling the pain, Kanpū didn't notice any feeling that the Sharingan become stronger.

So he turned off the Sharingan, and then turned on the Byakugan.


Senjutsu Chakra rushes into the Byakugan , and Kanpū's white eyes suddenly emit a little cold star.


Looking around, the world around him has turned gray and white, and seems to be exactly similar to the previous one, but Kanpū vaguely noticed that Byakugan's vision seemed to have become stronger.

Kanpū immediately began to detect.

There are five Byakugan shadow clones on the opposite side for comparison, so Kanpū quickly confirmed this.

'When Byakugan is used with Sage Mode, its perspective ability and field of view directly increase to two kilometers, far surpassing the one kilometer of the shadow clone.'

"There's something wrong with your Byakugan."

Suddenly, a Byakugan shadow clone said.

Several other shadow clones also reacted and stared carefully at Kanpū's Byakugan carefully.

'Something's wrong?'

Kanpū touched the bulging veins on his face, and then took out a small mirror.

'That's right, when I poured Senjutsu Chakra into Sharingan before, there was a tingling sensation, but when I poured it into Byakugan, there's no discomfort.'

'Byakugan must have changed!'

In the red mirror illuminated by the fire, Kanpū saw his Byakugan seemed to be no different from the others, 'If there are any…'

"It seems sharp." The shadow clone pointed to the faintly discernible 'cold star' in Kanpū's eyes in the mirror and said.

"There is a sense of oppression."

"It reminds me of the Otsutsuki Clan. Those guys' Byakugan is very abnormal. Not only can directly deter the opponents, but it can also use Space-Time Ninjutsu, Yomotsu Hirasaka."

"However, compared to Otsutsuki Clan's Byakugan, the main body is significantly worse."

"Yeah, yeah, it's still far from it."

The five shadow clones beeps endlessly.

Kanpū looked at the 'sharpness' in his eyes, and asked: "Don't say useless things. Hurry up and come up with a few ideas to see if I can make my Byakugan stronger."

"Continue to collect Byakugan."

A shadow clone said, "There are currently three states of Ninjutsu collected from others. One is the incomplete version, the other is the complete version, and the third is the perfect level. Logically speaking, Kekkei Genkai can also be collected to the perfect level."

'Perfect level?'

Kanpū frowned. When he was young, the first technique he collected to reach the perfect level is the Chakra Refining Technique. The refining speed is nine times the previous one, which is abnormal.

But as Kanpū became stronger, he found that the increase brought by the perfect level Chakra Refining Technique was slowly declining.

In other words, Kanpū's lower limit is slowly increasing with his growth, but the increase brought by the perfect level Chakra Refining Technique has an upper limit.

To put it simply, when he was just Genin, Kanpū's perfect level Chakra Refining technique increased by nine times, but for Kanpū, who had Naruto's Uzumaki Clan's physique at this time, the increase brought by perfect level Chakra Refining Technique is only double.

And it's not just Chakra Refining Technique. The others just like perfect level Taijutsu Body Flicker Technique, which was collected from the Root's Shinobi in the Land of Rain during the Third Shinobi World War, didn't brought exaggerated nine times increase to Kanpū. At that time, Kanpū was in battlefield and didn't think much about it, but now that he thinks about it…

"Can the vision of a perfect level Byakugan be nine times that of normal Byakugan?" A shadow clone asked in doubts.

"Of course not, there is an upper limit on the perfect level of the Collection Technique!" A shadow clone replied.

"Having an upper limit doesn't mean you can't break through!"

"That's right, if the perfect level Byakugan is collected, you will have Tenseigan after breaking through."

The shadow clones said with enthusiasm, but Kanpū felt that they were talking nonsense.

After all, if Byakugan evolves, it will be Tenseigan, and there is no second possibility.

But from another angle, what they said is also reasonable. If he wanted Byakugan to evolve to Tenseigan, the purity of the Byakugan must be high.

Just like Toneri on the Moon in original work. He dug Hyuga Hanabi's Byakugan in order to evolve to Tenseigan. If any pair of Byakugan can evolve to Tenseigan, why didn't he dig other Hinata's? (T/N: Well, in my opinion, it's because he wanted Hinata to be his wife. There's no way he would dig out his own wife's eyes.)

'It's just…'

'I collected Byakugan six times before the fusion was successful. If it is perfect level, how many times do I have to collect it?'

Kanpū raised his head, and looked emotionally at the big silver disc behind the lush branches and leaves above his head.

'Should I go to the moon?'