Chapter 543 Following Danzo

N years ago, the Sage of Six Paths and his little brother, Otsutsuki Hamura, teamed up to seal their mother, Otsutsuki Kaguya, forming the current Moon. And in order to guard the seal, Hamura moved to the moon with his descendants.

N years have passed, the Otsutsuki Clan's members on moon has become less and less, but there are more and more Byakugan stored. If Kanpū can land on the moon, perhaps the large number of Byakugan Kekkei Genkai can be collected, or maybe even the Otsutsuki Clan's physique.

'But where is the way to the moon?'

Kanpū remembers that in the original book, it seems to be in a hot spring underground, and there is a huge river crab there…

'Well, won't it be just like looking for a needle in a haystack?'

However, for the sake of the treasure on the moon, Kanpū's heart swayed and he immediately created a shadow clone to travel around the Shinobi World to find the underground hot springs!

As for himself, he still can't go because of Senju Clan's physique, Wood Release, and Impure World Reincarnation, each of which requires Kanpū to spend time.

After a short break, Kanpū continued to exercise Sharingan.

Early the next morning.

Kushina brought Naruto to Kanpū's house to visit Karin.

After getting the information from his shadow clone, Kanpū rushed back to the mansion with great energy. At this time, Kushina was chatting with Karin with soft voice. Kanpū greeted them from a distance, and went to find Naruto, who was squatting in the corner alone.

"Kanpū-sensei." When Naruto saw Kanpū coming over, his expression looked lifeless.

"Why are you slouching?" Kanpū asked lazily.

"Sensei is the same." Naruto retorted.

Kanpū rubbed his dark circles and slapped Naruto on the back of the head bluntly: "You are not allowed to say that to your sensei."

"Sensei is so cunning!"

Naruto clutched his head grimacing, and then said, "Sensei, I don't want to go to the Academy."

It is now at the end of April of Konoha's Year 54, and there are only a little over four months left before the freshmen enrollment in September.

"You don't want to go to the Academy? Where do you want to go?" Kanpū asked casually.

"Sensei, will you take me to the battlefield?"

Naruto pressed the ninja bag on his lap with one hand, and his eyes glowed, "I want to be like Sensei, kill the enemy and make contributions, and then buy a big house!"

"Cough! Cough cough!"

Suddenly a series of clear and threatening coughs in the distance. Even without looking back, Kanpū know that it must be Kushina.

But Kushina is probably going to be disappointed, because Kanpū never accepts any threats and intimidation. He sneered and said righteously: "You're talking nonsense. What battlefield? What contribution? What big house? I don't know what are you talking about!"


Naruto stood up agitatedly and wanted to say something. But Kanpū had good sight and quick hands, so he slapped Naruto on the shoulder, and fiercely pressed him back "You need to learn well at young age, did you remember what I teach you before? Study hard every day. How can you find a wife if you don't study?" Kushina in the distance started coughing again.

"If you don't study, how can you become a Hokage in the future?" Kanpū continued to criticize.

Naruto glanced at his mother who is clearly not sick but kept coughing, and then at Kanpū. His little face suddenly showed an exaggerated expression of 'so that's how it is', and then chuckled and said with low voice: "Sensei, it turns out you are also afraid of Kaa-chan."

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Kanpū solemnly denied.

Naruto didn't seem to hear, sitting on the ground with his arms folded, he nodded and said: "Kaa-chan is indeed terrifying, it's not surprising that Sensei is afraid of her."

"Naruto, did you listen to me?" Kanpū said fiercely with a straight face.

"Yes, yes, hehehe." Naruto winked happily.

Kanpū took out the enlightenment book blankly: "It's time for study, Naruto, our goal today is to learn all the words in this book!"

Naruto's smile froze, and without any hesitation, he ran away: "Catch up with me and I'll learn again!"

Kanpū sighed. 'This brat is just too forgetful. How could he forget that I had 'teleportation'?'

Locking on the Flying Thunder God Technique's imprint on Naruto's body, Kanpū's thought move, and in the next moment, he appeared on the other side of the wall, and picked Naruto up.

"How come…"

Naruto frowned, with a regretful expression that he almost ran away from his teacher.

Carrying Naruto back to the backyard, Kanpū asked him to read the enlightenment book, and told Naruto to ask him any words he didn't know. Naruto had no choice but to sit on the ground and read the words, and then, his buttocks started to move while he's reading.

But with Kushina by the side today, Kanpū can't make concessions, so he just told Naruto to read the enlightenment book for a long time.

It is night, and Kanpū once again returned to the Forest of Death to train Sharingan.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

After more than a month of training, Kanpū has been able to use Sharingan proficiently in battle. Vaguely, Kanpū seemed to feel the bottleneck of 2-Tomoe Sharingan, so he sat in the Forest of Death again and recalled the sad movies, TV series, and anime in his previous life.

But after a few days, it seems to have no effect.

After thinking about it, Kanpū create thirty shadow clones, let them sit in the Forest of Death and recall together. In this way, when the shadow clones are disbanded, their sad memories will instantly flood into Kanpū's mind. This momentary grief occurred emotions may be able to support the evolution of 2-Tomoe Sharingan to 3-tomoe!

When the thirty shadow clones recalled collectively, Kanpū quietly returned to Konoha.

'Now that 3-Tomoe Sharingan is imminent, it is time to prepare for the Impure World Reincarnation and Hashirama's remains!'

'The research materials of Impure World Reincarnation are placed in the taboo data room on the second floor of Hokage Tower, but what about Hashirama's remains?'

'After Hashirama's death, the place where his remains were buried has not been announced to the public, but fortunately, during Sandaime's reign, he and Danzo did the Hashirama's cells transplant experiment. Perhaps Hashirama's cells in Anbu have been recovered and sealed again, but there must be Hashirama's cells in Root!'

'It looks like I need to visit the Root!'

Kanpū rubbed his chin and thought.

Although Root is under Minato's suppression, it is not as good as before whether it is funding, personnel or other things, but Kanpū didn't dare to be careless. After all, hehas a big plan, so he must not let anyone find out!'

So Kanpū began to prepare.

He first used Transformation Technique to become a skinny middle-aged person, and then he smeared a herbal juice on his body that could mask his smell, so that even Kakashi's Ninken couldn't distinguish his smell.

After that, Kanpū teleported thousands of kilometers away, and killed a group of bandits nearby. He then peeled off the face of the bandit's leader and used it to cover his face.

It is Orochimaru's Face Peeling Technique!

Kanpū didn't want to learn this technique before, and found it disgusting, but at that time in Ryuchi Cave, he could only collect those scrolls, so he accidentally collected this technique as well.

Since it has been collected, it cannot be wasted.

After finishing all this, Kanpū burned all the remains of this group of bandits, and then went home.

That night.

Kanpū, which was triple protected by the transformation technique, Face Peeling Technique and the herbal juice, started to act.

Root's Headquarters is very secretive, and even Kanpū didn't know its location, but he has hands and feet, so he can just follow Danzo himself, and find the Root's Headquarters by following the vines!

When he came near Danzo's house, Kanpū quietly hid in the dark, and used Transparent Release to turn invisible.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Danzo went home. His room was lit up with a white light, which went out again after half an hour.

Kanpū is not in a hurry, and waited quietly while maintaining his invisible state.

Early the next morning.

Danzo came out of the house and walked towards the southeast.

Kanpū stepped forward silently, staying close to the wall and following behind.

In order to prevent being discovered, Kanpū lowered his gaze, only looking at Danzo's shoes from the corner of his eyes, but Kanpū's ears listened to the surrounding situation.

He found that every time Danzo turned, there would be rustling sounds around him. Kanpū guessed it was the Root's Shinobi protecting Danzo.

Fortunately, there are no Shinobi from the Hyuga Clan in the Root, so the cautious Kanpū won't be discovered by them without Byakugan!

Turning left and right, and after unknown numbers of road walked, Danzo finally came to a small three-story building.

Kanpū raised his head slightly and found that this place was far away from the bustling streets of the village. There were only two or three buildings around, most of which were vacant, and further away, there seemed to be many empty training grounds.

Kanpū narrowed his eyes slightly. He remembers that the original intention of the Root was to help Anbu train Shinobi, so it was also called 'Anbu Training Department'. And this place should be where Anbu's Shinobi were trained before.

Danzo didn't come out after entering the small three-story building, but Kanpū didn't follow him rashly. If there is a barrier in the building, he would be detected even if he is invisible.

'Then… let's wait quietly!'

Kanpū quietly retreated one kilometer away, took out two food pills to supplement his stamina, and continued to be dormant.

The sun in the sky gradually rose to the center, and then slowly sets to the west. The night falls, and at 8 o'clock in the evening, more than 30 masked Root's Shinobi quietly left the three-story building one after another. At around nine o'clock, Danzo also left with a blank expression.

Vaguely, there's afterimage floating near the three-story building. The Root's Shinobi, who was closely protecting Danzo, also left.

Kanpū looked up at the night and continued to wait.

About an hour later, Kanpū estimated that Danzo had arrived home, and only then he began to act.

He quietly withdrew for another three kilometers, and then found a hidden place to hide, then turn off the Transparent Release, and activated Byakugan.

When Kanpū opened his eyes again, his dark pupils had turned white.

Byakugan's eyesight is generally within one kilometer, and the excellent ones can exceed this distance, while Kanpū's Byakugan's eyesight can reach three kilometers!

Kanpū began to absorb Natural Energy from everywhere and refine Senjutsu Chakra.


Senjutsu Chakra poured into the Byakugan. When the veins appeared, Kanpū's field of view suddenly changed from black to gray.

Stones, soil, buildings, everything turned into fuzzy gray-white objects, pierced layer by layer by Kanpū's sight.

Soon, Kanpū's sight fell on the three-story building.

At a glance, Kanpū saw six vague figures, three of whom are guarding the third floor, the second floor and the first floor respectively, and the other three people gathered in a small room.

Kanpū stared at the small room, and his vision began to penetrate again, and then he reached under the ground.

This is a large-scale underground. Although more than 30 Root's Shinobi have left before, there are still many of them in groups of three or four in the underground space. Kanpū roughly counted, and there are at least forty people.

'What are these guys doing?'

'Is it human experiment?'

Kanpū frowned slightly, and immediately continued to observe. Looking over the rooms one by one, not long after, Kanpū found a strange safe.

This safe stood in the middle of a room. It looks like a safe in size, but strangely, Kanpū's Byakugan can't see through it!

Kanpū's heart skipped a beat: 'Barrier?'