Nomadic Life

"Looks like he isn't perfect." Savon glanced up from where he sat stitching a gash in his arm. The man before him he would love to be rid of. Constantly at him about different things. Watched him like a hawk, or tried too. Savon was very good at going unnoticed.

"Your obsession with me I find unhealthy." He said to Neil who stood looking down at him. Neil was Ian's son. Had just as much hate for him as his old man did. He'd never liked him, hated him from the moment that they had taken him from that room.

Just slip the blade between his ribs, it would take care of the problem. The voice whispered in his head. Savon just looked down and continued what he was doing. His dark companion whispering in his mind like always. Better than out loud, that tended to get him in trouble. The only one out of this group that even remotely understood and talked to him normally was Drake. Todd wasn't so bad, but the others not so much. They treated him like the plague most times.

There was Anna, but he found that she really was obsessive and it drove him insane. Though his other half found it amusing and liked to play with her. Lead her on and what not. Savon wished he wouldn't. However they were one and the same so he was doing it to himself. It was hard to explain to anyone. He didn't explain because then they would think he was possessed and have a reason to kill him.

"You are unhealthy." Neil said. "Do you enjoy killing your kind? I wonder sometimes if your just using us to clear a path for yourself." Savon looked up at him green eyes meeting brown.

"If I was, don't you think being nicer to me might be in your best interest?" Plus being here to do it was pretty stupid. He knew the man was just trying to needle him.

Just kill him, he's useless anyways. He'd never match us in skill. Let's watch his blood paint the floor. That voice was deep and smooth in his own head.

It wouldn't be much fun. Savon said in his mind to his other half. That voice that was forever there speaking to him.

"Are you threatening me?"

"I don't threaten. I do, you wouldn't get a warning if I was going to kill you." Savon said his eyes just a bit brighter now. Neil looked at him, they all knew it was best not to mess with him when his eyes changed color. It was his more violent half coming out. All the more reason the rest feared him and his differences.

"Neil." Came a voice, and Neil looked over to the one that spoke. Savon went back to what he was doing and Neil walked away. Though he threw him an dirty look. Whatever he could go fuck himself.

We grow tried of this place, this treatment. We should leave, let them figure out things for themselves.

And go where? Astor will be waiting for us. It's better to have help attacking and taking others. An annoyed sound came from him, but he kept at the wound. It would be healed in a few hours. He just didn't need the blood loss.

"Having inner turmoil again?" He looked up as Drake sat down. Savon would prefer to be left alone at the moment. They'd had an ugly fight earlier today with demons, they got who they went for but it was still bad. They'd still lost some of theirs. It seemed a losing battle, they took out key pawns trying to cause a dent in their power. Yet ten more popped up to replace the one they took care of.

"Something like that." Savon said. The others knew that Savon had a kind of split personality. They seemed to think it like a mental disorder which was fine. Let them believe it. Though he was completely aware of both at the same time. Some thought him possessed, that he had a demon inside of him, not a mental disorder. That wasn't really true. He hated being compared to some lowly demon. Drake supported him and stood by him so it kept most off his back. Plus how much he helped fight whether they liked it or not.

The being in him was called an acolyte. Not truly a demon but another being and if Savon had really come from hell he would be completely evil. Love nothing better than to rip through the people in the room with him. Laugh as their blood coated his skin and ran down his throat. Fortunately for them his acolyte was born here, was part of him as he was part of it. Sometimes Savon was in control physically and other times the acolyte was. Both of them were mentally in control. Hard to Describe but it was like having your conscious alive in your mind. Though this one shouldn't be his guide. He smiled at his own joke.

"Tracy wanted to say thank you. She can't really move at the moment, but thank you for saving her life." Savon looked at him for a minute.

"Did she really say that?" He asked skeptically.

"Yes she did." Savon looked back down sticking the needle through his skin again. He'd have to rip them out in a while. He looked away because Drake was telling the truth this time.

"She's welcome." He said that dark part of him grumbling at the compliment, it didn't like doing nice things. The human part of him did, it understood compassion and kindness, his other part understood savagery and hatred. However Savon didn't really consider himself a good person. He'd rather kill than let the other live. Mercy wasn't really in his vocabulary unless he really felt the person deserved it.

"Not everyone here hates you, you know."

"Just most of them." He said. "The other half would like it if I only showed up when needed." Drake looked at him. "You excluded."

"That's not..." Savon looked at him, he was a human lie detector. He knew the instant that any of them were lying. It was like an alarm going off in his head. "Still they don't all hate you." Drake said deciding to just skip what he was going to say instead.

"I'm growing a bit tired of this. Not really enjoying my treatment. I've had twenty two years to do something. Haven't yet."

"No ones tried to kill you here." He said with a sigh. "Just make sure you keep the temper under check."

"I don't have a temper." Savon said with a smile, he looked at Drake a brightness to his eyes.

"You know what I mean. Keep your conniving side to yourself, and we won't have problems."

"Tell someone else to keep his asshole in check and we will be fine." Savon said. Glancing over at Neil, Ian wasn't far away. His greatest supporters, just made him all warm and fuzzy inside.

"I'm asking you because I have more faith in you than in him." Drake said standing and moving to leave as Savon closed the med kit. Of course Drake would play that card.