Incoming Danger

Savon look about area that was a makeshift sitting area with chairs, two sofas and a few foot stools. There were vehicles parked not far away over on the other side of the warehouse they were in. One wall was set up like a dormitory. There was also a little makeshift kitchen there. He just gave a sigh internally.

This place was out of the way, run down and with the thick fog outside hard to even see. The lights that they used were low and didn't cast much light for far. Half the place was in shadow, not the best if a shadow demon showed up. But most had different wards against them so it wasn't a problem. Savon moved to stand and turned looking down. He'd already known she would be standing there behind him and was annoyed at it.

"Anna." He to the woman who had walked up.

"You've been ignoring me."

"Yes." He responded, and moved to go around her.

'If you don't want to play with her let me.'

'I don't find her appealing. She's annoying and you just like to fuck with her head.'

'It's what I do best.' Even though he said I like it was a different person speaking, it was always understood as a we, as both of them. What one wanted or desired so did the other, but there were little differences. Savon severely regretted sleeping with the woman. Since then she wouldn't leave him alone.

She was a chronic liar, not to him because she couldn't, but to others. The hard thing was that if the lie was said to another, he couldn't always pinpoint the exact cause for the lie. Were they completely lying or just skirting the truth? He was getting better at it though, just depended on the person. Plus sometimes she seemed to believe her lies, that made it hard too.

"Why, I haven't done anything." she said. Liar, well maybe she didn't know she was really lying.

"You annoy me. Leave me alone." He said flat out, he'd told her that before. Told her to shut up and gone as far as to tell her to fuck off. She just kept coming back, he'd told her straight out that sleeping with her didn't mean anything to him. She hadn't cared.

She was attracted to him, like the proverbial moth to flame. He figured she was attracted to the darkness in him and the fact that he didn't want her. The want what you can't have, thing. However he didn't see her as a trustworthy person, he had a feeling that she had a double motive somewhere and watched her like a hawk when they went out on missions. Whether it was for food or something else, she was up to something.

Drake didn't care for her either, and Savon had told him that she wasn't trustworthy. That she had something wrong with her. Shortly after she'd joined their group, two of their hideouts had been hit. He obviously had no proof but the fact that he alone knew she lied about not knowing anything about it. Maybe she was the one, or knew who was. Either way he'd thought about doing away with her.

'We should, besides it would be fun, gratifying in a way.'

'Not really.'

'No not completely, killing her would be. Just let me take care of one problem.' He sighed outwardly. Anna had no idea what she was standing next to.

"You're not being fair. Why don't you let anyone near you?"

"I let people near me." He said. "I slept with you didn't I?" He added with irritation, way to think with one part of his body rather than his mind.

'She wasn't so bad, very willing to please.' Yeah but she was more or less a whore for lack of a better word. He didn't call women that regularly, but Anna was. He didn't think that there wasn't a guy here she hadn't slept with. At least of the younger ones. Not that there was a reason to just wait for a certain someone he guessed, this wasn't happy go lucky times. In this world you took what you could get because you might be dead tomorrow.

Anna stood at five seven with black hair and light brown eyes. She had a very womanly figure that most drooled over and would love to touch and have against them. Just not Savon, that urge just wasn't that strong anymore and never really had been.

'Boredom, it's a killer.' He said to himself but an agreeable sound came from his acolyte.

'If I can't do away with her, let's find something else.'

"You know what I mean, you don't let anyone in feeling wise." He was moving across the floor to the door there. He stopped and looked at her, he made a motion around his heart.

"This doesn't work like a normal human's. More like ice really. So no space for you." He turned and went to continue on his way. She hurried after him, what did he have to say to get her away from him? She was still seriously following him after what he just said?

"Liar, you're just making excuses. Can't we be friends, it's all I'm asking." Savon turned and looked at her, his eyes brighter green.

"I don't want you, leave me alone. If I have to tell you again you won't like what I do." He explained and she stared at him like she was confused. God the woman was seriously two bricks short of a load. Savon pointed to himself first and then her, talking slowly.

"I. Don't. Want. You. Okay?" He gave her a snarky smile and turned around.

"Just tell me what I did to make you hate me." Jesus Christ, couldn't she shut the fuck up for two minutes and let him walk away without hearing her whining voice?

"I don't hate you, I just don't like you. Can't force someone to want something just because you do." He turned, meaning to really leave even if she spoke this time, but stopped freezing to the spot.

'I smell them. Demons.' Savon felt the shift in him from his normal self to that darker part of him. His vision grew sharper as did all of his senses. He turned and ran over to where main group of people was, Anna calling after him. Wondering at his complete change in demeanor.

"Others are here, demons as well." He said looking at the group. They looked at him and then turned running to prepare themselves. Savon jogged over to a shelf and there were a few others there as well grabbing weapons.

He grabbed two blades. It was what he was familiar with, what he liked to use. He was more inclined to physical fighting. A gun would not sate the dark urges in him and if he didn't sate those urges he was more likely to harm someone he shouldn't.

"Someone's here!" Clark shouted up front, they were loading the few wounded into vehicles preparing to get away now.

"How much time do we have!" Drake called out to Savon.

"Ten minutes tops." His senses told him the distance, and how fast they were approaching. One of his talents. There wasn't anything higher than an acolyte, acolytes could feel all others around them, know what they were. He couldn't complain about the radar system given to him.

"Okay people, move. We're out in five." He said and a door opened to the outside. Five people came in. Two holding an injured man between them, he looked pretty bad. Savon moved forward toward the group, he wasn't going to ride, he'd rather run. Plus he wanted to hear what these people had to say.

"We're from North Gate." A man said, and Drake looked at him.

"North Gate. What happened? We just had two scouts return from speaking with you, they told us that you were fine." Savon glanced over to where he knew Anna was. However she wasn't paying attention to what was going on.

"We were attacked, we are all that is left of the thirty." Savon looked at the five of them. Two women and three men. The one woman was older, graying hair and the man that spoke was middle aged. The three others were younger, the man had brown hair, where the woman helping the injured man had red brown.

"We had no where else to go. Are you leaving?"

"They followed you here." Savon said, all of them looked at him. He saw the instant mistrust in their eyes of him. He figured the nearly glowing eye thing didn't help, well fuck them, they lead those things here.

"We need medical supplies if you can spare them." The brownish red hair woman said.

"Over there, you'll have to do it as we leave. Can't stay here." Drake said and they moved off quickly.

"You'll stay and help take care of them? They'll just follow us." Drake said looking at Savon. At times he was rather frightening to look at. He had a cold air about him right now, his eyes bright with the dark ring. He had one blade strapped behind him, the other in his left hand.

"Yes. Besides no one will miss me if I fail."

"You won't fail." Drake said turning.

"No I won't." He said confidently.

'Try not to hit those we don't need to. Prefer not to have to tell Drake we chopped someone up we shouldn't have.'

'Don't see why it matters, can just blame the demons.' The acolyte was in charge and ready to tear into something as it always was when at the front of his mind.

"Staying to help?" Neil asked as Savon came out the door and into the night air. The fog was thick, you could barely see ten yards away. It swirled and you could feel it touching you.

"Try not to freeze up this time." Savon said to him and Neil narrowed his eyes at him, there were four others that were out here as well. "They are coming from the north," Savon looked up, "one is flying." If there was one thing, they did always believe what he told them. Guess there was a little trust there.

"Shit." Abel said. "hate demon fliers." He commented, Savon couldn't disagree they had wicked teeth and enjoyed chomping on anything that moved. Even if they didn't eat it completely most times.

"What else?" Cameron asked.

"Four soldier demons and one shadow."

"A shadow?" Todd said.

"I'll take that one, not like any of you can see it once in darkness." He said. Savon could, and he wasn't tricked by the play of light either. He'd know exactly where it was the whole time, the door behind them opened and a woman stepped out.

"I'd like to help." She said to them. "Seeing as we led them here."

"The more the merrier." Todd said looking at her. "Have a name?"

"Kayla." She answered.

"Todd, Cameron, Savon, Abel, Neil, Pat, and Leo." Todd said pointing to each of them in turn. Savon looked at her. She was the one that had been helping the injured man, she looked to have spine. Had a fighters stance and her body was that of a physically active person. Her stance said she knew what she was doing.

Savon's gaze flickered over to Neil who said something to Pat next to him. Pat looked at Kayla and gave a nod and bit of a smile. Savon scented the interest there from the men. He looked back at Kayla, she was the shortest of the group at the moment. She had to stand about five ten.

The rest of them ranged from five eleven to six three, Cameron was the tallest, with Savon right behind him. Barely an inch difference, she had her hair back and closer fitting clothes that wouldn't restrict her movements when fighting. He noted instantly that she had hand held weapons along with two guns.

She had blue grey eyes, and lighter colored skin. Her mouth was set in a firm line at the moment. All of them were. The fog was silent and swirling, the attack was coming and in the back of most of their minds was who wouldn't make it?