A Little Kindness

"He got you good." Kayla said pinching the flesh together and taking the needle and thread.

"I looked worse when I was running away. Didn't feel like dying."

"The fact that you faced him and lived, says a lot about what you are capable of and the kind of person you are."

"Not that I took a bargain?" He asked sounding bitter, it shouldn't matter to him. It was only the human part that it did bother, and that made his acolyte half annoyed.

"If you did, I think they would have been here by now. Besides you could have just told them. You didn't have to come back, then again you could just like playing head games with people." He could feel her sticking the needle in and pulling, but she was quick and it was almost painless.

"I'm too tired to play with others minds." He said. Kayla finished the stitching spending the rest of the time in silence as she did. She'd noticed that over where the tattoo went she could see the black ink like mark in the wound. Like it went deep into the flesh. Into the muscle. She'd never seen anything like that before.

"What is your tattoo of?" She asked stepping back. She grabbed a towel there and wiped the blood away.

"It's not a tattoo." He answered standing and turning in the mirror to look at his back. It looked far better than it had a little bit ago. Just had to wait long enough for it to close and not bleed, then he could take them out.

"What is it then?" She asked, whatever it was it was detailed she could see that, it had to take hours to do.

"It's a marking, where my acolyte was bound to my flesh when I was born." He answered.

"Oh, that's... archaic." She said with a smirk. He just gave her a half smile.

"Not disturbing? Been told that before."

"Well it looks like a tattoo, are you just playing with me?"

"No." He said looking at the yellowing bruise on his side.

"Did you break anything?" She asked seeing it, it looked days old at the moment not a few hours. Clearly he was a fast healer and looking at him there weren't any marks left on his face or arms. She herself had bruising and cuts all over her.

"Luckily no, if I did it must have healed."

"How fast do you heal?" She asked interested, he looked at her. The green was a bit duller now, not so vibrant as when she'd first stepped into the room.

"Depends on the wound, depends on how drained I am." He said. He was curious as to why she wasn't wanting to get out of his presence, most did. She smelled good, he could hear the rush of blood through her veins. Steady and sure, she also had bruising and injuries but she wasn't in too bad of shape.

"I was curious, you said before that you aren't possessed. You're part acolyte, but does that mean you're just possessed in a different way?"

"What does it matter to you how it works?" He asked clearly not trusting her, but she couldn't blame him. It wasn't like he got a lot of trust from those around here.

"Just curious, I wanted to understand. We've all seen things, and evil comes in many forms. You know not everyone wishes you harm." Why did they like to say that? It wasn't really the truth, but he couldn't really say it was a lie because neither of them could know the minds of the others.

"Just most of them." She met his gaze and it looked like he was having some kind of inner conflict at the moment. "Thanks for the help but I'm fine now." She heard the dismissal in his tone.

"You're welcome." She said, however she felt that he probably still needed help and in more ways than one. She figured it best for her to just leave him alone. She didn't know him, she'd just felt that he needed someone to provide a kind hand. She felt that being prideful wasn't going to win anyone down here much but pain in the end. Plus what he'd done for her back at Remis added to it. He'd saved her life, she owed him.

"We're hours from anything else." Kayla stopped as she reached for the door handle and looked back at him. She'd heard him speak, but he wasn't looking at her and it just came from no where and startled her a bit.

"Yeah, like nearly a five hour drive to the biggest urban center. Maybe an hour from anyone else living." She answered the odd comment. He turned and looked at her, his eyes bright again.

"I know." She thought it an odd statement to make. What did it matter if they were hours from anything else, and she didn't like the sudden mood change in the room. It wasn't deadly or threatening, just really eerily calm.

"Okay then." She said looking at him oddly and reached to pull the door open.


"No, I want to take." She stopped with the door half open. It sounded like two different voices, but she was sure that it was Savon. She looked back over at him glancing around the room. He was leaning over the sink again. She thought that he looked a bit pale, she was worried that something was very wrong with him. Maybe he wasn't so okay, should she really leave him alone?

"Are you okay? You look sick." Plus he seemed to be having a mental break down or something. Maybe he was just a person that talked out loud a lot.

"I'm not sick, just weak." He answered his voice deeper. He moved to stand his eyes closed for a minute and he took a calming breath. His gaze met hers for a moment like he was trying to decide something.

'Take, just take. We are stronger, the weak should give to us freely.'

'No, we are not him.'

'We can use Anna, she will give freely.'

'I don't want her to know things about me. To hold things over me if she knows what will weaken me. She is in league with demons I am sure of it.' He was at a limit and intuition told him she might be one to bargain and keep a secret.

"I need to ask a favor of you." He said his eyes their normal dark green now. He didn't need her fear spiking on him and have a denial that he didn't want to hear. He however didn't have a choice, and he was going to end up attacking someone. He'd waited far to long, and had lost a lot of blood. His acolyte was starting to push to the surface, just waiting to take control and get what it wanted.

"Seeing as you saved my life with Remis, you have but to ask." That was what he was thinking. He'd never had anyone say that before. Suggest that they owed him, at least not without an attitude. It was nice to hear that she might be willing to pay her debt.

"I don't think you'll like what I would ask of you." Savon said, but right now he'd really like to cash in the debt she owed him.

"Well I would have liked it less if I was laying on the floor dead." She supplied with a smile.

"I lost a lot of blood fighting Astor, my injuries would have killed me if I was completely human."

"I'd say they would have." She said, she felt a bit like bolting from the room. He wasn't attacking her and she did owe him greatly for saving her life. They way he spoke, she could tell he was clearly trying to get her to understand something. In a careful way though, like he didn't really want to share.