Moment in Time

"I don't worry you." Savon said, it was a statement not a question but Kayla answered anyways.

"Should you? You've had a couple times now that you could have just done what you wanted or caused me harm. You saved my life once, and stopped me from falling down a hole and being caught. Though I do have a bit of complaint about wiping the blood on me."

"It worked didn't it?" He said with a crooked smile, there was something about him when he did smile. It made her want too, her heart moved just a bit faster. Her mind moved toward what she knew he felt like against her. Her gaze glancing at the ground as they walked for a moment. She sighed inwardly, she was a lonely person just like the rest of them together. So it was nice if interest was shown whether it was skin deep or not. There world really didn't allow for much, most just took what they could get.

She'd have answered his question before if it hadn't been him that she'd had those sexual thoughts about. Not that it hadn't happened before, but her mind seemed to shift there a lot around him. Really though, why couldn't she look? He was near her age and decent looking, two hard things to come across to begin with.

"That it did." she said. "Should I worry around you?" She asked stopping her forward progress around the building they were at. The gas station was still in view but a short distance away, not really anyone else though.

"Depends on what you are worrying about." He said looking toward the woods again but back toward her. He moved around and up back toward the road. They walked along the other side of the building that cut the others from view.

"I'm not worried, so I guess we don't have a problem."

"That's why I like your company, one of few that doesn't have the scent of fear when around me. Even if they try to hide it." It was refreshing, and he did find it appealing if he was honest.

"You can smell that?" She asked finding that odd, what else could he scent?

"Yes." He said pausing where he was. He wasn't squinting anymore as they were in a bit of shadow here from the two buildings. She moved up to pause next to him.

"You haven't given me a reason to be fearful. Though I have to say when I first met you I thought you a prick, didn't really like you when I met you."

"Has that opinion changed?" He asked with a quick flash of teeth.

"I'm talking to you now aren't I? I figured it was just part of who you were, plus I saw how you interact with others and vice versa. Not exactly the social butterfly." He smiled and looked up for a moment.

"Not really no, but it doesn't bother me. Most the time." He said.

"When does it bother you?"

"When I want something and I have to be civil to get it." He looked down at her. "Not my strong suit, part of me just wants to take. The other part would love to listen but doesn't." He said watching her, his gaze over her brought a sudden tightness to her throat and a light feeling to her stomach.

"I'd say listening to your better half would keep you in good graces." He gave a slight laugh at that. He stepped forward close to her one hand coming up to the back of her head.

"I know it would. But sometimes it wins." He said and brought his mouth down on hers. It was so quick and unexpected that she just didn't have time to think. There was honestly no leading up to it, just him suddenly doing it. Her lips had already been parted when he'd brought his mouth down.

He tasted sharp a kind of tang that she liked and so she figured why not? Wasn't like she had a reason not too. She wasn't prude, she could be a big girl and have stolen moments that didn't cost anything. Well that wasn't completely true. There were plenty of reasons not to, but in the moment she wasn't really thinking and he was demanding.

Savon pulled her closer to him, tipping her head back. She was still for a moment but didn't fight him. So he took what he wanted and it was better than he thought. The taste of her mouth was like that of her blood, but not as strong, but still just as good. He wasn't the kind to woo a woman, or take time. His dark half wanted to do whatever, and the rest of him figured this was going to tell him her reaction. If she reacted badly, well then he knew to leave her alone.

She opened her mouth fully for him and he took that. A better reaction than he first thought. The darker part of him came rushing forward suddenly. His fingers dug into her hip and he took three steps forward, she hit the building there rather harshly and made a slight sound. His acolyte had no moral compass and had pushed forward with its wants.

Kayla couldn't breathe properly with the way that he was kissing her and pressed against her. He was definitely a person that took full control of the other. He knew what he wanted and he'd take it. She responded to that and felt a rush between her legs. She never really cared for the tentative type anyways. She liked a man that would do, that took control. It was a huge turn on for her.

His mouth moved from hers and to her neck, he bit but didn't break skin. She jerked slightly at the sensation. Why'd she responded to that so intensely? She wanted it and that scared her, the desire to be bitten into. She dug her nails into his shoulder and quickly moved away from him at a slight pause from him at her action.

She hadn't been sure that he would let her, he was stronger. Could have just kept her there but he didn't. He did look at her for a minute, his eyes brighter and desire was there. Kayla was sure that she looked the same way. She should really exercise more caution, because it was easy to see that she'd be swept away if she let him.

"Sorry, I just..." She didn't know what to say. He moved forward after a minute and came up next to her. He brought his hand up and gripped her chin, the pad of his thumb moved over her bottom lip.

"Just curious." He said and turned from her with a smile moving back the way that they came. She stood there for a second and made an aggravated sound, jerk. She could still feel his mouth against hers and that annoyed her a bit. Mainly because she didn't know if he was just playing with her.

The way that he'd held her, pressed against her sure as hell didn't feel like he was playing with her. No he wasn't, though she had just jumped away from him. Perhaps it was just a reaction to her pushing him away. Why was she so worked up over it? She mentally kicked herself, and moved up to where he was.

"Do you always do that to people?" She asked mimicking what he'd said before. Knowing full well that his comment had been about their conversation in the jeep. He glanced at her something moving behind his eyes but his smile was easy.

"Depends on who the person is. Didn't think that you would mind since you just touch others when you want."

"If I'd thought you would have been so bothered by it, I wouldn't have done it." She said moving on a short ways.

"Never said it bothered me." He walked behind her watching her. She seemed a bit frustrated at the moment. He found it humorous and his want of her increased.

"I guess not if that is how you respond." He looked at the back of her head. Her hair was darker in the light at the moment but he could still see the red in it.

'I want to touch, I want to take.'


'Let us, she would let us. We could make her.'

'No, it will be better when she wants to. It would not be the same if her hand was forced.' Savon mentally argued with his other half.

'Now, I want her now.' He was completely shocked at himself and how much that desire rode him, but he kept it at bay. The dark voice was loud and shouting in his mind for the things that it would never deny itself should it be the main conscience in this body. To it everything should belong to him.

However he almost wanted to give into it. Almost had back there, but seeing as she hadn't moved away from him at first...She'd responded and scents didn't lie, but some humans didn't always just go with what their body said. Case in point was walking in front of him.

"Perhaps I've wanted to do that before you touched me." He said leaning forward next to her as they walked. She looked back at him as he straightened back up. He had to shorten his strides to keep pace with her, though she was walking faster than normal.

"I don't know how to take you sometimes."

"Meaning?" He asked watching her.

"The things you say and the way you act. Straight forward and to the point, but not completely." He didn't say anything, just walked with her. He was still arguing with the voice in his mind. It was starting to grow quieter. Most likely it would wait till he wasn't paying attention and try to force itself to the front.

"See you can't even tell me if I'm right or wrong."

"It's more fun to watch you figure it out." He said.

"To kind."

"I figured that actions are just as good as words." She paused and turned facing back the way that they came and looking at him. Her gaze moving over him for a second, he stood there at ease watching her, a thumb hook in his left pocket. He just seemed to be waiting for her to decide something and she wasn't sure she wanted to decide just yet.

"Not sure that I'd like your actions." She commented.

"I'd have to disagree." He said, his voice was a bit different than earlier. A bit darker. "You'd enjoy my actions."

"That confident of yourself?" She said with a half smile.

"Maybe, also your reaction to me before says you would." She felt a bit awkward standing out here talking to him like this. Sometimes subtly was appreciated and he should learn it.

"Guess we won't know." Kayla said moving back the way that they came, he moved along side of her this time.

"Yet. I'm surprisingly patient." Not that in his mind he was, but outwardly he looked it. An odd mix to have, his human side didn't do anything until it knew for sure. His other half was impulsive and leapt first then asked questions. He didn't know how he didn't tear his own mind apart sometimes.

"You'll have to wait a while." She said, though she found that she wanted too. She just didn't know if she should. Besides she wasn't one to just jump when someone came along and was interested, she thought that he was on the other hand. Though she couldn't be sure. She'd never seen him act toward any other the way that he just had to her. Come to think of it, she never even saw him talk to others.

He was quiet again as they moved toward a different entrance, this one across the way from a grouping of trees that were there. She looked at him, briefly, he was studying her again. She opened the first door and moved down the stairs there.

He followed her into the stairwell. She was going down first and he surprised her by moving just a bit faster and swinging around in front of her blocking her way. He was just a bit shorter than her as he was down two steps rather than one.

"I think you have the wrong impression of me." His words confused her. She frowned at him slightly. He took a step up coming in her space, he was on the step just below hers and he was just slightly taller than her now. She met his gaze, she wasn't one to be pushed around or intimidated.

"How would you know what my impression of you is?" She asked, she was also very aware of how alone they were in this enclosed space. He gave a slight shrug, his gaze moving over her face for a second. He leaned forward slightly and she didn't move from where she was, just watched him.

"Would you be surprised if I said that I'd just take instead of earning?"

"No, I don't think I would." She said not sure what he meant by the question.

"Do I look like a person that is denied much?" Again his question she didn't get but answered honestly.

"No you don't." There was a bit of a humorless smile there. He moved just enough that his mouth brushed hers but he didn't kiss her. However she could taste him there like he had, and her stomach clenched at the thought of him doing it.

"You are a person that has worked for it all," He moved back from her. "your answers tell me that you view me as a person that hasn't had to work for things." She looked at him, she didn't really think he hadn't worked for anything. However now that he pointed it out and her answers she had to say that she thought he had an easier time of it.

He moved around her, he had one hand on the rail there and stopped next to her looking at her. His arm was across her midsection still on the rail. It appeared that he was going to go back up, and she was going to continue down. Though he was stopping her with his arm like that.

"We'll see if you are like the others."

"What if I am?" She asked in a sharp tone. She could be who she wanted to.

"Then I don't think I'd have long to wait." He moved back up the stairs. That annoyed her, she wasn't shallow. Taking a moment in time didn't have to mean anything, but you should also think.

"That sounds more like you have a rather high opinion of yourself and think less of others." she said looking up to where he was. His hand on the handle of the door.

"My statement to me was different than to you. You hear it like I have a rather severe ego. I say it meaning that I'm used to being disappointed. I am used for what I can give, and that is how it is always going to work. So I feel that if there is something I want I will have to take it because no one is going to hand it to me. However this time I hope you see that I passed it by." He opened the door and she wasn't sure what to think of what he was saying.

"Sometimes things are better when given freely to you. When they are earned." There was a bit of a smile on his face there, the low light out lining him.

"Some things are. I will see you later Kayla." He said and the door swung shut as he walked away. She turned and walked slowly down the stairs and opened the door but it didn't really register as she went into the hall there.

She felt like she'd just told him yes but not right now with what she'd said. She knew that what he said was true to a point. He was used by those here for things, but he didn't have to help them. She did think that he had it easier in certain things but not others.

Kayla was lost on what to think in regards to Savon, he was different and not something she should be really considering as an option for partners. But then again why not? The world had gone to hell and it wasn't like she had anyone to disappoint but herself. Maybe that was why she was so cautious with others most the time. After all in the end she had to live with her choices. Just like every other human before her she had grown tired of the short term maybes and wanted a bit more.

However sometimes you just got those few moments and had to take them. Kayla gave a sigh and pushed those heavy thoughts away. She was still young, and could enjoy herself if she wanted to, do what she wanted. She just didn't want to be attached to something that wouldn't want anything more than one moment in time.