Master or Friend

"Your actions with humans are very confusing to me." Savon picked up a large rock and tossed it hard. It embedded in a tree not to far away. He looked down at Kiore. The hell-hound was sitting on its hind quarters at the moment watching him.

"Meaning?" He asked it, he'd taken to coming out here and talking with Kiore a lot. It was nice to have someone that you didn't have to censor the things you said. That you didn't have to hide the other part of yourself.

"Why do you not just take from them, force from them what you want?" He asked. "All the others do."

"Sometimes it's better when earned." He said. Though his voice grumbled that it wanted to just take more often. They were words he'd heard from several people and believed himself.

"It makes no sense to me. You can have what you want yet do not take it." Savon looked at the hell-hound. He was sure in hell that no one practice consent or was kind. You did what you were told or you were forced to do it.

"I could, but then for certain things there are only so many times you can take before you break it. There is a gratification to be had that you can't get from just taking." Kiore's tail twitched moving the debris across the ground with it.

"You are an odd master, and I do not know how to take you. If you do not mind me saying so." He said looking a bit like he might be struck down. Savon wasn't interested in punishing the being for his opinion, though it seemed he was very used to it. He'd gained weight over the week plus of being here.

"No I don't care. It's your personal opinion." He said. "Did you find what city Astor is staying in?" He asked him.

"One to the north of here by six hours human travel. He seems rather angered as of late. At least it is what I hear the demons saying. He destroyed a city quite some distance from here out of anger, just let it come crumbling down."

"Always did have a temper." Savon said leaning against the tree there. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do with himself at the moment. He didn't want to be around the others and when he was, he constantly search the room for Kayla. Obsession didn't sit well with him, mainly becuase it was uncontrollable.

"It surprises me that you do not. The way that some of the humans talk to or about you. I would have killed them long ago."

"What does their opinion matter to me? They are not important to me personally."

"So why help them?"

"Because I am half human. I don't like the world the way that it is. I will just be used and killed for an end that I don't want. Humans have emotions and things that a demon could never understand and it rules you sometimes."

"Demons are horrid things that deserve to be torn apart and done away with. I know their treatment of others and it is the one thing that I share with humans. Though I do not care for them."

"I don't care for most of them, but it's easier to live with them than the others."

"Why do you talk to me so? Like what I have to say interests you, it confuses me."

"A lot of things confuse you." Savon said looking at the orange eyes studying him.

"Just you, I understand other things. You treat me very different than the other masters. I have yet to receive punishment or reprimand from you and you speak to me like an equal." Savon looked at him, why should he treat him as less? Like him, Kiore was alone in this world with no other to understand him.

"Do you want me to do those things?"


"Then stop bitching." He said, and it curled its lip a bit. It wasn't really a threatening move, more like what would be a smile. However those sliver teeth just made it look worse rather than kinder.

"I think that I won't mind you as a master." He said laying down fully. For the first few times that Savon had come out to talk with Kiore he'd never relaxed his pose around him.

Savon had learned that hell-hounds were rather dynamic creatures. They were social creatures as well and he didn't enjoy being the only one of his kind here at the moment. Well at least in this area, he said that he thought that perhaps two others had been brought forward.

Hell-hounds could only be brought up every blue moon, and that was a rare occasion when that happened. A blue moon was the second full moon in the same month. Which happened only rarely and the last one was around eight years ago, which was when he was brought up.

"Good I was worried." He said in a bland tone. It tipped its head looking at him.

"What are you going to do with your human infatuation?" He asked. He found Savon's response to Kayla and the things he did in regards to her odd and confusing. Just like everything else he did was to Kiore.

"Haven't really decided."

"I don't see the complication that you have created. She is the female, she responds there for you have a right to her." He smiled a bit at him. Actually felt like laughing. That was not how it worked really for humans.

"Humans do not work like hell-hounds. I think that if I just attacked her and did as I pleased it wouldn't work so well in the end."

"If you'd been hell-hound she would not have given you a problem. Not like any of the other males here for her choice are worth as much as you can give her. You have the better genetics than them, superior."

"You forget humans look at demons as less."

"You are not a demon, and that is ridiculous. I don't see how humans survived so long if their females can't discern which of their kind are the best choices." He said with a rush of air. Kiore clearly didn't understand how humans had mixed their social living into their choice for mate.

"You know for a hell-hound you have excellent diction." Kiore was always well spoken and had an almost aristocratic air to him. He also knew that in hell-hound years he had just hit his prime and they were long lived.

"Because I look like an animal I should speak as one?" He asked.

"Just saying." He said. Kiore lifted his head and pulled air into his lungs, his nostrils flaring a bit.

"Your human female is outside, close."

"I know." He said, he'd smelled her sweet scent a short bit ago. Alluring to him, and had his body reacting instantly.

"Are you hiding?"

"Are you making a joke?" He asked him, he made the equivalent of a shrug with his shoulder blades sticking up for a minute. When standing Kiore came to his waist, he was a huge animal but Savon didn't see him that way anymore.

"I think you are avoiding her." Savon met the orange eyes.

"Don't push me, I'll put you down if I have to." He said, and for a second there was a rigidness to Kiore's body and he had a kind of unsure look. "Relax, there are better things I could pick to put you down for than a statement." He said.

"I'm am unused to this kind of banter."

"I think you are picking it up just fine." He supplied turning from him and moving to leave him. He heard the swish of his tail again.

"Do you..."

"Ask me one more time what I want you to do, and I will snap your neck. When I want you to do something I will ask. I get annoyed with you constantly at me." Savon growled. Kiore always asked what he needed or wanted from him when he was leaving.

"It is ingrained in me, I am sorry. I'm unused to not receiving an order when my master leaves."

"Just relax, I gave you the order I want followed. Don't let the humans see you and do not fed from them. Also watch for the one named Anna. I don't trust her. "

"Understood." He said and Savon moved leaving the shelter of the trees and coming out a good distance from any entrance. The sky was over cast and grey, it smelled like rain was coming, it was cooler out as well. However that didn't bother him so much. He was wearing a white T with jeans.

He moved down the way following the scent that belonged to Kayla. He hadn't spoken with her in a couple days. After their conversation on the stairwell he hadn't really sought her out, and she'd stayed away from him for a bit. Though they had spoken briefly. Just normal talk really and that was it. He didn't really know how to handle getting what he wanted without being forceful.

'That is what we do, what I'm best at.'

'Shut up, you will get us nothing.'

'It's the only reason I let you take the lead.' His other half was just waiting for that yes. For him to manage to get to that point and it would want to be in control. He'd still have to keep it in check. Though he didn't know how easy that would be. He'd never run across anyone that had caught the attention so greatly to his other half. It wanted Kayla, not to mess with or play mind games with. It wanted to want. Probably just setting himself up for more problems than he already had.