
"Is that a problem?" He asked, Kayla just kept her gaze down and submissive pose, like a good little human.

"No, we have new ones all the time." She moved forward toward him and he recognized her from so long ago. This was Lust, she wore a dark blue dress that cut down between her breasts and below her navel. It nearly touched the ground. She moved her gaze over him and then looked at Kayla.

"What a pretty little human." Lust said.

"Is there something you want?" Savon asked, he didn't want to stay in her presence and have her figure out that he was manipulating his scent and image. Not that he thought she would, but she could. Then again who in their right mind would manipulate her?

"I saw you before, you broke Gabriel's arm. It was quick and fast, not many can best him." Well at least she hadn't noticed the manipulation. Gabriel must have been the one that grabbed Kayla before.

"Maybe he's not as good as he appears."

"He is, it would seem you are just better." Savon didn't like how she was looking at him. Lust held no interest for him. The way that she was studying him, it was clear it was him she was interested in. He didn't like the taste of demon, nor the feel of them. She liked to feed from them. One of a daemon's favorite food source, demon.

"How kind of you." Savon said, he was holding Kayla's arm at the moment. She stayed quiet and made no move to bring attention to herself.

"How much fun could you really have with a human?" Lust asked coming forward and looking at Kayla. "Though I must admit she is appealing, more vibrant than most humans are now a days. Tempting to try her myself."

"I don't share." He said bluntly.

"So possessive, bet you are a dominating lover. It's written all over you."

"Humans are better, they don't try to kill you when you are finished. Or at least aren't strong enough to do it." Savon said. His words told her that he was very aware of what she could do to him.

"You fit the male persona to a T." Lust said and moved from in front of Kayla to him. Savon was taller than Lust, even with her high heels on. Though she came close, he didn't back up even when she came into his space. Lust smiled at him because of this, and her scent said how interested she was. Clearly she liked that he didn't give on his space to her.

"You want too, you're just to worried about me being stronger than you." Lust stated tipping her head a bit.

'Hardly bitch, go fuck yourself.' Savon knew that she was just trying to needle him to make him do what she wanted.

"You caught me, looks like we have nothing further to discuss." Savon said, he moved to go through the door. Lust reached out and grabbed Kayla jerking her forward. Savon let go of her or risk having her arm pulled from the socket. Kayla just stayed silent, this was a very serious situation.

"I don't take rejection well." Lust said darkly and her eyes went a solid red color for a second but then she composed herself.

"Give the human back." Savon growled, his tone dark. Lust looked at Kayla and then back at him. She forced Kayla behind her.

"Be a good little human and stay there. I'll kill you the second that you move." Lust said and let go of Kayla who did as she was told. Lust moved forward to him.

"I'll give her back when I get what I want. I'm bored of all the same ones coming in. Knew you'd be difficult and I find that refreshing." Savon could careless, but he didn't really see an option here at the moment. Hadn't really thought about him being the target, this wasn't a situation either of them had thought about.

"I doubt I'm what you are looking for." Savon retorted.

"Never met one so dismissive when a female practically throws herself at him." Lust said, he didn't move as she came up to him. She grabbed the edge of his pants and pulled, he just took the step forward. She slid her hands up the inside of his shirt. It really did nothing for him. Except make him more edgy. His acolyte hated the fact she thought she could touch him without permission.

"You'll be fun, pleasing. I saw how you were with the human just a few minutes ago. I won't break like she will."

Lust looked at the demon in front of her, there was something very familiar about him. She could feel the power that was in him. Astor would love to get his hands on one like him. The number he could bring up with his power alone...

But she wanted to play first, and he seemed reluctant. He'd taste good, maybe she'd just keep him for herself and feed from him. It would be like no high she'd had in a long time, his body was firm, taught. He was one that worked at his form. He was active and she liked that. Most demons were lazy stupid fucks that she didn't get much pleasure from anymore. Just a way to feed.

The moment that she spotted him below she'd wanted him. He was quick and sure and would give her what she wanted. Lust wouldn't mind bringing the human with, he would need something to feed from once she started to take from him.

He was an odd one though, she leaned forward bringing her mouth to his. He didn't seem all that thrilled by it and that wasn't something she'd ever had happen before. She couldn't remember any male that she'd come onto having such a negative response. He didn't even really have the scent of arousal. Though he had around the human, it had been strong and intoxicating. Any being receiving his attention would be in for more than a good time.

Lust moved her hands down his body and dipped her left hand below his pants line. He felt very on edge, and she gripped him. Oh yes he'd be a prize in bed, she jerked back slightly when his nails bit into her arm and he bit hard at her lip drawing blood. It as painful and aggressive.

She stepped back and for one split second she swore that his eyes were a vibrant green, and they frightened her, but she was wrong. The light playing tricks. They were a solid black, she was still very close to him and he was looking at her.

"I thought you wouldn't break." He commented, and she had to blink like a fog had come over her mind. Maybe she didn't really want him, he seemed like one that was prone to violent actions. Normally that didn't scare her off, it was a turn on. She didn't mind rough, there was just something about him though. She half wanted to move back against him, half get away from him.

"Maybe next time." Lust found herself saying and grabbed the human woman practically tossing her at him. Let him break his human toy, he'd turn up later looking for fun and she'd make him work for it then.

This strange demon just took the human pulling her to him in a very possessive way, and pushed her through the door. It swung shut behind him and Lust stared at it. She should go and hunt him down, make him pay for brushing her off. However she wasn't in the mood for real violence just yet, but later. He would show, they always did. Then she'd make him bleed, make him beg for dismissing her.