Feeling the Effects

Kayla couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was not some brood mare to use for children. Fuck her, well she couldn't say those things, but she could think them. She didn't care how suitable she was or the one they would match her with. Well at least she was highly prized in this world, however no child of hers would grow up here.

It was slow moving through the room and as to not appear to eager, they just moved through the crowd at a normal pace. Copying the movements of others around them. It was hard to really tell time in here. They could have been in here for hours or less. It seemed like a rush of sound and sensation that didn't care how much time had passed.

They came to the stairs and went up, she was growing used to Savon's touch, she was glad for it. That and there was a part of her mind that wanted to feel his touch other than on her hips and waist. It felt like the longer that she was here, the more sensitive and needful she felt. She wondered if the very air was tainted with something.

This level was crowded as well, but far more sexual acts going on. She saw a woman that one demon forced her to kneel and please the man in front of her. Made her take the other into her mouth. Though it wasn't like she really fought or had a choice. If she was forced to do that she didn't think that she could, she hoped that didn't happen to her. She prayed that it didn't happen to her. That Savon wouldn't have to let her do something sexual with another.

They moved quickly around the terrace here, and the stairs to go up were at the end of the left side. Savon stopped her suddenly and moved forcing her back to the wall and brought his mouth down to hers. She just went with it and not sure his reasons, she figured that even if it was just because he wanted too, she would do it. Kayla wondered, because it was such a sudden swift change in direction.

Savon was pressed against her, but pulled his mouth from hers and looked to the right. She noted his gaze and a man was walking there that others moved out of the way for. Even human she could feel the way this demon like thing put her on edge. Clearly it had done something to Savon as well. He had light brown hair and red eyes. She saw the dark look on Savon's face. His eyes bright. She brought her mouth to his ear.

"Attacking here would not be smart." Kayla said, she just knew what he was thinking, and that his eyes were in such contrast. He looked at her, a bit of a smile. The man had moved passed them ignoring those on this level that were lost in their own pleasures.

"It's why I grabbed you." Savon said and moved taking her toward the stairs. Savon couldn't help it, it was how he felt, he was on edge now more than he had been before. That had been Vincent. Savon couldn't be sure that Vincent wouldn't know who he was when he saw him. So that was the main reason to grab Kayla and move. Not just the spike of aggression.

It had been long ago and he was no child now. The only time he'd seen him, he'd been attacked by the man at Astor's demand. It was something that Savon wouldn't forget. His acolyte reacted instantly, it wanted to show that man who was more powerful this time.

That and Savon felt the air that the man exuded, power and strength and that didn't sit well with him. Damn him for having such a strong acolyte half, its need to assert itself was getting on his nerves. At least he had Kayla here. Relieving the tension in him with sex would always be preferable anyways.

'Can't do that until we leave.'

'Fuck that, we could do whatever we want here.' His dark passenger said with a purr.

'No we can't, you would not be paying attention and we could be caught.' His other half grumbled at him.

Besides he needed her now more than wanted her. Kayla was providing him with a bit of calm and she could read his moods. He pushed the not so kind thoughts to the back of his mind and they went up to the next level. It was key to remember that they were just here to get intel on the place. They moved back, Savon taking hold of Kayla, and let those pass that had moved to go down.

There was a strong smell of blood up here. Savon had to pause a moment and let the feelings pass over him. He felt his teeth sharpen, not so good. This place was really testing his self-control, this level didn't have so many on it. However the pheromones and such being pumped into the place were also for demons. Not just humans.

Just a few words, a few actions and he'd make it known what he was. Savon watched a female demon drain the man that she had. A look of euphoria on her face as the human slummed down to the floor barely alive.

Savon's desire to do that or worse rose at the sight. He had his eyes closed then and he felt Kayla move so that her front was against his. How soft she felt, he brought his arms around her lowering his head next to hers. He counted in his head, he truly had not thought he'd be so effected. Savon though his human half would protect him from it more.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asked in barely a whisper, he was so very aroused by her. His mind in a kind of chaos for a moment. Savon hoped she was paying attention to everything more than he was at the moment. Obviously they needed information and more of the lay out. His mind felt a bit chaotic at the moment.

"No." Savon said against her throat. He felt her shiver slightly when he closed his mouth over the side of her neck. His grip on her tightened and his grip was strong.

"You smell so good." He nearly moaned it.

Kayla hadn't really thought this would be a problem, she was wrong. It wasn't one sided either, she liked the feel of him against her. Always did, but this wasn't the place for such a thing, well not for them at the moment. She was a bit worried that his acolyte half was getting the upper hand and the voice he'd told her about was winning.

"Later?" Kayla said hoping that that would make him pause. He made an odd sound and then stepped back from her. He didn't say anything just moved taking her with. They came to where a door was. There were multiple doors up here. From what they knew, all the doors here led into a hallway with rooms, much like a hotel. It was past that that they needed to know the lay out.

Savon could feel demons all over the building, it wasn't just this third floor. He reached the door and stopped when someone spoke. Neither of them realizing that they had been being watched.

"You are new here." Savon turned his head and looked at the woman that was standing there. She was slender and had a perfect figure. Her hair was a darker blonde and held back against her head, her eyes were a darker blue. It seemed that they couldn't go long without having a confrontation.