A Sinful Place

Kayla had never seen such a place and this was definitely an experience she would never want to have without a way to escape. The room before them was huge. It was mainly dark with different colored lights, and music was playing. It was a loud pounding beat that you could feel move through you.

The room went up two levels, with balcony areas that moved around the entire first floor. In front of each of the pillars in the room where raised areas. Some with poles and others with just a flat base. On each of these there was a human, and none of them were dressed. They moved with the music or slowly for all to see. Like they were living artworks on display.

The area in the center of the room was a mass of people. In here she could have her gaze raised slightly as no one was really paying close attention. To engrossed in the things that they were doing. How they were moving with the music and the ones they were with. The smell of the place was a thousand different things, it made her head spin and infected her slightly.

She could smell something like incense but there was a definite smell of sex and blood. Which wasn't surprising as there were couples, or more having sex here and there. It was a place that definitely had no scruples and anything went. It was really a feeding den for demons of all sorts, for them to come together and play out their sick twisted fantasies and more.

They moved to the left. Kayla saw an area right there that demons where paying one man with what looked like money and something else. There were at least twelve humans behind him standing in a line and she could see the bruising on them and how tired several of them looked. These ones were used to feed from, and she had a feeling that every blood type was there.

It was warm in here, and had a kind of haze over the place. It was loud, and the lights were what she guessed a human club would have looked like. However the things that were going on were definitely not what a human gathering would be.

When they came under the left side balcony area there were a group that was watching all the rest intently. Clearly waiting for something. One of the group was arguing with a woman over the female human that she had. The male demon reached out and grabbed the human female and shoved her at one that was next to him.

He took the human, and held onto her. The female demon it seemed didn't have much chance of getting the human back. She argued but it was pointless and Kayla didn't really care what their problem was. She just hated to see the disregard for life.

Kayla was still keeping her gaze low and she noted that one of the demons there was watching her. She didn't like his look either. Savon turned her around and pulled her so that her front was against his, he leaned his head down.

"Arms." He said to her and she wrapped them around his neck and shoulders. He moved them back into the main area. She followed his lead and moved as he did. His left hand moved around her side to her back holding her tight against him.

Savon wasn't really looking at her though. He was strongly affected by this place on so many levels. He didn't know which desire he should act on, to Kayla it would all look like chaos and degradation, which it was. However he was clearly going to have his hands full keeping his hold on her. He physically should not let go of her he realized fast.

Those here traded their humans freely, used them as they wanted or had them do to others. The group under the balcony had made his aggression spike instantly. They were a group that took from the others here when they found something that they wanted. Like a pack of starving wolves.

One of them had instantly locked on to Kayla. If he thought he'd manage to get her, he was wrong. Savon wouldn't mind the fight, not that any here would do anything about it. He'd seen several fights across the room, the smell of blood growing stronger with it.

He studied the lay out of the room, but it was hard to concentrate and the smell of pheromones and what not hit him like a freight train. Savon was holding her close against him for several reasons. One it was harder to grab her from him, and two it would stop him from doing more.

As he watched, one of the humans that was dancing on the raised platform was pulled down by a demon that clearly worked here. She was handed off to a different demon, who must have bought her. A different human was put in her place.

All the ones that were up on platforms belonged to Vincent and Lust. The marking on their bodies said so, it was the same as the ones that were on the outside of the building. No one touched those humans because it was completely stupid. You'd be dead before you pulled the human to the floor, that merchandise was off limits unless purchased.

"I want your human." Came a deep voice close to them.

Fuck, he'd hoped that the man wouldn't follow them across the room. Savon moved meeting the others gaze, there was a second one behind him. Kayla moved keeping an arm around Savon. They weren't to lose contact with each other once inside. Lost physical contact gave you a greater chance of something happening to one or the other.

"You offering to buy her?" He said knowing full well that they would just take. The demon gave a smile, and he was a strong one. Just not as strong as Savon, but the demon didn't know that, not yet. He thought that with the other demon they would be able to take from Savon.

Savon just stared at them. Kayla's right arm was low on his hips and she was behind him but more to the right pressed to him. It would help if he wasn't so aware of her, it was distracting with how strongly he reacted to her. He'd been wrong outside, he wasn't really okay. This place was designed to bring out the strongest emotions and desires in demons. He wasn't immune to it. His acolyte was looking at everything analyzing.

'They try and touch her, kill them. She belongs to us.' His voice was dark and deadly at the moment. It really did view Kayla as his. That part of him didn't see things as anything but a belonging. Here in this place that part of him was stronger and in more control.

"It would be better if you just hand her over. We'll even give her back when we are done if there's something left." The demon looked down at Kayla. She kept her gaze off to the left, pressed against Savon.

"She's my property, touch her you won't be leaving." Savon said, his eyes grew brighter but they wouldn't see that. They only saw solid black, he wasn't going to play with to many minds at a time. If he tried to control to many of the minds here, he'd get noticed. He was sure that either Lust or Vincent were keeping mind tabs, on most to all those here. Savon's level of control and power would probably alert them right away, so he had to keep it subtle.

The demon made a rude sound, and a kind of growl that made Savon sit up and take notice. If he was going to challenge someone, he should know who it was first. The demon reached forward and went to grab Kayla. Savon grabbed his arm and twisted, before slamming his elbow up.

In one go he heard the bones snap in the man's arm. He made a sound of pain and Savon let go of him and pulled out one of the small blades tucked near his waist and brought it up and under the other demons chin as he'd moved forward.

"I suggest you leave. I'll take your head and eat your heart." Savon said, the other was holding his now useless arm. He took the will to fight him from their minds, and erased the desire for Kayla from it. They looked at him, ignoring Kayla and turned moving back from where they came. He hoped that just doing it to these two, he wouldn't be noticed. He glanced about, the surge was lost among the crowd lucky. Or so he hoped.

Kayla was so glad that she had Savon with her. He had seriously fast reflexes and those other two hadn't stood a chance. He pulled her from behind him and back against him. She could feel the possessiveness of it and found that she didn't mind. She'd do whatever he asked so long as she stayed out of reach of others.

She used the encounter to look around the room and saw the area that lead up to the next level. It was across the room near the back. She moved against him in time to the music that was playing. His one arm was across her back and held her opposite hip.

Kayla leaned up her arms around his neck, she kept her body in full contact with his. Moving like the others around them. His grip on her grew a bit tighter, she'd seen the color of his eyes and they were bright. He reached down grabbing the back of her right thigh and lifted her leg so that it was pressed to his side. The way that he held and touch her was sure and strong. Possessive like she really was his property, she didn't know why it didn't bother her. To anyone else it sure as hell wouldn't look like they were talking, but clearly about to do something else.

"Stairs to the back of the room." Kayla said against his ear no more than a whisper if that. She didn't want to be heard saying anything. She just kept her body relaxed against his, and moved her head down to bring her mouth across his neck.

She happened to glance behind them, and was quick to look away at the female demon that was watching them. Kayla slipped back down his body her skirt slipping up dangerously high and his hands came to her sides sliding up them as she came down. She liked the feel of it, and she'd be lying if she said that this place didn't affect her as well. It clearly affected him.

It seemed that the longer you stayed in here the more primal your thoughts became. The demon that Kayla had noted came around them and into view. She looked at Savon clear interest and with her she had a human man. He was just taller than Kayla and near her age, with brown hair and blue eyes.

He was a good looking man, but none of the humans in here looked bad, but he was exceptional. He wore what perhaps a loin cloth or something. She had no idea, but he was muscled and toned. The female demon clearly was a stronger one. To have a human that looked like him and be left alone said a lot.

"You have a beautiful female." She said looking at her, Savon glanced at her.

"Yes she is." The woman stepped forward looking at Kayla.

"Salene." She said, but reached forward and raised Kayla's head looking at her. Then down her body. She reached forward and pushed the material of her shirt aside looking at her some more and then looked at Savon.

"They don't stay young, such a pity and to keep them for extended periods with blood... They are never the same as the first few years." Salene shook her head like it was a waste. "Your human, how used is she?"

"Barely." He said. "It's preferable."

"That it is." She agreed. Savon could see what this one was getting at. He knew the marking from different cities. This woman was from Helios.

"How much to use her as a breeder, after of course you were done. It is preferable though to get them before. I've been looking for a good match for this one." She said hitting the human's chest with the back of her hand.

"I've already received an offer." He said.

"I'll give you twice what they offered. She is worth it, nice body and skin. You had to pay greatly to get her. I wouldn't have accepted anything short of five pints and a large sum of cash." Demons were rather serious when I came to trading blood from their living sources.

"She cost nine."

"I see you know the worth of a human. She must have been an unused to get that." She thought a moment. "Very well, I'll give you fifteen to let me use her and one of the humans that is useless for breeding, unable to have children but good to look at, to use."

Savon hadn't seen this complication, and if it had been another human with him, he would have just let them go with. It wasn't like she was buying Kayla from him, just taking her for a few hours to try and get her pregnant. An arrangement like this would go over months until they were sure the human carried.

This would only be one night, and he didn't want Kayla touch by others be they human or otherwise. He looked at the human, he would be a prize in this world and seeing that he still looked healthy and taken care of said a lot.

"After tonight, I have plans for her currently." he asked, because they would be gone after tonight so it wouldn't matter. Let her think she was getting a deal.

"Yes, that is fine. Of course should you get bored with her you have just to find me. I own two of the rooms on the fourth floor." She told him which two. Savon just gave a nod and pulled Kayla with him, moving toward the stairs. This was becoming a very complicated game of chess.