Nest of Vipers

Savon looked around them, as they walked the streets. He kept his gaze up and level but aware of Kayla just in case she did something she shouldn't. Like with the woman a little while ago, but she'd moved with him and let him pull her along. Which was good and the right thing to do. He noted that she drew the gaze of several demons as they walked.

However none of them approached or attempted to touch her. He was keeping his scent as that of a master demon. There were plenty of levels, but he figured that his best bet would be to act like the one of the strongest demons. Most wouldn't mess with him. Seeing as she clearly belonged to him they wouldn't try anything.

It was growing darker and he figured that they should head back. He moved her in the direction that he wanted to go. They turned around and there was a man walking toward them. He walked with the air of one that got what he wanted. Savon scented him instantly. This one was strong, but he didn't bother Savon. Though where Savon was keeping his scent this one would see him either as equal or lesser.

His gaze moved to Kayla looking at her, he slowed slightly and Savon met his gaze. Humans were a precious commodity even though they traded and killed them like they were nothing. In this world humans were judged by several things. Looks, spirit, and blood type. Certain demons preferred certain blood types.

"Where did you get this human?" The demon asked stopping them. Kayla kept her gaze down her posture mostly relaxed which was good. A bit of tenseness was nothing to make note of, it would make them think she was worried about being struck.

"Bought her in Helios." Savon said, which was an easy enough lie. The demon seemed very interested in Kayla and Savon found he didn't like it. Next to the demon was a different woman and he noted that she had similar looks to Kayla. However she looked warn and hollow. Kayla didn't look like that and it was why she drew the eye.

This other demon reached forward and grabbed Kayla by the hair. This was definitely a delicate moment and it was all on Kayla to not react to it. Tonight things like this would happen, and now they would know if she could do it. She had to handle things like this because worse would come tonight. She had the normal reaction to stiffen, but then averted her gaze from the demon and just stood there. Good.

"She is still lively. Helios always has good human stock." Helios was a huge city that had the main purpose to house humans. Pretty much to breed them for what demons wanted.

"It is why I paid a large price for her." Savon said, he had enough of the man holding on to her. Savon reached over taking a hold of the back of her neck and pulling her back toward him. She moved as he demanded and the other let go of her.

"How much." Savon looked at him.

"More than you can afford. She is not for sale, I bought her because I wanted a human that still had life to it. Yours does not seem close to this ones value. Therefore we have nothing to talk about." The demon's gaze shifted to solid black. He didn't think that he would let it go that easily.

"I could just take her." He said, meaning that he would kill to take her. Savon just watched him.

"Try it." He responded. Kayla was against his side and he could hear her heart beating faster than it should. He gave a 'push' at the demons mind to leave it alone. He didn't need a confrontation with this one. Savon turned from him and moved down the walk way, the demon just watched him go. They got back to the car with no other confrontation, and Kayla looked at him.

"I think that my nerves will be shot by the end of the night." She'd been worried when the one had threatened to just take her. It had been hard to just let him yank back on her hair to study her. However without a weapon and nowhere to go, she didn't have a choice.

"You did better than most would have." Savon said leaning against the car and looking at the large truck next to them. It was a black color and still in good shape, however it looked forgotten here in this lot.

"Thanks." she said wringing her hands together. The light was fading fast and she moved around the other side of the car and opened the door. She pulled out the duffel bag to change her pants and put on the skirt. It was cool out, but where they were going jeans weren't something that she could wear.

She still had on her black coat as she came around the car. The coat was nearly as long as the skirt was on her and it almost looked like she wasn't wearing anything underneath it.

"You still have clothes on?" He asked with a smile her noting the coat.

"Ha, ha, funny." She said leaning against the car alongside him and his gaze moved over her. Kayla moved to sit on the hood more than lean against it.

"Actually I find it appealing, you should just go in the coat."

"I'm not going in there naked." She grumbled to him. "That is past my endurance." He had a half smile on his face.

"But sexy, you're right though. I'd get annoyed with the attention you'd receive. Make it harder than needs to be." She had a bit of a grin on her face and felt a bit of a blush for no reason.

"You bring me back out alive and whole and we'll see about just wearing this black coat." This earned her a real smile and his gaze moved over her. Clearly he really liked that offer.

"Easy." Savon said moving so that he was in front of her and put a hand on either side of her on the car. She felt her heart rate pick up again and she found it hard to swallow.

"When we are in there. It's not going to be like anything that either of us are used to." He figured he needed to remind himself and warn her.

"I know." Kayla said. "Should I be worried about you?" She asked, she hoped that his darker part could stay in check.

"Not really, I can handle it." Though being around her, having to touch her and what not was going to slowly drive him insane. He knew it was going to be his greatest problem. He didn't think that being in there would be to hard, but he could be wrong though.

"Okay." she supplied. He moved forward against the front of her legs. He forced them apart and moved his hands so that they were on her hips. She shifted slightly, feeling uncomfortable with what he'd just done. However part of her reacted instantly in a very feminine way. Now was not the time for something like that.

"Uncomfortable?" Savon asked her, and she looked at him meeting his gaze. She wanted to lie but he'd know either way. Chances were he was making some kind of point.

"A bit." She answered. He pushed aside the coat looking down her body. She wasn't wearing much. Kayla wanted to pull the coat closed but didn't. Mainly because she found that she liked him looking at her. She couldn't lie to herself, about that. However out here right now she didn't know how to react. It was the place they were that kept her in check.

His eyes came back to hers and he slipped his hands inside the coat to her sides and then back down to rest at the edge of her skirt that was low on her hips. He didn't say anything to her just moved his hands to her thighs and then up. His fingers moving over the inner part of her thigh slowly.

Kayla reached to stop him as his hands reached the edge of her skirt. He gripped her hands and pulled them together. Holding them in one hand and pulling her from the car. He turned her so that her back hit the truck and came against her. His hands gripping her hips again rather harshly and holding her against him.

"From this point forward I get to touch you how I want and you have no say." He'd done that waiting for her to stop him. Once inside she couldn't make a move to stop him depending on what he had to do, or he'd have to punish her.

"You aren't allowed to stop me, or protest." Kayla gave a bit of a swallow and bit her lip. His mouth was against her ear. While what he was saying was a warning for her, to remind her of the rules here, she heard the underlying tone there.

Savon could do as he pleased and she really would have no say here. There wasn't anyone that would help her. She did trust him however to not do anything she didn't want, the problem was the feel of him right now, and his words brought a sharp need to her. She responded to him sexually, liked how he'd take what he wanted from her.

Kayla thought that perhaps something was wrong with her that she could enjoy that, that she liked that he was and could be forceful and take from her. She just stood there however not doing anything. His mouth grazed her cheek and he stepped back, though it looked more like a forced step than anything else.

"Leave the coat, we're going." Savon said and she moved quickly around him and tossed the coat in the car. He watched her move, drinking in the sight of her.

How he'd wanted to continue touching her. To have her right then and there, but he couldn't. Savon liked her response to him, her scent changed instantly the moment he pressed against her. She had the strong scent of desire and need.

Which was good, they would need that once inside. Neither of them had to fake that scent, and it would make things easier in that regard. It would seriously test his will power however. Savon wasn't completely sure of what to expect once they went in.

"Okay." Kayla said and he looked her over, he hoped it was dark and hard to see. Then again his eyes didn't have a problem with low light. He leaned back from her slightly.

'She should dress this way more often.'

'Not helping.'

"They only have a map of the lower area and part of the third floor where the rooms are." Kayla said trying not to cross her arms to cover herself, or make fidgeting movements. His gaze made her uncomfortable with how intense it was. Kind of made her feel like she was standing there without anything on.

"The first three floors are just one large area with two terraces that circle three fourths the room. The third floor connects to a different area as well." Savon said and moved forward. Kayla moved with him. She was glad that the shoes she wore were simple and flats. Made it easier to move.

This was probably one of the longest most nerve racking walks that she'd ever taken. When they reached the entrance to the parking lot, he pulled her so that she was in front of him. Then they walked toward the building. She kept her gaze at the cement, and it wasn't hard to play this part now with how scared she was.

Kayla really was, she was going into a nest of vipers without any kind of weapon. Her anxiety grew and she'd never thought herself a person that was easily rattled this way. She felt him touch her side. It was just a simple touch, but it was calming and she found that she could breathe again. She had him there, she was trusting him with her life at the moment, and that wasn't an easy thing.

The parking area next to the building was full, and there were a lot more people standing out on the street now. She could hear a low beat of some kind. His touch became a bit stronger and she was close to them as they moved.

Your ticket to getting in was to bring a human with you, however the human had to pass judgment once at the door before they let them in. There was a few standing at the door and she looked from the corner of her eye at what they were doing.

There was a woman that more or less shoved a male human at a huge man. This man had to stand near six four and weigh near three hundred pounds. It was pure muscle, and he was most definitely a demon. He grabbed the human forcing him to stand straight and looked at him turning his head and then turned him around.

The human just let it happen, didn't fight or try to even prevent anything from being done to him. He wore only a dark pair of pants. The large demon pushed him toward a normal looking man, his eyes were solid black. The human stood there and the man made a motion. The woman took her human by the upper arm and moved in the doors with a smile on her face.

Oh shit, this was going to suck. There were two others that this happened to, but one wasn't allowed in. Kayla thought she was going to be sick when the demon that owned the human just killed him right there.

She'd never seen such a brutal move, and from the shadows came the things she was used to seeing and they took the body. At least it wasn't wasted, she wondered how many shadow demons and soldier demons there were hiding in the shadows of the city. They were low on the list, not very smart or powerful in the demon world.

Her heart was nearly beating out of her chest when they stepped up. She knew that Savon couldn't be anything but what the demons around him where. So she tried not to feel upset with how he swung her forward and placed her in front of the large demon.

He took hold of her chin and forced her head up. She averted her eyes to the wall behind him and he looked her over, turning her and then forced her forward. She stumbled slightly and was in front of the normal looking one.

He made a motion and Savon took hold of her by the waist and walked her forward and into the doors. It was solid darkness right away, but there was a blue light that came to them after a moment. It was loud as they came out into the large gathering area. She was just glad that she had whatever it was the two demons outside looked for. Now the real test and task began.