I Want All of You

Savon didn't know what to think suddenly, she'd just kissed him. It wasn't anything more than a simple light kiss, but with it she was saying plenty. He'd been unsure, and the voice was dead silent in his head at that moment. He'd kissed her back because he wanted what she offered and he wanted it more than he'd ever realized. There was a sharpness to his chest that he'd never felt before and that made him stop, it made him weary.

He wanted to shut down right then, to cut off the feelings that came in because they were uncomfortable for him. Savon didn't know how to deal with the sudden excitement and fear. A joy and sadness that he didn't want to feel but craved.

Kayla saw the way that he suddenly shut down. He didn't trust the things that he'd suddenly felt. She felt a giddy joy that she'd caused them. That she had made him feel something else, something more. She didn't want him to shut that out because if he did he'd shut her out completely. He'd treat her like the rest.

"Don't." Kayla said softly not demanding. He'd turned his head slightly from hers but her face was still close to his.

"Don't what?" He asked in a sharp voice, daring her to tell him what to do.

"Why do you feel you need to shut down like that?" Savon wasn't sure he liked how she seemed to be able to analyze him. To pick up on his changes in mood and thoughts so easily. She was able to do it rather well, they'd known each other for a short while now. But they hadn't really done to much deep talking, and he wasn't one for it normally.

"I don't... you wouldn't understand." Savon said in the same sharp tongue. Kayla felt a spike of anger but beat it back. He was used to such reactions, to others yelling at him or telling him off. That would get her no where. She wanted more from him she found, and that was a difficult task she'd set herself to she realized.

Savon was not normal like others were. There was a darker part to him and it was a part that most would find hard to accept. Kayla could though, she knew that she could because it didn't define him. It was part of him, just a lone part. He would purposely push her away. She felt that she could read people rather well and he needed someone that could pick up on the changes in him. Know what they meant.

"Try me, I want to understand." His eyes snapped to hers and they were brighter.

"Why? What could you possibly care? I'm not normal like others in this world. In the world we are going back too. Right now for you it would feel simple and normal, not later. I'm not stupid and I don't like feeling things that I can't control."

"No one can control all the things that they feel." Kayla said her tone a bit stronger than she intended but it wasn't condescending or rudely said.

"I don't want to let things in that will fuck with my head. You couldn't understand or really accept the other part of me. I don't show it all that much, what others think they see is barely the surface. I know the moment I let other things control me, I'd lose control over the part that isn't human." His eyes were still bright and the hand that was closest to her gripped her hair. Not painfully, just held her there.

"I can't afford to give my human side a chance to be torn down. It would lose and horrible things would happen." At first he wasn't sure why he shared that with her, but he knew deep down that she was a person he just might be able to allow in when he didn't want to.

"You're assuming that I can't handle it. That I wouldn't accept it." Why couldn't he give her the chance? She was taking a chance, didn't he see that?

"You couldn't, not the part that I keep hidden." He meant that too, she couldn't it was completely opposite human nature and it would take without care of anything else. It would always do what it thought best. If she only knew the things it said. What it whispered to him. What it would do to her if he let it.

"Yes I can." She said confidently and he felt his jaw clench. She didn't get it, and she wouldn't until it was to late. If he let her in and then she rejected him he wouldn't take kindly to it. He wouldn't be able to move past it like a normal person. The part that was acolyte would need to destroy what had wronged him. He didn't want to destroy her.

"You won't know unless I get the chance. Show me."

"No." He said it with such finality and she should just give up on it. However she was far more stubborn than she appeared. Kayla could push for what she wanted just as much as he could. She just knew she could give him what he wanted. In fact she wanted to be the one that did. She felt it, and unlike others she didn't have the fear that he would leave one day and not come back. Everything he said, told her that he didn't let things go. Once inside, he couldn't let go.

Kayla moved then, she surprised him with her quick movements and that was why she knew she'd manage it. She'd make him show her. Make him bring that part close to the surface. She didn't think that he would ever truly lose control, because he would always be part human. He'd said that actions were sometimes stronger than words. She was going to see how hypocritical he was. She'd show him, he wouldn't really lose control.

She grabbed his right shoulder and gripped his left arm, moving so that she was over him. It clearly surprised him her quick fluid movement. There wasn't a lot of room, but she managed it rather swiftly. She had her right knee pressed to the edge of the seat on his left side, wedged between his leg and the door. The other she had more on the center console and it dug into the flesh there a bit but she ignored it.

"Show me." Kayla said leaning over him, her hair falling mostly forward. She knew that her aggressive and more dominating demeanor would push him close to that edge. Everything he'd said or she'd been told her what would push him. Someone restraining him or pushing at him would do it. She was over him, practically caging him against the seat. He said that he didn't handle challenges well. She met his gaze steadily not worried with the brightness of them. His right hand gripped her hair painfully but she let him, didn't complain or try to stop him. He pulled bringing her face very close to his.

"You should really learn to listen." Savon's tone was rather deep. She'd moved her hands to his shirt, was quick to undo the buttons.

"Make me." She said in a rather haughty tone. There was a dark sound that came from him. He forced her mouth to his and it was a harsh kiss.

Her teeth scrapping against his, his tongue thrusting into her mouth and oh how she'd love his body to do the same. To brand her body with his, however he wanted. He bit her lower lip drawing blood, he sucked lightly at her lip and then slid his tongue over it.

God she turned him on, he was instantly hard for her. He was barely holding back the part that demanded he take. To leave marks on her body that said she was his, to take her how he pleased no matter what she said or how she fought him. However there wasn't much option in the car. She was on top of him, not that he couldn't force her to do as he wanted.

Kayla knew that he was still keeping some of that control, she wanted to break it. Wanted him to see that he didn't have to keep such a tight hold on himself with her. She pushed his shirt aside and dropped her mouth to his left shoulder over the marking there.

She moved her hands over his sides, using her right hand to trace the pattern she could feel in his skin. Used her tongue to do the same thing. She moved her left hand between them undoing the fastening of his pants. He slid his hands over her, around her. His finger tips digging into the skin of her back and she felt his nails as well.

Savon took hold of her skirt and ripped the material, he tossed it to the passenger side. Kayla moved her mouth up to his neck sucking. She moaned slightly at the feel of his hands digging into the back of her thighs. It was more on the painful side but she didn't mind. She'd said she wanted it and she meant it.