Truth and Tease

"I don't want you going. I don't like the thought of others around you. Or getting a hold of you. I can't handle the things you make me feel. My attention would be divided with you there. That's why, not because you aren't capable." These things that he was starting to feel were new and troublesome to him. He didn't want to figure them out in the middle of a fight.

"It doesn't have to be. I know when to fight and when to run."

"Doesn't mean that you always get that chance or choice." How could he explain to her that he knew if she died his two halves would switch. He knew it, the part that was human had let her in. He cared now.

Wanted her for so many reasons. Because of that so had his acolyte. It was a one way street he'd started down. There was no turning around.

His human part would be hurt, crushed really if something happened. The acolyte part would only know how to react in one way to such things. To destroy, to kill anything and everything that got in its way be it friend of foe.

Look what Astor had done to a city simply because he'd lost a fight. What would happen to him if he lost something important? She was the first thing that he considered really important to him. The more days that past the worse it would get.

"It might happen it's part of the risk. Just like you could be caught off guard or out numbered and lose your battle." She knew that he was just as stubborn as her if not more so. Plus part of him didn't see the grey areas. Just black and white, and that was the hardest thing to contend with.

"No one's going to care much if I don't come back." She felt a bit of different anger at his words.

"I would care. So would Drake." He looked at her.

"When I say that, I exclude the two of you. Outliers of the group."

"So what we think doesn't count for much? Oh you're so irritating!" Kayla snapped pulling her arms to try and get them away from him. Instead she only got a step back and he still had hold of her. She narrowed her eyes at his bit of a smile. What the hell was he smiling at.

"Can't help that I am difficult."

"Apparently, and I'm still angered." Kayla said.

"I can fix that."

"Don't count on it." Kayla countered. He moved to step forward and she made a quick step back, keeping the bit of distance that she had.

"Let go."

"Who's being difficult?"

"I have legitimate reasons. Now please release me." Kayla said. She was finding it hard to really keep hold of most her anger with how he was looking at her. No, instead her treacherous body was starting to make its own decision.

"If I let you run off now, you will just go and stew in anger at me." Savon pulled her forward taking a step so she was right against him again. His hands moved so that they held the back of her upper arms. She couldn't really pull away from him now with her arms pinned between them. How she wished he was the weaker.

"Maybe." She commented just staring at him her expression neutral.

"You had three days for that." Savon countered. He wanted her now. His mind had held plenty of thoughts about her the entire time he was gone. He found that as much as he didn't want her there, he liked being without her less.

"I didn't physically have you here to be pissed at so it doesn't count." He smiled feeling a bit of a laugh.

"Do you not take what I say seriously?" She snapped.

"Of course I do. I just find some of the things you say humorous."

"I find what you say to be irritating."

"That almost hurts." He said with a bit of a smirk, her gaze narrowed. Kayla opened her mouth to speak, but let out a cry of surprise when he picked her up. The world spun for a second and she hit his back with her fist as she now faced it and the ground.

"Savon, put me down!" Kayla shouted at him. He moved forward and she grabbed his sides. His one arm wrapped around her legs.

"In a minute."

"No now!" She cried out. Kayla tried to look around him as she heard a door open. Her sight was blocked by her hair and most his body, but it grew darker a second later as they entered the abandoned house.

"What are you doing?" She asked as they came into the kitchen area. The house was really more like an empty shell. Most of the useful things stripped from it. Though there was still a table here and a few other furniture items throughout the house.

"Dragging you off."

"How primitive. No means no."

"You never actually said no, just complained." He said moving through the kitchen.

"That's supposed to make me less angry at you?" She snapped and grabbed the edge of the doorway but lost her grip. She made a frustrated sound.

Kayla squirmed then and his grip on her grew tighter. She bit her hands into his sides. She drew a bit of blood from him, but he moved down the hall anyways.

"That all?" He asked her and she really made a peeved sound then. She reached grabbing his right leg as that was the side she was on.

Kayla pulled and used that leverage to slide her body off his shoulder. She honestly thought about kicking at his head as she did this.

Kayla held onto him so she didn't hit the floor head first. She jerked her legs from him. Where she was she was behind him, she sprung up fast with a triumphant sound. He turned, but she shot down the hallway toward the kitchen.

She wasn't going to make it easy for him. Kayla knew that Savon was right behind her and if she moved to get the door that was now shut he'd grab her again. She didn't think she'd manage a second escape if he got a hold of her. Kayla darted around the kitchen table putting it between them.

"Back off you." Kayla said to him. He was just watching her a bit of an amused look on his face. She wasn't as angry as before she found, but she'd make him work first. She was still miffed about being left behind. She wished she could hold her anger better.

"Running away?" Savon asked her.

"If you want to look at it that way, yes. I don't give handouts."

"Good to know. I was starting to wonder." Kayla flipped him off and he gave a laugh. Savon moved fast to come around the table. She countered his movements and was on the other side this time. Out in the open he would out match her in speed. In here it was harder with the narrow space.

"You're far to controlling. I don't think that this will work." She said with a thoughtful expression, more contemplative.

"You realize that if a person has a control problem. Taking control from them is really stupid." He went to move, but shoved the table as he did so. It half hit the wall, so she ran around the counter. Here she had access to the living room and hallway. In the living room was a couch and an arm chair along with a TV and stairs. Not that she thought the second level would really help her. She guessed that she could get out on the roof. Not like it was that far of a jump down. However that was easier said than done.

"I'm just trying to help your O.C.D problem."

"I'm not concerned with it. I don't have an O.C.D problem" He said and she had to move back into the living room area when he reached for her over the counter. Kayla just barely managed to miss having him snag her shirt.

"See, I bet it's more than annoying that you haven't managed to grab me yet." She said moving around the sofa. Savon's eyes were a lighter green at the moment. His gaze tracked her across the room, clearly marking her as prey. There was a bit of a smirk on his face, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Yet being the keyword." Savon watched her. Kayla was making sure to watch for any nuance in his demeanor to tell her when he would move. She was keeping things between them making it harder for him to grab her. Easier for her to stay out of reach.

'Cheater.' The dark voice said. It watched her with intensity, it wanted to get a hold of her. It was annoyed but finding her evasion enjoyable. 'Always better when you've worked to get something.' It said, and how satisfied it would be to get a hold of her.

Her eyes were a bit more blue now than grey and he could tell that she was playing with him. Her game annoyed him slightly but not so much as made him desire her. Kayla wasn't just going to give to him being single minded. While that might be nice now, in the long run it wasn't really what he wanted. Savon would grow bored. Kayla was far from boring to him.

"Come here Kayla." Savon demanded his voice smoother. Kayla stiffened slightly but moved more toward the door.

"Uh uh. Cheater." She said, "None of that mind or voice stuff." He hadn't used it at full strength but the fact that she recognized it and didn't even remotely react to it made him curious. She was a special human wasn't she?

"Alright." Savon vaulted over the sofa fast. She was through the door there and into the hall. He had to slow coming around the corner and into the narrow hallway. Savon came at her quickly, but she ducked into the kitchen again.

"You should really just give it a rest." Kayla laughed having moved around the other side of the counter again. He just made an odd sound and watched her.

Kayla saw that he was working out his best way of getting her. Truth be told she was having fun doing this. The fact that he hadn't managed to grab her yet made her smile and her mood was far better at the moment. She didn't mind giving him a hard time. However she was sure that once he did get a hold of her, he would be far more dominating and controlling than before. The thought just sent a thrill through her body.

Savon moved forward and she darted again into the hallway area toward the living room. However he moved faster than she thought. Hadn't followed her the way that she anticipated. Savon cut her off and she couldn't circle back to the kitchen. Kayla jumped back barely missing having his hand grab her.

"Missed." She taunted. While his eyes were bright, his gaze was dark. Kayla was right there by the stairs and took them fast. Two at a time. Not like she had anywhere else to go with him right on her.

She turned the corner and went into a larger bedroom. She knew that up here there were two bedrooms and a study where the weapons had been held. She chose this one because it was easy access to the roof. Though she didn't make it to the window.

Kayla was jerked to a stop. Savon lifted her slightly with the arm that he had around her midsection. She struggled a bit, but he just pulled her back and turned her around. She grabbed his forearms. His hands held her sides tightly. She added pressure to push them away. It didn't really do her any good.