Passionate Truth

Savon lifted her slightly as he caught her and rather roughly shoved her back. Kayla landed on the bed that was there. There were no sheets, just the mattress as everything else had been taken. He came forward and moved fluidly grabbing her arms and forcing her down.

Savon held Kayla's arms pinned near her head, and came over her. He had a knee on either side of her hips, she glared at him. His gaze moved over and down her body and she felt that instant response. That heavy rush between her legs and a tight feeling in her stomach. She moved a bit, sliding up slightly. He used his legs to hold her where she was and his grip on her wrists was tighter.

"Not this time." Savon said and moved so that his mouth was right above hers almost touching.

"If I say no?" Kayla asked. His gaze hit hers and it very clearly said that her no didn't really mean much. That should really be a warning sign. Make her want to get away from him. So why did she have the opposite effect? Kayla should just read the writing on the wall with him shouldn't she?

"You'd only say no to be difficult." He answered moving his mouth over the front of her throat. He let go of her hands and moved his so they rested on her hips.

"Really?" She injected. He just made a sound against her throat. He grabbed the front of her pants and undid them pulling them down harshly. Savon brought his mouth to hers and it was a deep needful kiss. Kayla let her body go lax below him.

She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled at it. Kayla wanted to be able to touch him. She jerked it up and moved her hands over his stomach and up to his chest. He pulled his mouth from hers for a moment to pull the shirt from him.

His mouth came back to hers like he was starving. Savon took off her shirt wanting it out of the way. Kayla racked her nails down his sides, and grabbed the front of his pants. She undid them and pushed them from his hips. Savon moved then removing the pants. Then pulled hers the rest of the way off and stood taking hold of her and making her stand.

She did as he silently demanding tossing her bra. His hands moved to rest low on her hips. His gaze moving down her body. She felt it like a caress. His rough hands slid up her sides, before pulling her closer. Moving them across her back and down to trace the curves of her body.

He seemed to enjoy touching her. When she was around him, Savon always seemed to trail his fingers or hands over her. When they were like this his hands always roamed her body. She liked his touch be it gentle or harsh. Kayla brought her arms up to wrap around his neck and brought her body fully against his. He lowered his head so that his lips nearly touched hers.

"I love the feel of you." Savon admitted. His left hand pressed against her lower back holding her where she was at the moment. The soft feel of her breasts against his chest was stimulating along with the feel of the rest of her body.

"Just the feel of me?" She asked rubbing against him slightly. Sliding her tongue quickly over his lips. She felt his nails bite into her back just a bit. Kayla moved her right arm bringing it down so she could slowly move her fingertips up his back tracing the pattern that she could feel.

Kayla moved her head to the right side of his neck and sucked lightly before moving it a bit lower to his collar bone and chest. His grip on her grew a bit tighter but he didn't really move. She continued moving her mouth and hands over him.

Savon more than enjoyed her touch. It caused a bit of a struggle inside of him. She always caused one with how she touched him. Where she touched him, both parts of him felt it to the core of their being and wanted more. It was just a problem of which was in control.

Savon moved a hand to the back of her head taking hold of her hair but not really stopping her from what she was doing. He let her move down his body, her mouth working over his taught skin.

Kayla paused for a moment over his left side. She licked and traced part of the marking there with her tongue before moving lower. She didn't hesitate to take him into the moist heat of her mouth. His grip in her hair really grew tight then. There was a kind of growl that he felt deep in his chest but didn't really come out.

Just one pull of her mouth and he nearly lost control over the sane part in him. As it was he felt that his human part was pushed back. Though it didn't really care because of how strong his other half's needs were. It craved doing things to this woman, and having her do.

Kayla moved to stand when he pulled rather harshly at her hair. His touch changed and she knew what that meant. Which part of him was in more control. She just gave him a bit of a hooded expression, and for no reason at all she felt a bit of a smile come to her. His gaze was very bright.

Savon stepped forward and she had to step back, her legs hitting the bed. His hands held her hips for the moment. He let go of her and shoved at her shoulders. She went back half sitting on the bed.

"Lay back." He demanded in a dark tone. She moved farther onto the bed just watching him. His eyes on hers for the moment. She moved so that she was on the bed fully her head near the headboard. He came up kneeling on the bed as she laid back.

Kayla bit her lip, and had her legs up bent at the knees. Savon moved in front of them and placed a hand on either knee for a moment. He applied a bit of pressure, but she kept her legs as they were. He moved his hands up more on her thighs.

He didn't say anything just watched her. Kayla saw exactly what he was saying with that look. What he wanted and she just gave him a bit of a smirk.

"Make, me." She dared him and the tips of his fingers dug into her flesh. He forced her legs apart, and leaned forward between them. He then grabbed her wrists.

"You'll do what I say."

"If I want too." Kayla answered defiantly. Oh she knew that she was playing with fire. This part of him didn't like to be told no. It didn't like others trying to assert themselves against it. Though she knew he enjoyed her denial or refusal. This part of him enjoyed asserting itself over her. He pulled her arms up and then forced her hands up to the headboard.

"Hold it." He ordered. Kayla didn't grab the rungs there right away like he wanted. His grip grew tighter and she finally took hold of them. Chances were she might have bruises there. However her excitement was growing. She was already picturing just what he'd do, how it would feel and her body gave a wet rush.

Savon let go of her hands, his face very close to hers. His left hand touched the side of her face and curled around her neck for a moment. His thumb sliding over the pulse in her throat. It quickened with the thought of what he was going to do.

She jumped when his other hand slipped between her legs and touched her. His fingers sliding into her. She bit back a moan and his fingers played with her. His thumb rubbing over her most sensitive spot. She gave a slight whimper, and he moved his mouth coming down on her breasts and sucking. His teeth scrapping the sensitive flesh and his tongue caressing her nipple into a taught hard peak before moving lower.

She squirmed a little, her hips moving. Her body starting to throb with what he was doing. She felt another swift rush between her legs as his mouth moved over the soft flesh of her inner thigh. He brought his free hand to the outside of her right leg. His fingertips bit into her outer thigh. A contrast to the feel of his lips on the soft flesh of her inner thigh.

She gave a bit of a cry at the sudden pain when he bit her. It was sharper than in her neck, the flesh there more tender. That was gone swiftly and her grip on the rungs grew painfully tight. Her body throbbed in time with the pull of his mouth. He'd never done this before. Bit her like this and drank from her, and she could barely think.

Her body came quick and sharp and she couldn't even pull enough air into her lungs to make a sound. Just a silent gasp came from her. She felt his tongue slide slowly over where he'd bitten her. He moved taking hold of her hips.

With a harsh quick jerk he pulled her onto him. Filling her in a quick fluid thrust. Her body clamping down on his in response. Savon made a very satisfied sound and came over her. Her body was angled up onto him, and her breathing was off.

"This is what I want most from you Kayla." Savon said and pulled from her only to thrust back into her hard and quick. She moaned and his left hand dug into her hip and side. His other hand coming up and taking a fist full of hair and pulling her head back.

His body slammed into hers. She hooked one leg over him moving her hips to meet his forceful thrusts. He let go of her hair and braced a hand by her head. His gaze on hers as he took her. He was incredibly sexy to her. Just how dominating and masculine he was.

Her gaze moved briefly over him. Watching the play of his muscles as he did as he pleased to her. Kayla more than enjoyed it. He felt amazing inside of her, filling her completely.

She let go of the head board to brace a hand against it to stop from sliding up and into it. He was taking her that hard and fast. His mouth came down on hers. She gripped his shoulder with her one hand, both of his moved to her hips.

Savon found that he couldn't really think, or breathe for that matter with how fucking good she felt. The tightness of her body, how it gripped him growing tighter. Her small sounds as he took her adding to it. She was so soft, so feminine, and there wasn't anything else to compare her too. Just Kayla.

Savon moved his mouth from hers. His body brushing hers and his mouth close to her ear. She had a hand on his back. Her breath brushing his neck sending a bit of a shiver down his spine. Making his body feel painfully tight so close to that blissful feeling.

"Kayla." He breathed into her ear. It was said with so many things put into her name. Both parts mingled in saying her name, she moaned deeply. His tone clearly demanding things from her.

Kayla pulled closer to him, her body coming apart around his and she gave a short cry. He was so close to his release. He desired it more knowing that it was her that gave it to him. That she enjoyed this as much as he did, added to it.

Kayla felt a great deal right now. So many things and she loved the way that he'd said her name. It touched something in her. Right here in this moment it was all so clear to her. Her own knowledge of what this was for her, her truth just rushed her.

He pulled her onto him with a bit of a cry, coming inside her. She felt her body still rocking from her own orgasm just fueled by the feel of his. The way he held onto her, buried himself in her. It made her feel a lot of things and she wasn't thinking straight. Just that rush of endorphins.

"God I love you." Kayla said before she could stop herself. Before she could really think about what she was saying. Immediately she felt a different heat in her face realizing what just came out of her mouth. She had not meant to say that out loud.