Kayla Meet Kiore

Kayla was glad to come back. They had a good yield. From what she heard about last year's this one was better by far. Most of those here had gone to pick the vegetables and fruits that were still there. Those that normally stayed back would work on storing them for the winter so they wouldn't go to waste.

She'd felt a tightening to her stomach when she saw Savon come over to help. It was kind of sad really in her opinion but she didn't care. Her gaze automatically searched and found him. She'd felt him the moment that he'd come close. Drake had been with him. He'd given her a smile and friendly greeting before excusing himself. They helped with what they needed to and then left the others to it. Mostly they needed to get rest before they left in the morning. So she was happy to spend time alone with Savon.

It was dark out now. They were leaving at first light to go back to the city. Kayla was laying face down on the bed. Just a sheet over her stopping at the middle of her back. It was cold out, but Savon was rather warm and she was laying against him.

One of her legs was over his and he had an arm around her waist. They were at the empty house, seeing that there wasn't really any room in either of their rooms. Out here it was less likely to be interrupted. She'd found the sheet tucked away and had grabbed it from the closet before falling asleep with him.

This she liked. Kayla liked the feel of him against her and it felt right. Felt safe. Her body had a few new marks but nothing that bothered her. Not that it ever did, and especially not the way that he did it. He was always so intense, he'd been just as intense tonight, but slower about it. Enjoying her. She'd returned the favor wanting to please him as he pleased her.

Kayla was having a rather dreamless sleep at the moment. Her one arm hung over the side of the bed and it was cooler than the rest of her body. However that changed a moment later when it felt like something warm and smooth brushed against her arm. Then something like sandpaper rubbed her skin. She frowned in her sleep and the sensation came again and she blinked opening her eyes. It was all so blurry at the moment but she then saw the pair of orange eyes looking at her.

"Holy fuck!" Kayla cried out jerking away and snatching her hand back. She was fast to move and hit Savon with her elbow. He woke with her words first however. She went to flip over him as the huge hell hound made a sound. Savon grabbed her around the middle.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Savon snapped in an angry tone.

"What?" Kayla said panicked as Savon was just holding her there against him and looking at the hell hound. It hadn't moved. Where its ears had been forward before it put them down. Her heart was hitting her chest with tremendous force. What the fuck was going on?

"I thought you said you were going to tell her." Kayla froze at the voice that she heard. It was deep and male. Though she didn't think that it qualified as a language but she understood it like it was. She felt that the animal might be manipulating that.

"Even if I had. Why the fuck would you come over by her?" Savon demanded.

"If I meant harm you would have known instantly. Would never have made it in the room with you sleeping. I was curious about her, she has a sweet taste. Good reflexes too."

"Keep your tongue to yourself or I'll rip it out." Savon growled. His eyes were brighter, and Kiore still had his ears flat against his head. He felt Savon's anger on Kayla's behalf. His master truly did care for this woman. He thought her a good pick for a mate. She wasn't screaming or doing anything stupid.

"What is this?" Kayla asked, managing to move onto Savon's other side away from the huge hell hound.

"This wasn't exactly how I was going to tell you." Savon said looking over at Kiore who let out a rush of air. That was... that was the thing from before right? How did Savon know it? Why was it acting like this was normal?

"I am sorry. I grew lonely outside, I am a pack animal. I require social interaction and I liked the idea of another being aware of me. You said you'd tell her. If she knew then I didn't have to hide."

"I thought you hated humans."

"I hate demons, humans I don't get." Savon made a sound and glanced at Kayla who looked confused and a bit angry. There was a nervous fear there as well. Savon rubbed his forehead, well this introduction and explanation was fucked wasn't it?

"This is Kiore, he's a hell hound." He said with a gesture of his hand and an annoyed tone.

"I noticed that." Kayla snapped. "Why the hell is he in here, and how are you two so buddy, buddy? I feel very in the dark." At least she wasn't screaming or running from the room. Not that he thought her a hysterical person. However he didn't think that she would take the news about Kiore in stride so well.

"He is my master now. My owner, because he killed my last." Kayla looked at the hell hound. It was huge. Had to stand at her waist if not higher and its teeth where terrifying.

"When we went to rescue those others. He was attached to me then. I didn't share because how could I explain? Besides it would just be another strike against me." Savon said. Kayla wanted to shake him. Savon was the worst at explaining things properly or in a timely manner.

Kayla was finding it easier to breathe now that no one was attacking. Her mind was starting to clear. She didn't know what to make of this. How glad she was that Savon controlled this thing. She never wanted to be snuck up on like that again.

"When were you planning on saying something?" She said.

"Before we left." She ran a hand through her hair and grabbed the sheet pulling it toward her. Savon just watched her, his gaze moving over her. She instantly responded to that dark gaze, but she wasn't one for an audience. She punched him in the arm and Savon looked at it.

"Why?" He said rubbing his arm, she gestured at Kiore.

"For keeping him in the closet. I'd punch him if I wasn't terrified I'd loose my arm. What in god's name is wrong with you sneaking up on sleeping people?"

"Normally I would say easy hunting, but he'd kill me if I tried. I don't like the taste of human unless I have too. Well the skin tastes is good, but I hate the taste of your blood."

"Isn't that a relief?" Kayla said sarcastically. Savon gave a bit of a laugh.

"I prefer demon, soldier demon. He allows me to feed as I wish. I am grateful for that."

"Happy to hear." Kayla said. "How do I understand you? Wait you know what, scratch that I feel this might be a very twisted dream." She moved to get off the bed. Savon quickly wrapped an arm around her waist stopping her.

"Where are you going?"

"Some place else." She said.

"No you're not." He decreed and she looked at him.

"We need to talk about this control issue you have."

"I told you what I was. You had your chance to leave and didn't take it. Not my problem." He said, Kiore was watching them curiously.

"I'll do what I want." She warned. What sounded like an amused sound came from Kiore. Savon just moved and forced her down on the bed holding her there so she couldn't get up to leave. He looked at Kiore.

"Is there something you need?" Seeing that they were both awake now, and weren't due to leave for a while... One track mind. Besides everything Kayla did seemed to just draw him to her more. She wasn't pissed about this, and his other half was wanting to mark her again. That she seemed to like what the were. Appropriate? Probably not but impulses were hard to deny some times.

"Just curious to see this one up close. That and company. Also the one named Anna seems very adamant that she goes. She was arguing with Drake not an hour ago." Kayla glared up at Savon. Oh she wished he wasn't so much stronger. He didn't even acknowledge her movements.

"What about Anna?" Kayla asked looking at them.

"I see." Savon said. If Anna went, he wasn't letting her come back. She wouldn't be alive long enough to tell their secrets.

"It seems that your mate is angered at you." Kiore said looking at Kayla. She clenched her jaw for a moment. At least someone noticed, stupid man. She knew what his game would be. Distraction, well not this time.

"I have a name."

"She won't be shortly." Kayla struggled a little bit more. Savon's comment was rather smug.

"Uh no. You haven't answered my question and you've been keeping a hellhound in the closet. Who scared the shit out of me."

"Your demeanor goes against your scent. It is odd." Kiore supplied. Kayla didn't know what to make of the hell hound, but her attention was brought back to Savon. He slid a knee between her legs forcing them a part.

"She is typically like that." Savon answered and he pulled the sheet away that was partially over her. Kayla made a slight gasping sound. She felt aroused but rather awkward with the hell hound right there. Savon slid his hands down her sides to her thighs.

"Curious." Kiore said. Savon glared at him.

"Either shut up or get out." Kayla glanced at Kiore and then Savon. That thing, or hell hound was not allowed to stay here and watch! She felt a flare of anger at how he made the decision. She gasped and lost her thought when he pulled her onto him forcefully.

She turned her head to the side, but he wasn't there anymore. She didn't know if he really did leave the room or if he just moved off. Kayla found it hard to concentrate after that. She didn't really care if he was in the room or not. She was hopeless when it came to Savon apparently and letting him have what he wanted.