Not Quite Right

"He's been here the whole time?" Kayla asked looking toward the trees from where she leaned against the car.

"Since that night yes."

"You just kept him?"

"I'm stuck with him, unless someone permanently kills me."

"Is he trustworthy? Just because he has to listen to you doesn't mean that he won't do something." Kayla didn't know what to make of Kiore.

"He won't. I'm not going to kill him either."

"Never said that you should. Just so long as he isn't thinking of taking a chunk out of someone."

"I've told him he can't. Plus he was to stay out of sight of the rest. I told him you were okay since I was going to tell you. Once given the order it stands until I revoke it, or my life's in jeopardy."

"Must be nice to have your own private security."

"Annoying actually." She looked at him. He was starring off toward the trees at the moment, but then looked back at her.

"It'll take some time to get used to him, but I won't tell anyone. I'm sure they would think you were planning something horrible. Jonas would love that ammunition." Kayla glared over in his direction. He was by a different vehicle at the moment. The two of them were talking in low voices.

Savon was staring at her. His gaze moved over her face and just generally over her like she was some kind of oddity.

"What?" She asked looking at herself. He gave a shrug and glanced over by the others. Kayla hated when he did that.

"Something wrong?" He gave a sigh and looked back at her. It was still very early and the sun hadn't come up yet, but there was plenty of light at the moment. Though it made his expression harder to read.

"Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with you." She just kind of stared at him for the moment.

"Uh, thanks." She said in an odd tone. She wasn't sure if she should be upset by this.

"You asked." He said. "Just look at the rest, you are the only one with in twenty feet of me and not acting oddly toward me."

"Well I figured with our current history... if you're not happy with us," She moved. She didn't want to have a discussion like this right now with where they were going. He reached out and stopped her from moving.

"I don't have a problem." He grumbled and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know how to handle the fact that you seem to take what I am in stride. Along with things I do. Not that you don't argue or throw in your two sense. Or items for that matter." He said the last part with a bit of irritation but he didn't really feel it. "All the rest do, even those that have known me since they were born."

"I like what I've got. Can't help what others think."

"I don't care what they think." She gave him a smile.

"Ever the people pleaser." His tone just a moment ago had said that if half the people over there died right this minute he wouldn't bat an eyelash.

"I can count on one hand the number of people whose opinion matters to me. Those I can say that I care for. Those are the only ones I feel I need to please."

"If you want to." She said and he gave a bit of a smile. "I have you figured out."

"That so?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yep, men aren't hard to figure out. Now women on the other hand, I doubt you'll get me and I don't mind. I'm sure that is what keeps you interested."

"There are a lot of things that keep me interested in you." His gaze sweeping over her. She snapped her fingers.

"Gaze up top please." She said and he just gave a bit of a smile.

"Okay!" Came Neil's voice to the group and they moved closer with everyone else. "We're leaving, and everyone knows where they are to be going and with who. No straying and it's going to be quick, in and out. We will get there around noon. Then we will be going in after we see what we are working with."

Demons were weakest at the highest part of the day. They were creatures of the night, what they had to hope for was that both Vincent and Lust where there. They were taking two vehicles and had a total of eight people. It had to be fast, and numbers weren't going to do. Two were staying outside and watching, keeping an update on the place.

The rest were going in and hoping that they would get the two they needed. Their six to their two, and the greatest weapon they had was Savon. They weren't sure if he would suffer during the day, which he wouldn't. Just his normal reactions to the sun. His acolyte part would hide more behind the human but it was still there and strong. Stronger for having the human part to stop that weakness.

"Once there keep your eyes and ears open, and stick to the plan and don't be seen." Neil said and had a very serious expression on his face. This was a very dangerous thing that they were doing. From their group was going Neil, Savon, Kayla, Todd, and Pat. From the others it was Jonas, Louis and another woman named Tina. Kayla found her rather imposing. She hadn't really spoken to anyone. Her husband was one of the wounded, he was a bigger man muscle wise. Tina was no push over either.

"Let's go." Neil said and they moved to their vehicles. Neil was going with the other group and the rest were getting into Savon's car. It was going to be a long drive to the city. They were all anxious as it was. Better to not have a confrontation before they got to the city.

It was a quiet drive and once they reached the fog bank and the sun was eclipsed, the silence in the car was more from trepidation than anything else. The outskirts came into view and the car in front of them turned off. They kept going straight. Best to not follow each other and meet at their rendezvous. The city started to tower over them.

"It's not as busy as before. Not as many people or demons on the street." Kayla said looking out the window. She'd heard Savon say this, but now it was obvious to her.

"Better for us." Pat said.

"Or worse, depending on what Astor did." Savon commented looking at the building that they would be going into. He drove past it and found some place that was a quick park and escape. Now they just had to meet the others and then they would be going in.

It was up the service entrance and from there up to the rooms that they needed to get too. Savon had to mask their presence. He hadn't told them that he was going to do this. Didn't want to explain it, but masking their scent wasn't going to work. He just needed their presence to go unnoticed most of the time.

"How many will be in the building?" Todd asked as they sat there for the moment. Savon gave a shrug.

"A good amount. The main group leaves at dawn. Then only the ones that own rooms stay really. A few in the group rooms."

"So we're looking at..."

"My guess near sixty not including Vincent and Lust."

"Walk in the park." Todd said with a bit of a nervous laugh. Kayla felt a bit nervous looking at the building. She remember what it was like inside and how powerless humans really were in most respects. Here they would not stand a chance if caught, if found before they were leaving.

"We have to meet the others." She said and opened her door and got out, the others following.