Pillow Talk

Kayla paced the room. She was on edge at the moment. She'd told Savon that she was going to get some sleep, but that wasn't what happened. She felt so awake right now, so alive, energy was humming through her body. Whatever Savon's blood was made up of, it was some powerful stuff. What he gave her to help heal was doing a hell of a lot more.

If this was how he felt all the time she could see why he was the way he was sometimes. She was needy, she wanted to want and was growing tired of waiting in this room. She knew that he would come back here though. Not like there was anywhere else to go. He'd gone to talk with Kiore and she'd gone in. Just needing some time to think.

Kayla was pacing his room. She didn't want to go to hers because she wanted him. She'd thought that going and laying down would take care of how she was feeling. No, it made it worse. She just dwelt and without actually moving the energy was bouncing around her cells.

When they had gotten back she'd over eaten. Which she felt bad about but she'd been starving. Like she hadn't seen food in years. She'd picked the items that they had to be rid of first. Didn't take much of the other stuff. Her metabolism seemed to have picked up with the influx of energy.

She paused in her pacing as the door opened and she gave a sigh. Kayla was ready to practically attack something. If it wasn't for the euphoria she felt right now, she probably would have in frustration. Savon stepped into the room and looked at her.

"I'm so happy to see you." She said in a relieved tone and marched over to him as the door swung shut. He had a bit of a confused look. She just came up against him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself up and bringing her mouth to his.

He seemed caught off guard by her actions, but wrapped an arm around her waist holding her there. His demeanor changed from unsure to sure in a second. His mouth moving against hers and kissing her as she wanted. Kayla dropped her hands to his shirt sliding them under to feel his skin.

"I want you so bad right now." She said against his mouth, and dropped her hands to undo his pants.

"Something wrong with you?" He asked. A bit of humor in his voice.

"Are you complaining?" She asked pushing his pants down freeing him. She brushed her finger tips over him. Her lips skimming his.

"No." God no, he'd just never seen her so... well quite this aggressive before. It was a complete turn on. He definitely wasn't tired now, not with the way she was tearing at his clothes. What had gotten into her?

'Who cares.'

"Good." she said and stripped. Kayla took off her pants quickly and then her shirt and bra as he removed the rest of his. She came back against him. Her body sliding along his. How good that felt. His hands rested on her side, her mouth moving over his chest.

"I don't know what you did, but I feel so alive." Kayla said. Her excitement and arousal was through the roof. His scent was so much stronger to her right now, pleasing and called to her.

She dropped to her knees and didn't hesitate to take him fully into her mouth. She wanted to taste him. To feel the pleasure that he took from her doing this. The hardness of him in her mouth, she easily imagined already between her legs. How he'd take her after this. How animalistic he became when she stopped him from thinking.

Savon grabbed a fist full of her hair and let out a slow hiss. Fuck that felt good. She sucked him hard, pulling on him.

'Note to self, give her more.' He felt a deep growl in his chest. It was in agreement with his mental statement. No words this time, just a feeling. He pulled her up and she came willingly. He turned her so that her back was to the wall.

Kayla grabbed his left hand and brought it to the back of her right thigh as she pressed her leg against his side. He lifted her, pressing against her but not entering her. She moved her hips rubbing against him. He brought his other hand to her hip and held her still. She made a bit of a frustrated sound.

"Make love to me Savon. Fuck me until neither of us can move. Please, I need you." Kayla begged against his ear, her breathing heavy. He dropped his mouth to her neck. Just moving it over the strong pulse there and she gave a moan.

Kayla tried to move, she just wanted his body in hers taking her. He hadn't yet and it was maddening to her. So she wrapped her one arm around his shoulders and the other on his bicep. She moved her mouth next to his ear again. She'd manipulate him if she had to, to get what she wanted.

"If you can't give me what I want, I'll find another that will." His hands dug into her, and she felt a smile on her lips. The threat was a hollow one, but she knew it would get her what she wanted. She gave a cry as he bit into her neck and slammed his body into hers.

"Yes." She hissed out, his body pulled from hers and he came back just as hard just as fast. She felt his tongue sweep over her neck. Savon's fingers dug harshly into the back of her thigh. Her shoulders dug into the wall as he pulled her forward to meet his thrusts.

He brought a hand up next to her head, and brought his face very close to hers. She meet his gaze. His body slowed slightly in its movements. He took her fully each time, just not as fast. She gripped her muscles around him, keeping them tight. The pleasure in her building, how hard and thick he was, it felt so good. The sweet friction driving her closer to the edge.

"Do you enjoy what I do to you?" He asked her.

"Yes." she gasped out.

"Everything?" His fingers dug into flesh along with his nails. He ground into her body harshly and she gasped at the pain and pleasure of it.

"Yes, everything. All of you, how you touch me, look at me, treat me. Everything." She found it hard to take in a breath. His eyes a brighter green. The dark ring standing out. He made a satisfied sound and thrust into her forcefully. He moved taking her from the wall.

He pulled from her and turned her, took her hands and put them flat to the bed there. He braced one arm along hers and wrapped the other around her hips and pulled her back onto him. His front to her back, and he took her this way. Feeling the silken heat of her grow tighter, felt that sweet rush over his body as she came for him.

"Again." His voice wasn't his own. He hadn't realized that he'd said it out loud at first. She moaned, her hands gripping the bed in front of her, bunching the sheet. He became almost violent with the way that he took her. She moved as he demanded her body coming again. His name torn from her lips and how satisfying that was.

Savon pulled her back onto him, a dark sound coming from him and held her tightly to him as his own release came. It was strong, he could feel it through his whole body the pleasure of it to the point of pain. How she managed to always make him feel like this he didn't know how. So out of control, so close to that edge but never truly over it. Having her was such a high, and the sweet throb of his body in time with the way hers gripped him just added to it.

'She sates us both.' He moved to lay and pulled her on top him. Both breathing erratically.

"I don't know how we don't start the room on fire." He just gave a laugh. He gazed up at the ceiling. The room was sparse, just like all the others down here.

"There isn't much in here to burn."

"True." She said, her fingers moving over the marking on his body. It felt raised but smooth just like skin, maybe a bit different, like leather. Her ear was pressed to his chest. She could hear the steady beat of his heart and something like a content sound. It only happened right after they had sex or she touched the marking as she was doing.

They were quiet for a bit and Kayla was thinking about different things. She didn't know the direction that they were going. By that she really meant humans. She suddenly didn't really feel like fighting anymore. The one that they had to get was Astor and it would halt to much on the other side.

He was impossible to kill, like superman. They'd thrown everything at him. Short of taking his head she didn't think that anyone was going to kill him. He wasn't like the other demons. He was acolyte and the only other person like him was Savon. Kayla glanced up at him, studying him, she thought back to when she'd seen Astor. What he looked like and things Savon had said.

"Savon...." She started unsure, but it wasn't really a great leap of logic. She was just surprised that she hadn't thought it before.

"Is Astor your actual father?" He looked down at her, for a moment and then away he gave a sigh.

"What brought that on?"

"I was just thinking of everything. You know, you said you were half acolyte. There's only one on the planet. That I know of." He shrugged but answered right away.

"He is. I'm surprised that more don't make the connection." He said after a brief pause. Though no one else claimed to be a half breed of anything. Probably thought him some mistake via a ritual.

"I'm sorry." He looked down at her again.

"For what?"

"For having him as a parent. Sorry that you have to share genes with him. He's kind of an asshole." Savon felt a laugh at her remark. He kissed the top of her head and looked back up at the ceiling.

"I was told how they found you, but why'd he really have you?" She asked curious. She'd heard plenty of things but now she wanted to know. Figured he was the best one to tell her,

"Because he can use me to bring over more than one acolyte. The way that the ritual to bring them over works is that you have to have equal power to life. If you have say power in demons, then you have to match that power with life. Demons don't really count as life. They are dead souls."

"So how many humans to a demon?"

"For something like a master demon, close to fifteen humans."

"So what makes you special?"

"I'm a complete package." He said looking down at her. "Human, with the power in me. Finding a psychic human is a huge bonus. You get power and the life in one gifted wrapped package."

"I see, so how is it that there is only you and him." Kayla thought it would be in Astor's advantage to have as many kids as he could.

"First off, having a child that survives with an acolyte is nearly impossible. The human and the acolyte half fight and tear the mind apart."

"Not you?"

"I'm a special case clearly."

"I could've told you that." She half mumbled and heard a bit of laughter from him. She gave a smile.

"You're to kind."

"I try." She said.

"Acolytes can only have one child at a time. So long as that child lives then he can't have another one. I don't know why, just that that is the way of it."

"I can see why you getting away would piss him off then. There goes your key, kind of a big thing to lose." He just made an agreeable sound.

"What language were you speaking before, never heard it." He seemed a bit tense when she asked him.

"The language of the dead."

"The dead have a language?" She asked with a smile. "Didn't know they needed to talk."

"It's called the language of the dead. It's really just the language that demons speak, that those from hell speak."

"I was thinking about that." She said.

"You think about a lot of things." She just gave a smile.

"Is it really hell that they come from? I mean if they come from hell why doesn't anything else come out of heaven?" What great pillow talk. She felt a smile at that.

"I can't tell you that. I was born here. Kiore says that where they come from its worse than the hell that humans describe. There aren't pits of flame and things like that. He says that what we call souls come there. They feed those that live there, and torture is a kind hand compared to what they do."

"Hope I never go there."

"You won't. However I'm not holding out much hope for myself."

'We aren't going to die. I don't want to.'

'Want is irrelevant if someone takes our head.'

'They'd have to get close enough first.' Savon just sighed inwardly. How stubborn was his voice, he wasn't sure he wanted to live forever, or well as long as he was able.

"You're not a bad person."

"That's what you say. Doesn't really matter actions define you. Mine aren't so good. Plus I have an acolyte in me. Kind of an irreversible condition I'm afraid. I'm not really worried about it."

"Do you not think this is something better. I've talked with Michael. I mean there has to be if there is hell. Otherwise why would blessed weapons work?"

"Then why does that higher power just sit back and watch the world burn?"

"Because we brought it on ourselves. Perhaps it's a lesson, perhaps humans have had their time and he is just waiting to wipe the slate clean."

'Maybe there isn't anything up there." He said and Kayla looked at him.

"You're wrong."

"Whatever you say." She made an irritated sound and decided that this conversation was going no where so she changed the topic.

"What did you talk to Kiore about?"

He told her what they had spoken about. Going over it and answering her questions. He liked having her to talk to. He was telling her things first before he said anything to Drake. Shared some things that he hadn't with others.

It was either very late or extremely early by the time they fell asleep. She fell asleep first laying mostly on him. He just laid there for a bit thinking of all the things that they had talked about. Thinking about what he wanted. In the end he just gave a sigh, because what you wanted didn't really matter. It was never what you got. However right now he liked what he had.