Unknown Mother

Astor stood in the destroyed room. The temperature in the room was ice cold. All he felt was a very deadly and cold rage. He turned his head and looked at Lust. She had healing wounds on her, both from him and the humans that had chased her.

"I want this group dead, and I want them dead now." He said in a quiet tone. "Contact Garien, have him bring the hell hounds. I want them tracked down now while there is still scent in the room." Lust nodded and darted off to obey.

He looked at Porui's body and then Vincent. The smell of blood was strong in the room at the moment. His eyes were a bright yellow color. All the windows up here were gone. His temper having gotten away with him a moment ago and he'd caused them to blast out.

"You got what you asked for. I'm actually feeling rather proud at his abilities right now." Astor turned his head and looked at the woman standing there.

She wore a black skirt with a blue form fitting top. She had dark brown hair and her eyes were just a shade lighter. She was a beautiful woman, no doubt about it. As humans went you didn't get much more physical perfection. High cheek bones a slight tan to her complexion. Her body was slender, large breasts, flat stomach and a gentle flare to her hips. He always enjoyed looking at her. One of the reasons that he kept her around.

"Keep your mouth shut." He said to her. He didn't feel like hearing her speak at the moment. Really her mouth was only good for a few things, and talking wasn't one of them. She looked no older than her late twenties, but she was far older than that. Should look more like she was in her fifties or sixties, but he kept her this way.

"He is my son too. Always thought he should have been killed the moment that he came into the world." She was one of the humans that he'd chosen so long ago. She was the only one to give him a child that was worth anything. Oh and how much he was worth now. She had also been the only human he'd picked that had an added talent. She could list off the number of beings in a room, and know exactly what they were. What level and how powerful.

He could do that to an extent, he knew the number. If they were powerful or not, but not with the precision that she could. However right now he found her more annoying than not. The only reason she was still alive was because of what she could give him. A child needed to bring over others. Something in her blood allowed their two kinds to mesh. Astor moved over to her and he took hold of her by the throat.

"When I give you an order you follow it." His grip was harsh and cutting into her skin. She didn't fight him. She learned long ago that it wouldn't help, it would just make it worse. She'd seen him kill so many others for trivial things. He'd done horrible things to her because he could, because he enjoyed it.

"Yes." She managed to get out. Her voice barely above a whisper. She'd been so eager long ago to please, trying to keep herself from being killed. She got her wish it would seem. She could live through a lot. He fed her his blood regularly to keep her from aging. She wasn't going to die until he decided it.

"He will be here within the hour. Lia will be accompanying him they have the hell hounds." He let go of her throat and she stumbled back rubbing it and coughing a bit.

"Good, seeing as we lost the other one." He said angrily. He knew about the ritual that those three had preformed. That three hell hounds had been brought up. One was now dead seeing that a group of humans had killed the demon he'd been attached too.

"Take Jill and put her some place that she can't cause problems." He said grabbing hold of her arm and shoving her toward Lust. Lust gave a nod and took hold of the human woman.

Jill just glanced at Astor. She was more than happy to be out of his presence. She knew what she was to him, a toy. She would do whatever he said, because it was that or unimaginable pain if she refused. Only once had she fought him, and she'd regretted it horribly. Every now and then she pushed a little. She wished she was stronger and pushed enough that he did kill her. Did end her miserable existence.

Her mind was the only thing that was really hers. He could and did do anything he wanted to her physically. Sometimes she could enjoy it, other times just wish for it to end. The only time in her life that she hadn't been subject to physical abuse was for her nine and a half month pregnancy. He didn't hurt her then not wanting to hurt the child.

She'd given him two children. He'd kill the first right after birth. She hadn't seen it, but knew the moment that he had. A part of her had been severely hurt by that. Then there had been Savon. She'd gotten pregnant with him shortly after loosing the first.

Lust pulled her down the hallway and shoved her into a sitting room.

"Don't move from this room." She said and shut the door. Like she was going anywhere. The thought of what Astor would do was enough to keep her here.

She sat down and her mind drifted back to the whole reason she was alive, Astor had picked five women. He used them all, and the first one that got pregnant had been a blonde haired woman. Failure with that child. She miscarried three times, he found her useless and killed her.

Similar stories with the others. Except with her and a woman by the name of Cheri. She'd had a live child, nearly a year that child had been kept alive. However one day it seemed that the child's mind just snapped and Astor had kill her. Both the child and her mother. Which left Jill to use.

Jill would never forget having Savon. The labor had been long and hard, and in her mind she had been thinking to kill him the moment that he was born. Astor had been absent, he didn't care about the birthing, just the child. She'd been left with a group of humans and some demon to watch over them.

She knew exactly what Savon was meant for. Heard Astor talking about it, that he needed a powerful child. Through her whole pregnancy she'd felt that this one. This child would be what he need. Even before he was born she could feel the power that was there. It was her talent after all. She'd tried to keep reminding herself that she needed kill him.

When he'd been born they'd handed him to her, and she just couldn't. She was disgusted by the child she had, but a part of her just couldn't kill him. He was her child too. He just looked like a normal infant. Except for the black marking on his body, which the other one she'd given birth too had only had part of it. He had a full one.

"I'm sorry I can't do what is needed." She said half crying, she'd touched his head. He'd been crying instantly when he was born, like he was in terrible pain. And she'd wanted to stop that. Holding him he had been quiet and content.

She'd been in charge of looking after him until the age of two. Then he'd been taken from her. Astor had other plans for him. She hadn't been very caring with him, just did what was needed for him. Jill watched him, he was an intelligent child, fast to learn.

Astor had forbidden her from seeing him. Like she would pollute him somehow. She'd watched from a far at how he was trained. A young child being put through things that they never should. He'd had more beatings than she could count, and still got back up after each one and said "No."

How she envied him. Forever was stuck in her mind her only meeting with her young son. He'd come out of a room and she'd been in the hallway. They just looked at each other, she saw that he knew who she was, but he didn't ask her anything. Didn't blame her for his life, just looked at her with those too old green eyes in a child's body. Nothing in them but a tiredness, and she'd said the very first thing that came to her mind.

"You should have been killed the moment you were born." He said nothing, just looked at her. He didn't even seem hurt by her words. Actually he looked like he almost agreed, and with his life she guessed that she would want to die as well. She'd turned her back and walked away from him. Never had she felt so bad about anything than that moment.

It was her biggest regret that she had stood in that hall and told a nine year old boy that he shouldn't exist. Right there she knew she was no better than the demons that ruled the world. No better than Astor that looked at others as objects. She should have given a kind word or said nothing at all, told him she was sorry. No instead she hadn't, not like there was love between them, but he was powerful.

Jill knew where he was, or at least she could find him if she wanted to. All it took was a thought. She figured it was a mother child thing. Astor had never asked her if she could find him. Why would he? She was just a human, nothing special about her really. Just a talented human that gave him what he wanted.

Now she looked at the things that Savon had done, or helped do and it made her smile. Made her want to find him and thank him for not being his father. Though she couldn't be sure about that, he could just be doing things to his own end. However deep inside she knew that he wasn't. He was doing what he thought was right.

He was a better person than she was, even if he didn't care for others. Or just fought for no other reason than he had nothing else to do. He was helping the right species. He could have become something so much worse. cCould have caused horrible things to happen.

Instead at age eleven he'd defied Astor and left. Killed those he was supposed to use, and was eating through those that were powerful still. Astor had been more than destructive the day that Savon had gotten away from him.

She glanced at the door as she felt the hell hounds arrive with the ones named Garien and Lia, daemon and demon. They were dead the moment that they went after Savon. He'd kill them because he was more powerful. They were severely underestimating the son she would never know.

Jill smiled at that, he would make quick work of them and she found that hilarious. Astor underestimated Savon and his group so badly. He didn't understand them. Couldn't figure them out. Sometimes a war was won on smarts, not power. Jill stood up and walked to the window in the room and looked toward the south, where she knew her son was. The only person in this world that could possibly kill Astor. It would be her death as well, but she was okay with that.