A Wolf in Sheep's Clothings

Jonas sat watching the group that his was now a part of load the vehicles. They were moving out of here, half the group had already relocated. This Drake hadn't shared with their group yet where it was that they were going. Hadn't decided if they were trustworthy enough to join them.

They had that fucking half breed thing with them. Couldn't be very hard to earn their trust. Plus their group only had one other place that they could go and very little food. A few of Drake's group would be staying behind here to maintain it until the others came back. It was smart to move camp every so often. It wasn't smart to have that thing, and something needed to be done. Especially after the night before and what Savon did to others. That wasn't saving, couldn't they see it? Jonas would see to it, they would thank him for it.

His eyes scanned the crowd but he didn't see the one that he was looking for. He had to take care of this situation before they were gone. He'd be doing them a favor, riding the world of that thing. He should really take care of the woman too. Though she was probably just brainwashed by it.

"Jonas, I'm worried about you." Hannah had come up behind him. He hadn't heard her with his concentration of finding the creature among them. She was always on his back lately. Telling him to let it go. To relax, that Savon didn't mean them harm. He was helping them and Drake swore by him. Drake's group had a very strong standing with the free humans. They had done great things and endangered themselves many times. The proof was there.

"There's nothing to worry about." He said, she looked at him. He was sitting there with a gun in hand.

"So why are you sitting here looking like you haven't slept and are ready to kill something."

"Just prepared. You never know when something might happen." She frowned.

"If you do anything stupid. You will not be part of this group anymore. We won't stand by you if you can't control yourself." Hannah turned and walked into the building. Their injured were doing far better now. Bev was up and moving, and Gus was up as well, Tina right by his side.

Jonas didn't say anything, he'd already made up his mind and just calmed himself. Just let the anger and hate in him be pulled under to give a false look of calm. He couldn't afford to let that thing know what he planned until it was to late. He was hoping to catch him unawares. To comfortable with where he was at the moment.

Jonas looked up at the sky as a light snow started to come down. He looked back at the trucks that were moving out. He got up tired of where he was sitting, he needed to move. Needed to do something other than sit here. He walked down the road toward the other buildings. He had a plan and knew that they were normally over here. He'd made up his mind in a second of what needed to be done.

There were plenty of people still out here, moving around loading things. Jonas moved past the gas station and to a different building just across the way. He heard talking and a woman laughing. As he came to the corner of the building someone stumbled around the corner laughing.

It was that Kayla woman. He hated her on sight and where she was that thing wasn't far behind. He didn't think because hesitation would cost him. Jonas gaze moved to the corner of the building and Savon came into view. Too easy, they were too comfortable and he'd picked the perfect moment. He aimed and fired. The world went suddenly silent as the gun shot rang out.


Kayla's face went from laughter to pale in a millisecond once she saw Jonas and the raised gun. Like he'd been standing there waiting. She couldn't remember now what they had been joking about. Before she could even make a sound he fired the gun. She flinched as it went off, the sound loud. Her heart went from still to painful beating against her chest as the sound faded away.

Kayla turned her head, everything feeling so surreal and slow motion. She saw Savon jerk back, red instantly staining the shirt that he wore. Jonas had shot him right in the chest. Savon went back and Kayla turned back to Jonas who moved forward clearly going to shoot him again. He looked like he was going to come over and empty the gun into him.

Kayla kicked up and hard, she hoped that she broke his wrist. Then she punched Jonas in the face. Blood erupted from his nose, and her hand throbbed. He went back with the force of the punch and put a hand to his face. Others came running over and grabbed Jonas pulling him away before he could go after Kayla who turned and dropped down next to Savon. The gun was kicked away, and luckily others weren't far. Kayla fought the panic that started to rise now.

"Savon?" She said looking down at him. It looked like the bullet when right through but it had to have hit his heart. It was clearly in his chest. She felt tears in her eyes. Someone else dropped down next to them. She looked at Drake who was pale. She could hear shouting and raised voices behind them. She ignored it. Jonas's bullets were blessed, would that kill him?

Kayla ripped the shirt so they could see the wound. It didn't look like he was breathing. His eyes were closed at the moment. Blood coated his skin and shirt. It was running over his skin.

"We need a med kit!" Kayla shouted and heard someone running. He wasn't breathing. It didn't feel like there was a pulse. There was no sign of life at the moment and she felt terrified. Her eyes started to burn and she felt something like a scream wanting to start in her throat. What if...

Savon took a sudden sharp breath, and Kayla felt the relief seeing his chest rise. She let out a thankful sob. Still he had a bullet wound in his chest. She touched his skin which was burning, and noticed that the marking had changed. the majority of it was over his chest and disappearing over his left shoulder. She had a sudden very bad feeling, and looked at Drake.

"Drake..." She said. A bit of blood was at the corner of Savon's mouth. The marking moved opening more over his skin. They both saw it, the marking was spreading out more taking over a large portion of his skin.

"I know, this is bad." Drake didn't mean the wound. He doubted that the human part of Savon was going to be in control when he opened his eyes. Both of them knew enough about Savon and what was in him. Jonas had done the worst thing possible. He'd more than likely just forced the human part unconscious and gave his other half control.

Kayla looked over at the group that was surrounding Jonas. No one was holding him back right now. Though he wasn't going anywhere. Kayla saw past the group to where Kiore was. His eyes were slits. He looked ready to spring, just waiting for an opening, Jonas was a dead man. It was clear that Kiore was waiting to do the deed.

Where Kiore sat only she could really see him. So long as Savon was alive and not in immediate danger of dying, his order to not reveal himself to the others would stand. It was still clear that if Jonas came close enough Kiore would kill him before he even saw the hell hound there. She bet that it was eating Kiore that he hadn't protected Savon. It was his job. At least if he was still restrained by the order, she knew Savon would be okay.

Savon suddenly sat up and had his head down looking at his chest. The wound was closing rapidly now. Faster than she'd ever seen it before. He touched his chest, his hand coming away with blood. He glanced up with only his eyes over to where Jonas was. His eyes were an electric green. The ring around them was a solid black. They watered a bit from the light, but she knew if it was dark they would glow. They almost looked like they were glowing now, and for a man that was just shot he sure as shit did't look phased by it.

"Savon wait." Kayla said worried as he stood up almost eerily fast. She stood up just as fast gripping his arm. He didn't even look at her. She glanced over at Kiore who saw him get up. The hell hound had his ears flat to his head and crouched lower to the ground. Backing up slighting sensing the danger.

"He's not worth it. Don't do it." She knew exactly what he was going to do. He was going to go over there and kill Jonas. There were no if, and or buts about it.

"He's not, but it'll feel good." Okay well at least she got acknowledgement. All of his muscles were tense and he made an imposing figure at the moment. They were a good twenty yards from the main group of people. So she had that long to try and talk sense into him. Drake was striding along next to him as well. He didn't look at either of them, just straight forward toward the man he was clearly going to kill.