All Good Things Come to an End

"I'm proud that you managed to control yourself." Drake said with a smile. Savon gave him a look and shrugged off his shirt. The compliment that was meant, he didn't really feel all that gratified by it.

"I wanted to kill him. I should have."

"But you didn't." Kayla said looking at his back, he was sitting down at the moment. He made an annoyed sound.

"You're annoyingly persistent." He told her with an almost growl to the words.

"Well I wasn't sure that I was going to get through. Though I might have to start looking for a more sane and rational boyfriend." Kayla commented.

"I thought you didn't want me to kill people."

"I don't." She told him at his response.

"Then stop prodding me." She smiled a bit as he looked down at his chest.

"May I come out?" Savon looked at the trees and then to Drake who was standing there. He didn't hear Kiore speak but Kayla did. Which meant that he was waiting for Savon to say it was okay. Obviously Drake knew about him, just hand't seen him yet.

"Yes." Savon answer then to Drake he said, "Kiore is here." who just gave a nod. When Kiore came out Drake felt a swallow. This was the first time he'd seen the large hell hound, thank god Savon was in control of that thing.

"Nice to meet you." Drake said awkwardly and Kiore tipped his head.

"Never had that greeting before. You travel with odd humans." Kiore said sitting down and looking at Savon. Kayla was wiping the wound that was still on his back. It wasn't quiet healed and had slowed down.

"I need to feed." Savon said suddenly. "I'm starved, I lost a lot of blood with the wound."

"Hey I... Holy fuck what is that?" Todd said coming around the building. He looked at the group and then to Kiore who put his ears back and looked at Savon. Kiore looked like he was going to be sick for a second. This was technically disobeying an order even though he was told he could come out.

"Sorry wasn't paying attention, you said it was okay to come out." Kiore looked like he was starting to shake or something.

"Relax. It's fine, can't do anything about it now. I said yes, you didn't break the order." Savon said to him, Todd wasn't running off yet.

"He's a hell hound. Keep your shit together Todd or we will have a problem." Savon said with a gesture of his hand. He wasn't in the mood to cater to others. They could just fucking deal with it. He lived here too and he had a god damn hell hound as a pet not a normal dog.

"Oh shit that the things from..."

"Yes he is." Savon said not in the mood to explain. He was starved, still in pain and pissed. Not a good combination.

"It's okay, he belongs to Savon. When Savon killed the demon ownership was transferred to him." Kayla filled in. "Can I have what you are holding?" She said pointing to a few of the items in Todd's hand.

"Yeah." He said coming forward and behind Savon next to Kayla. "It's a he?"

"Yes I'm a he. I'm not stupid, nor deaf."

"It talks?!" Todd nearly shouted. He looked like he might bolt for a second. Honestly they were surprised he was still standing here. Odd humans indeed, Savon was shocked again by those he called friend.

"It's new to me too." Drake said. Todd looked at him.

"Yeah but I bet you knew about this for a while."


"Can I give you some of what you need?" Kayla said to Savon knowing that he need it and bad.

"You can't afford it. I've already taken from you, and with your injury the other night no." He said. "I have to make a run to the city. Or I'm going to attack someone."

"I can give." Kiore said. "You need it badly, and acolytes can take from any source. They just prefer human." Right now Savon would take from anything with a beating heart. Those around him were slowly driving him insane.

"I'll give too." Savon looked at Drake. A rather odd look on his face.

"Just because I'm older doesn't mean my blood's bad." He sounded almost offended at Savon's look.

"Why are you offering, you haven't before."

"You never asked, and I can tell you need it. I would have before, but I knew you'd have said no." Why would they do that?

"Hey if everyone else is offering to be a blood bank, besides the more sources the less you have to take from one right? You're part of the group, taken you in oddity and all right?" Todd said shifting slightly, but looked serious. Savon felt really odd here, he never really thought he'd see the day that someone would willingly offer what he needed. Here he had four people, well three people and a hell hound offering to give him what he needed most. Had he really died back there and was now in some weird world created in his own mind?

"Kiore can give most of what I need, but I can go to the city for more."

"Nonsense, we need you here at the moment. I have a bad feeling. It's been eating at me all day. At first I thought it was your little spat, but..."

"Little spat?" Todd said. "He could have seriously fucked that man up. Not that a broken bone and dislocated knee isn't' bad. Plus a broken nose. Not to mention getting shot."

"The knee was dislocated?" Kayla asked.

"Not sure, but as I was walking away I heard Tina say that it might very well be."

"Anyways, that wasn't the bad feeling I got. It's getting worse, like a horrible stomachache." Drake clearly thought something worse was going to happen and that made Savon leery too.

"Okay." Savon said. Looked like he was getting what he needed here and now. Not such a bad thing. If Drake had a bad feeling then it was best to listen and stay. His feelings always panned out and they needed to start moving. He'd have Kiore circle the area when the were done with him and they'd check.


Anna paced where she was. It was cold and she'd been out here for the better part of the day. She knew that the message handler should be here soon. She was wondering what had happened to the information that she had sent before. They should have raided already, but they hadn't. With what Jonas did it gave her the perfect moment to slip away.

She'd been out of contact with Savon watching her. She hadn't put that he was with this group. She didn't want them to know. However right now she felt different, betrayed, she tried so hard and he'd picked that bitch over her. What could Kayla have that she didn't?

No matter, he'd live to regret that decision when she told the message handler who was staying here, and she had to do it fast. They were moving to the next point. A place that she had never been and didn't know any message point close to it. She glanced about the area though as she waited.

She felt watched, like someone or thing had followed her out here. She kept glancing toward the trees and a few times thought that she saw something moving over there in agitation. After a bit she saw what looked like a small group moving toward her down the road. She stood up and watched, in a matter of minutes they approached her.

There was one vehicle, but before it got to her, two huge animals ran around her, snarling. She had never been so scared in her life. Both had vibrant orange colored eyes. One had black skin, but the other had a iridescent purple color to it. Every time it moved the light caused it to show. It was overcast at the moment, and there wasn't any fog here.

The vehicle stopped and she saw that there were others on foot, not just in the car. She stood right where she was. This wasn't what she expected, and a woman came from the passenger side of the car and she recognized her as Lust.

Lust moved forward looking at her and she kept her gaze low. Her heart slamming against her chest. There was a bit of thunder overhead, rain was coming.

"We must keep moving before the rain washes the scent." A woman said, and made a motion, the blackish purple animal moved over to her and sat down. The other moving toward a man.

"Anna, where have you been. Why have I not heard from you?" Lust asked, and Anna saw a man coming from around the vehicle. He had dark hair and yellow eyes. Eyes like Savon's green ones, she suddenly felt very terrified.

" was hard to get away from the group I am with. They are very cautious and one of them watched me constantly. I just managed to get away earlier because of a fight, but the group is moving. I wanted to be sure that the message was received. It seems that my last wasn't."

"What group are you with?" The man asked and Lust moved so Anna was now standing in front of him.

"The leader of the group is named Drake. He's the one that manages to kill the stronger demons."

"Where is this group." She keep her gaze low. "Just to the west of here and a bit south. They are on the move, leaving for a different site."

"Take the hell hounds and continue forward." Astor said. The two with the hell hounds nodded and took off in the direction that they needed to go. The hell hounds leading by scent.

"How many are in this group?"

"Near thirty two, there is another group currently with them. They are very good, they don't let their guard down." He looked at this human woman, weak. She wasn't a fighter that was clear to see.

"Is there one named Savon there?" She hesitated, and he pulled her forward.

"Yes." She gasped his hand around her throat.

"Does he normally stay with the group?"

"Yes." She managed. "He'll know you're coming, he always knows when others are coming."

"Take her." He said shoving her at a demon. "Do what you want with her." Anna made a sound but the demon pulled her with him. He looked at Lust.

"We move now, and fast. I want this group and I want them all dead before they manage to move off." With that he took of in the direction that the hell hounds had gone. He could move faster on foot. Lust followed him along with a few others. This time they were going to catch them at their own home. There wasn't going to be anywhere to run.