Out Numbered

Kiore saw the group that stopped as he'd come to find Anna. He noticed that she had gone missing. Savon said to find her, obviously she was a threat. From where he watched, he instantly recognized Astor and Lust. He was down wind and their scents came to him. He also recognized the two hell hounds that where with them. Ichor and Ikis. They were twins brought up with him, though he hadn't been sure they were still here. Guess he knew now.

Listening he knew and they were headed right for Savon and his group. No doubt tracking them, the brother and sister were a very strong team. A hard one to content with. They were also younger than he was. Kiore was larger than the two of them but together it would be a hard fight. Besides he didn't want to kill them if he didn't have too. However they were going to be on opposing sides.

They had been very close in hell, very close. It was why they'd been taken from it at the same time. They had been near the gate when it opened together. This was not so good. Kiore turned and ran fast and sure back the way that he came. Taking the shorter route that he knew. The other hell hounds had to track by scent not knowing the end direction.

He was back with in ten minutes. As fast a human went it was near an hour to the site. With the direction that they were taking, it would be twenty minutes before they descended on the group. When he left them there were still talking to Anna. He hoped she was dead now. He'd wanted to kill her the whole time, but couldn't until she was going to give them up. However it was suicide to run out there and kill her with Astor there.

This was an emergency and Kiore ran straight for Savon, uncaring if others saw him. His orders were to stay out of sight so long as it wasn't an emergency. Savon had amended what the order was earlier with how agitated Drake was. Now he knew why.

Kiore darted past a vehicle that was leaving and picking up speed. Heading in the opposite direction that the group was coming from. With the vehicle he could smell Drake and the few younger ones that lived here. They were on their way out and picking up speed so that was good.

He saw Savon and darted down the road at full speed. Just a blur of movement. He skidded to a stop dirt and gravel tearing at the pads of his feet. There was a small group still here, which included most of their fighters and Hannah's group. Louis was still here, just about to leave with Jonas to drop him off somewhere unknown.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the huge hell hound standing in front of Savon. Plus Kayla who was on his left, Todd just next to her. The three not shocked and the others didn't know how to act.

"Astor is coming, he knows where this place is. He has two other hell hounds with him and a group of very strong demons. He plans to kill everyone here." Thunder sounded overhead, and this time it was a bit of rain that started to come down instead of snow.

Kiore spoke so that all could hear him. It was dead silent and they were all looking at him and Savon. Savon looked up. There wasn't time for questions or what this was and they all knew it.

"We have to move, now!" He shouted and turned darting for an entrance to the underground. They needed weapons, everyone else didn't questions just started running for the things that they needed. If they wanted to survive standing still wasn't going to do.

Those that were left here had no hope of getting away from those coming for them together. This was very bad, their group was divided. Some were gone and only a few left. They darted through the tunnels to the weaponry, to get what was left. Those that were just the workers with no real fighting skills helped give them what they needed. Then once everyone was out sealed off the underground area.

"Will they get in underground?" Kayla asked.

"Doubt it, hopefully they will assume we've been living in the buildings which we do from time to time." Savon answered. He felt a bit of real fear as his senses picked up those that were coming. He glanced at Kayla, his fear was for her.

"Astor is coming, there are two daemons, two hell hounds, and many more demons with them. And two fliers."

"We are fucked." Neil said, the group that was left was here waiting to be picked up in a few hours. There was a total of twelve of them. At least most were gone and safe.

"Our best bet may be to just break up and run for it in different directions. There would be a lot of us to track and with the rain, our scents would scatter." Savon commented. He doubted very much that this group was going to live past the next ten minutes. They didn't have the element of surprise and Astor was ready. If his senses were right that was about how much time until they got here.

"They'll just pick us off." Tim said, one of Hannah's group.

"Not if they have a reason to stay. The chance is there, however there's a greater chance for some of you to survive. I don't think that we have much of a chance here."

"He's right." Tina said. "We should just strip what we are wearing and toss it into the buildings to confuse scent. Grab clothes and take off into the woods. We're better off that way." She said and moved off to do what she said. Several of the others did it as well.

"Go with them." Savon said to Kayla who stood there looking lost. She wanted to stay but knew it was stupid and costly. She quickly embraced him and kissed him. Leaving him to face this hurt her heart, but it was what needed to be done to give the rest a chance.

"Don't do anything stupid." She said, he just gave a bit of a smile.

"Because staying isn't?" He stated and she moved to follow Todd. However she stopped and met his gaze solidly.

"I love you." She wanted to make sure he knew. Just in case he didn't come back. In case she was chased down. Then quickly turned, running off toward Todd. Pulling off her shirt as she went to help confuse scent tossing it into a house. Not that it would work very long. They just needed the rain to start, the stronger the scent here the more likely it was that they'd get a head start. Savon felt a heavy feeling in his chest.

Even if they took him, they would have to make him do the ritual. He had to perform it in order to be the sacrifice. When you were sacrificing someone that was the race you were trying to bring up it had to be consensual. At least in this case, and they weren't going to be able to make him do it.

He stayed where he was holding his weapons, and watched as movement came to him. Kiore appeared and stood next to him facing the group that came forward. He knew that the humans weren't quite out and into the wooded area yet. He saw a shadow pass over head, and others moving around the buildings. Clearly ordered to search as Astor saw Savon waiting.

Astor approached him, watching him. To his left stood Lust, to his right Garien. There was another woman there as well, just a demon. But a strong one, and there were two hell hounds. He was so very fucked, like Neil had so eloquently put it.

"Always difficult." Astor said and Savon gave a shrug.

"You've missed them." Savon told the group.

"Most of them, but we'll get the ones that we have to." He said. "I'll give you one chance to come quietly." He glanced at the hell hound. "Should have known." He looked back at Savon

"No." Savon's voice was solid and defiant. Twirled a blade for a moment, his eyes bright.

'Now let me play, this time I can kill freely.'

'Yes.' Savon said and his two parts switched. Astor stepped forward pulling a weapon, but Savon darted away quickly. Kiore going the other way. The two hell hounds followed Kiore at their master's orders, and Astor shouted for the rest to go after Savon.

Savon had to split them up. It would be easier for him to kill them that way. He came around the greenhouse building and made a quick move going up onto a low hang and onto the roof. He looked at the sky, but the fliers were more over the woods.

"Go cut the humans off, drag them back. Preferably alive." Savon heard Astor say. With his mind he tracked where each of them where. He glanced over to the left to a building that was there. It would seem that not all the humans had left. Jonas was still here, and he was badly injured. There was no way for him to fight. Right now he was just hiding out. Louis hadn't gotten the time to take him from here.

Savon felt the one named Garien move off fast with some soldier demons. He was going after the humans. If they brought back the other humans, Savon would do what he could. It was only one human that he knew he'd be in serious trouble should they catch.