Episode Nine

Li Jen levitates the talisman in the air, then she uses her index and pointer fingers to push it down and  towards the necklace, before flicking and twisting her fingers to place the talisman on to the necklace before dissolving into the stone. 

She took up the necklace and gave it to Kai, before turning back to the table and doing the exact same thing she did with the other necklace.

   "You must wear this necklace  at all times. Never take it off, or else your true identity  will revile itself."

Kai nodded and took a deep breath.

   "Are you ready?" Li Jen ask, her fingers twitched in anticipation.

Kai swallowed nervously, trying to moist his sudden parched throat. 

Is he ready to do This? What if something goes wrong, and someone finds out. What if the king and queen finds out? Li Jen might get off easily because she's of their blood, and have a higher status because of her advanced level of her Mage ability. But what about a commoner like him? He will surely be punished, probably banished from the kingdom along with his family. Maybe even execution will be bestowed upon him. What if they do this and something happens to Li Jen. He could never live with himself if something were to happen to her.

All this negative thinking made Kai want to throw up. What they are about to do might cause more harm than good. But he couldn't tell Li Jen  that he suddenly wanted to back out, he can see how excited she is. And telling her otherwise will only break her. 

She wants to go out and experience love and normality for a day, before she has to live the rest of her life in an arranged marriage and the safe walls of the kingdom.

So with a huge intake of breath, Kai opened his mouth to speak for the first time since Li Jen started to work her magic.

   "Yes, I am ready." Li Jen smiles at him, before handing him one of her blue hanfu with gold design around the sleeves and edges. 

   "Put this on first." She instructed him, to which he complied. 

   "I am all dressed." Kai announced from behind the changing screen.

   "Oh, that's good. 

    Li Jen handed the necklace to Kai over the top of the changing room. "Now you are going to put this on and then come out."

Kai took the necklace and gulp as he put it on. He didn't bother to glance in the mirror that is seated on the wall. He just walk in slow steps towards Li Jen.

  Li Jen heard soft steps coming towards her, before hearing Kai's quiet voice telling her shyly that he has finished changing. Her eyes slowly traveled from the feet standing in front of her, to the face that mirrored hers so much. Her mouth open and close, as he was lost for words. Yes, she's one of the best female Mages in and out of the seven kingdoms. But she didn't actually know that her plan would work perfectly. 

She wasn't sure that her illusion talismans would work, because she had never performed that trick before. But standing in front of her was like looking in a mirror at her own reflection. Yes, Kai looked so much like her. But it was always downsided by his half Korean descent. But you can't see no trace of that right now. His posture and every fine details were on point. No would tell the difference, and that put her mind at ease. Only thing she needs to work on is his hair. The talisman didn't change his hair color or length, so she will have to cast a spell for that. But for now, she can see the gears turning in Kai's head, because of her lack of response.

   "Wow Kai, you look breath taking." She walk up to him, and pull him towards the full length mirror leaning against the wall. "Nobody couldn't say we are not twins now." She stood behind him, and looked at their reflections.

"I-it worked." Kai smile in amazement. He had thought that it had gone wrong when he step out and Li Jen didn't say anything. He hadn't look up to see her face, so he couldn't tell what her reaction was. "Even my voice is starting to sound like yours." But his smile faded and a pout takes its place.

   "Kai, what's wrong now?" Li Jen's own smile vanishes when she saw his sudden pout. 

Kai turn around to face her,before he utter in a whiny voice. "Now, I really look like a girl." Li Jen stared at him in silence, then burst out in laughter as she uses her pointer finger on both hands to stretch his mouth into a smile.

   "Well, look at the upside. At least you are me." 

    "And what is so special about being you?" Kai playfully retort.

Li Jen flick his nose and then pinch his left ear, causing him to speak in pain, and a smile of triumph spread across her lips. "There are a million different special things about me, but I am just going to leave you with these two. I am me and I am your rock."

Kai stuck his tongue out at her, but smile after, knowing what Li Jen said about being his rock is true. They are both each other's rocks, and countless of times when Kai felt down, he needed help or her just need someone to talk to, Li Jen is always his go to person. And it is the same thing for Li Jen as well. 

"Your talisman didn't work all that well. My hair didn't change. It's still white, and the length is shorter than yours." Kai pull at his hair as he look in the mirror. He can see specks of gold and silver, lingering in a few strands. Which means that he would have to dye his hair soon.

   "Oh yes, I saw that. I will have to cast a spell to change it, but nevermind that. It's my turn to go change." Li Jen took a deep breath as she strip from her clothes and put on Kai's clothes. Finally, she will get to experience life outside of being a royal. And finally to experience true love. 

The first thing she plans to do is spend as much time with Lee as she possible can, then she will tour some of the villages and towns she isn't allowed to go without supervision. 

Her smile widen when she puts the necklace around her neck, and she suddenly transformed into Kai. She look down at her attire and dust off the few specks of dry mud that was caked onto Kai's brown pants. 

She felt a bit strange in a boy's body, but Kai's appearance wasn't much different from hers. Yes, Kai might weigh a pound more than her because he eats like he has four stomachs. They are the same height, but his posture is different from hers. And Kai has a few upcoming muscles because of work. But that didn't hinder Li Jen from checking out her new look, and can't wait to get her plan in motion.

   "How do I look?" Kai heard his own voice ask. He became confused, touching his mouth to see if he had spoken without knowing. Before he remembered the situation he is in.

He quickly look up, and saw Li Jen standing in front of him.

   "You look dashingly handsome." He got up, and walking in circles around Li Jen. "I knew I was handsome, but I didn't realize that I was A grade handsome. If it was acceptable, I would marry me." He laugh, as he stare into the honey brown eyes that his mother always told him held so much promise for the future.

  "Kai, cut it out." Li Jen push him away from in front of her in a playful but embarrassed manner. Which made Kai smirk at her.

"So, what's next?" Kai ask, playing with one of the jade hanging from the ribbon around his waist.

  "We go over the plan." Li Jen reply. "But first, let me change our hair.

   "Ok, so now we play pretend. I will meet you back here by the end of the day, and you just pretend to be me for those couple of hours." Li Jen explained as she check her cover up one last time in the mirror.

Kai swallow nervously, wondering if he should back out now. He just started to get this nagging feeling like something terrible is going to happen. Or maybe it's just because he is anxious. What ever it is, Kai doesn't like the way how he feels. Neither does his fingernails, because he constantly bit them. A habit he has when he gets nervous or anxious.

   "You are a Mage, and I am not. What if they ask me to do magic?"