Episode Ten

Li Jen place her hand on Kai's shoulders and look deep into his eyes. She knows that he is taking a huge risk to do this for her, and for that alone, she has to ensure that he is in the right mental state for them to pull it off. And she also has to ensure that he knows that there will be no harm to come to him, and that he will be ok as long as he follows her instructions. And about doing magic, he doesn't have to worry. Because when it comes on to her father, he would protect her from the simplest thing as casting a spell.

"Kai, take deep breaths." Li Jen slowly instruct him, when he started to breathe heavily from the lack of response Li Jen is giving him, and also from the overall situation. "Inhale and exhale with me." Li Jen slowly and steadily breathe in and out, and Kai followed her movement. "There you go." She praise him when his breathing became under control. "Hey, you don't have to worry. You know that my father barely makes me use my magic, and if it comes to a point and he ask you to. Just pretend to faint and you will be good as gold."

Kai looked at her strangely. "Pretend to faint? What is that all about?"

"Nevermind that, just do as I say and no one will ask anything of you." Kai nodded , and Li Jen look at him before pulling him into a tight hug. "Thank you for doing this for me. I appreciate it so much, and I will remember this big decision that you made for all eternity." Li Jen eyes blurry with tears as she look around her room as she hold on to Kai like it's the last time she would ever see the place and hug him. "I love you so much, and I want you to remember that you are special, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Kai gulp, and nervously laugh. "Li Jen, you are speaking like it's last time we will ever see each other."

Li Jen pull away from Kai, and walk towards the door. She stop and turn around to face Kai with a small smile on her face. "Kai, you have nothing to worry about. And this isn't good bye." Kai smiled back at her, not knowing what to say.

"Ok then." Li Jen inhale and exhale deeply. "This is it. I will be back before sunset." Kai nodded at her words. Li Jen slide open the door and step out, she turned back to Kai and bow to him. "See you soon princess." She said in Kai's playful but smooth voice.

"See you soon Wang Kai." Kai wave at her before she vanishes out of sight.

       Kai nervously sat down beside Li Jie, discreetly rubbing his sweaty hands on Li Jen dress that he is wearing. 

He desperately wanted to bite his fingernails. Out  of habit a thing he does when he is nervous. But he couldn't, because Li Jen hated when anyone bite their fingernails, and it would seem suspicious if Li Jen suddenly started to chew on her own fingernails.

   "Li Jen." A rough voice called. Kai was a bit confused at first, and he started to look around for Li Jen, before Li Jie gently nudge him in the side and mumble under his breath. 

'Li Jen, you know how father hates it when he doesn't get a first response. Or whenever you space out like that." Kai quickly shook the confusion from his head when he remembered the situation he is in, and bow to King Li Wei in respect.

"My apologies father, I was just caught up in my thoughts." Kai said, still bowing. And making sure that he still sounded like Li Jen.

"Hmm.." Is the only thing King Li Wei said stroking his beard, before taking a sip of his wine.

Kai sigh inwardly, feeling disappointed in himself that he might not be able to pull this little switch a roo off. His mind suddenly drifted off to Li Jen, wondering what she is doing right now. Wondering if she got the chance to get together with Lee, and get to visit all the places she wanted to go. Maybe Li Jen is having the time of her life, while he is sitting here feeling tense, bored and uncomfortable.

"Li Jen dear, why are you not eating?" Queen Li Ling ask her daughter. She reached out and place her hand on Kai's, which made him automatically flinched out of nervousness. Li Ling pulled back her hand, and a worried look crossed her face.

'Kai, chill out. What are you doing? You are going to blow this for Li Jen and get yourself caught and in trouble. Inhale and exhale.' Kai thought to himself.

Kai quickly but gently took a hold of Li Ling's hand and affectionately squeeze her hand.

"Mother, I am so sorry for...my behavior. I am just a bit under the whether."

Li Ling worriedly got up from beside her husband and hurriedly came and sat down beside Kai. She place her hand on to Kai's forehead and started fussing a bit.

"You don't feel like you have a fever." She pull her hand back with a confused frown.

"O-oh, i-i don't mean that I have a fever." Kai stuttered, trying to find a good response. For some reason, he couldn't seems to come up with a good lie, even though he doesn't usually do the act, but right now he need to, and all that he can think about is...blank. "Umm....ah...well-"

"Nevermind that Li Jen," King Li Wei interrupted him. Kai nervously looked over at him, expected to see any form of 'you have been busted expressions on his face, but the only thing he saw was a small smile and Li Wei gracefully stroking his beard. A habit Kai had picked up on from the first time he had met the king. He only stroke his beard when he is in deep thought, or he knew something that no one else knows and when he is about to announce something big. "It's has been seventeen years now, do you remember what that means now Li Jen?" Li Wei eyes bore into Kai's.

Kai's mind became boggled, wondering what Li Wei could possibly be talking about. Li Jen didn't mentioned anything about what would be happening to her after her seventeenth birthday, and he definitely didn't want to get caught and get executed or banished from the kingdom. So maybe he should just go with the flow and act like he knows what king Li Wei is talking about.

"To be honest father, I have no idea what you are talking about." Kai gasp, and quickly covered his mouth. He generally wanted to say yes but the no just automatically blurted out.

Kai looked over at Li Wei, and fair enough he had on a confused expression. Kai's eyes looked around the room and spotted Li Ling's and Jie faces, and they too had a look of confusion. The atmosphere became uncomfortable silent.

Kai twaddle with his fingers, before he heard someone cleared their throat. He followed the sound and see that Li Jie was the one who did it.

"Father, any sensible teenage girl would forget their own betrothed especially when they have been doing nothing for the pass seventeen years." Li Jie mumbled the last part which cause Kai to glare at him. Did he just called his sister stupid? Kai thought. And how come Li Jen didn't tell him that she was betrothed, he thought that they tell each other everything, but he guess that he was wrong.

"Li Jie, stop picking on your sister." Li Ling said sternly to her son. "And it is fine that Li Jen doesn't remember. Oooh, I can't wait to plan her wedding!" Queen Li Ling squealed in excitement, which caused Kai to flinch. He felt sorry for Li Jen, but he was glad that he would be back to his own life by the end of the day. So he didn't know why he was getting so worked up.

It was two in the evening when Kai was disturb from a dreamless sleep, when he heard a loud rackus in the court room.

Kai ran from Li Jen room in alarm, anxious about what is happening, and if they found out about what he and Li Jen did. But when he got down to the court room, Kai saw a commoner on his knees. His clothes are torn and dirty with mysterious stains, but that's not what caught Kai's eyes. No, it was all the black blood oozing from his body through his ears, nose, eyes and mouth.

Kai's body started to shake when he saw a long figure running from the man's exposed chest up his neck and up his face and burst through his right eyes, as a venomous snake as the man drop dead.

The disciples quickly jumped in motion and cornered the black slimy snake, and uses their magic to contain it as it hit against the force field.

Kai doesn't know why, but he suddenly sense a feeling of dread, and his fingers twitched for action. He turn to look at the Li family, and he gulp in fear when he saw the horrified look on their faces.

Li Wei took a hold of his wife's hand and he mumbled under his breath but Kai heard.

"They have breach the barrier of the seven kingdoms. Darkness is now knocking at our door steps.