Training with the Vets

Ahhh....! ahhhh...!, you've become an expert on letting me cum more often than usual, babe!, I love you...aaaaa!, Reka said in a series of moan, Cara was in the middle and sumptuously munching what's beneath the crack and making Revilum crash all at the same time, but In a sexy and wonderful kind of way. Haha! Yup, that's my specialty now, making Revilum cry and moan until you can't get enough of me and yell out my name like I'm the only one you need in the world, Cara added replying after making Reka cum like the 4th time now. Yup, babe, now you're the only thing I need, right here and in there, hehe!, Reka added pointing to Cara and her private part which Cara have been working on for an hour now.

I love you too!, Cara said and moved to kiss her fiancée on the mouth while caressing her back up and down. Reka was again turned on and switched position from bottom to top and pulled Cara to her to sit on her lap and placed her fingers in her while she pumped herself to her repeatedly. Cara was yelling and moaning hard until she came, but Reka couldn't still get enough of her and continued pulling her fingers in and out of her until Cara could no longer hold her legs down numbing but still feeling the enormous orgasm beaming it's light upon her now, crying as it revolted and that salty, sour milky substance flowed out of her which Reka licked and made Cara lick in heavenly satisfaction. Haa...goshhhhh!!! Rekaaaaaaaaa, oh, God, oh God.....I love you!


Training 2 Week 2

Reka's voice is echoing down the training ring, where there are metal beams surrounding it. BLANKS are all over the place protecting Revilum's leader and D'EYE's head. The girls are already up front the palladium where on top they could see Reka talking from a thick glassed room hanging above the training ring. Cara and Sara is with Reka in the room. Two staff are operating the systems for the doors, panels and machines to be used for the training.

The women Reka invited are already ready and positioned at the back of the ring's opening.

Ladies and gents, we are here today to open the second week of our training through hurdles and physical combats. I would like to present to you my team and my family to help us out in our journey within the island. Let's start off with Alice and Moira.

Alice and Moira entered the ring. Alice walked ahead and started her exemplary martial artistry and changed into a vamp, became invisible and moved so fast one BLANK was caught in awe when she suddenly appeared at her back with a knife on her throat.

The girls, who were standing about a couple of feet from the stage where the visitors are demonstrating their powers, got surprised, except for Selina, which is usually common. She's hard to please and impossible to scare.

Moira, came in by using her mind to lift herself up and levitate from the metal door towards the girls. She was levitating as high as 10-15 feet and then, lifted the helicopter that was only seating on the helipad on the far back of the ring. Then, she carefully placed the helicopter back to where it was placed and levitated down while smiling at the girls who were happy and really entertained with the first two women's astonishing abilities.

Now, its Meg and Jade's turn to take pride in their abilities. Jade came in and already shape shifted into Veena, the spiritist, sorcerer or magician that made the weather change from cloudy to stormy. Then a sort of like tornado appeared in the middle of the ring, which the girls went out of its way since they were afraid to confront the powerful wind. Meg appeared in the middle of the tornado and changed into her wolf form. She is one of the biggest wolves in the world that Benedicta couldn't even match since Meg has the ability to be invisible and lift whatever it is that needs to be lifted in front of her.

The girls clapped their hands. Some of them are already seated on the ground like they're watching a live play on stage or a movie. Awesome!, Selina said to herself while checking out on Meg's power.

Thirdly, Gin and Alexa. Gin stayed young and his power of youth came with the ability to grow living things. She touched the ground and took some of the dirt, then spitted on it. A seed appeared and when she placed the seedling in the soil, she waved her hands and the seedling grew roots and started to grow with stems, leaves and fruits. By merely touching the dirt, seeds of plants started to grow roots, then the stems and leaves. Alexa was at Gin's side and the BLANK Alice put a knife resulted a tiny cut on her chin. Alexa took Alice's knife and totally cut BLANKS neck and blood spewed off of it. Alexa threw the knife back to Alice who was able to catch it that her fingers almost touched its sharp blade. Alexa then covered the guards neck with her hands while the BLANK fell down on her knees gasping for air. Alexa's hands emitted a blinding light and as if there's a miracle, the BLANK survived the cut and lived to tell the tale among her friends and family.

Then, last but not the least, Reka and Cara. Selina didn't know what power Reka has but she believed that she can defeat the Revilum leader any time of the day. However, Reka made Cara move first and the woman waved her hands and Reka walked to catch her. Cara didn't have powers at first but when she was marked by Reka she suddenly acquired a superpower ability and that is she now can read minds and hearts. She can easily infiltrate a human's brain and heart and know what they are planning to do and what they're desiring to achieve next. Reka shape shifted to a wolf and she is the biggest, most enduring and swiftest wolf in the universe. She could tear a person's heart and body if she wants with one blow or bite and that made Selina think twice.

She could tear a person's heart and body if she wants with one blow or bite and that made Selina think twice. She is born as a fox. She is big and fast and could swiftly run in and out of a building in milliseconds. She is one of the cutest human fox there is in New York and in the world. Selina knows she is a perfect match for Reka since she is quick and smart though the Revilum leader is powerful. She doesn't really know why she hated Reka so much, maybe, she didn't like her guts for she is like the wolf leader, and she is just mirroring herself from her.

Cara left Reka and let her love and Selina walk around the ring for a bit. Lyka turned to Cara and both saw each other from the side of the their eye, and ran on the left side to get a hold of each other. Sara is now handling the station and then Jim came around to see the live action between the grown ladies and the budding girls of Angel's Haven.

Here we go!, Jim reacting to the scene when music started to play in the ring and training field. Welcome to the Jungle!!!....Guns N Roses...

Reka smiled and began to run to punch Selina on the cheek and got hit unexpectedly. Selina went down on her knee and wiped her cut lip and smiled back. Hiyaa!!! The fox came on to Reka as fast as she could and swirled around her, Reka just stood in the middle, calm and composed and hit Selina once again and it was on her chest that made her flying to the air and fell flat on the ground, her front facing the dirt. Selina was touching her chest since its sore from the heavy blow Reka gave her. She stood quickly and ran again and as quick as a hedgehog she kicked Reka on the face and wrapped her legs on the woman's neck and grabbed on to her until she got choked and all. Reka was about to give up lying on the ground unable to breathe, but Sara cut in to announce that Selina won 1-0, for Angel's Haven. Selina let Reka's neck go and forced herself to smile and shake the Revilum leader's hand and both went out of the field to be checked by Jim on their physical injuries if they had one.

Lyka and Cara were like feeling each other's breathing and intuitively Cara manipulated Lyka's mind to punch herself again and again. Lyka knew her mom's power is just recent and she still has more experience using her abilities, so she took advantage of the situation. Lyka pushed a button and Cara was automatically sent inside the prison cell of Fort Haven. Here, villains, enemies, etc. are detained before their court trials. Cara, couldn't do anything but sulk. Damn!, Lyka! Erhhh!, the D'EYE head shouted very disappointed, but laughed at how Lyka outwit her this time.