
Everyone is tired but they need to eat and replenish their strength for the coming days, weeks that they will be training and competing with each other. Only one girl will win for the leadership position for Angel Defenders.

It's been two weeks since the girls have eaten a good meal. And tonight is the night they will have the best food and cocktails since they did well in the trainings. The future Angels won the round but there will be more rounds to come until the final month where they need to fight soldiers in real battle and more.

Cara hired a chef to prepare healthy and sumptuous meals for the girls. But tonight is extra special since they fought hard and as a team earlier which made D'EYE head proud. The meal is just a part of the surprise. The girls have been in the island at Fort Haven for two months now and it's time they feel welcome as family and as future heroines of the world.

She didn't tell Reka about her calling the girls families, friends or love ones to say hi to them. It'll be a touching scene but Cara wanted the girls to feel and still remember that even if they protect and save the world, they too have emotions that need to be met, they could fall in love, feel happy, excited, or would experience pain, suffering or losses that might be too much for them at their age. Yet, they need to be prepared and mature enough to handle everything with poise, smart, sound minds, strong hearts and peaceful souls.

It's time!....

At the dining room with the size of a conference hall, Meg, Jade, Alice, Moira, Alexa, Gin are already seated on their tables with four people seated together on each which are eight in total. Reka and Cara sat at the front table, where Sara and Jim are also seated. The girls sat wherever they wanted but all divided themselves into four. Lyka, Selina, Silka and Madie sat at the fourth table next to Alexa and Gin's. Sussa, Hailey, Benedicta and Kendra sat on the last two tables at the back.

The Angel's Haven Academy girls didn't know what will happen, they just knew that they will have dinner and listen to the band Cara hired for the night. Maneskin is very popular among the teenagers in America and Europe, so Cara invited them to sing for the girls until 12:00 midnight. Aside from sea foods, pastas, burgers, pizzas milkshakes, milk teas and ice creams, wines and tequilas were also available for the adults to gabble on later. Cara, wanted it to be fun and light. Talks about training and serious issues aren't allowed inside the premises, so Reka made it a point to talk less on stuff about the girls deployment to some country for with real military soldiers in battle.

Good evening Ladies, Gents!

Welcome to our "Night with the Angels". And here are our girls, future defenders of the world caught on camera and videos. They aren't just all power and strength but heart and friendship as well. Meet our future Angel Defenders, tonight!, Cara proudly presented her students and recruits for the said program.

The audience including the girls watched the video and it started with a catchy music by Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Wanna Have Fun song. Jim secretly set up video cameras on the training field, ring, fort, dining room, hallways and training halls for the girls not to be checked on but to see their progress in all the routine exercises, trainings on floor, air, gadget, weapon and girl to girl combat.

The girls were in awe and couldn't believe what they're seeing but all the shots were innocent, funny but happy and touching. The girls loved each other and even if they came from different backgrounds, they respected and shared with each other, strengths, weaknesses, fun, challenging and making each one of their sisters tough, capable and more powerful than the first time they came here months ago.

Then, the training proper appeared. Here the music changed from fun to serious. Now, Heroes by Alesso and Tove Lo played and on the big screen each girls zoomed, exhibiting their own superhuman, supernatural powers and abilities. And the audience including BLANKS, guards, soldiers on and outside the fort who are watching from their remote screens were surprised and looked at each other in disbelief with the girls' extraordinary skills.

They were somewhat scared but relieved that the world will now have these Angels to defend them always.

Those who are watching the video presentation on the screen are very happy and proud to have these wonderful girls in their care. Angel Haven's Academy makes sure that their students are one of the best students that can compete not just in the academics but also in sports and leisure skills like paragliding, parachuting, mountain jumping or air diving.

Selina looked at Lyka like she has never seen such beauty in all her life. She is definitely in love with the girl but what about her family, or Reka who she hated more than her life being borne in a manipulative family and aristocratic hole of criminals. Dad is a proud fox but he can never despise me for disobeying im and our traditions.

Moira stood and went out of the conference hall to receive a call from someone. She is seen standing outside the door of the hall and can be heard negotiating with a guy in Hindu. Ab kya? Kitana? (What now? How much?), Moira said looking from side to side checking if anybody can hear her at the moment. Mujhe paravaah nabin hai, bas mujhe 20,000 yooro ka sauda dilavao aur main yahaan se sab kuchh sambhaal loonga! Okay, bye!(I don't care! Just get me 20,000 euro deal and I'll handle everything from here on!), she added a bit agitated. Alice was looking all over for Moira at the hall and when she found the wife she wrapped her arms around the woman but Moira got caught at the wrong time and held Alice's arm pulling her and tackled her on the ground. Wait love!, it's me!, Alice said surprised and laughing while covering her face with her arms.

Ah, I'm sorry!, I need to go to the bathroom. Where is it at now?, Moira cried lying. Ah! Walk pass that hall, on your right. You want me to come with you?, Alice said a little bit worried of Moira since this is the first time she saw her wife anxious about something. You'll tell me if something is wrong, right, honey?

Yeah!, everything is not about you, Alice, please, leave me alone!, Moira added and ran quickly to the bathroom. She hid herself on one of the cubicles and sobbed emotionally. It's not about you, it's about me, Alice. I'm sorry babe, but I need to do this!. My family's life is at stake, if I didn't do what they want me to do.

Alice was still worried thinking about Moira's situation and what she might be in this time. She has seen this before and it didn't end up well for both of them. It was one time when Moira was caught up with a drug lord. She was promised to get paid $50,000 to do a job against Iluminati. She killed the man the Heroine King ordered her to do but she was only given $25,000 for it and was ordered to deliver another man's head but she only agreed on one kill. Alice knew what happened and followed her still fiancée at the time. She infiltrated the drug lord's den and alerted the authorities about his plans and got busted on the day he was about to meet with Moira.

Which pissed Moira more, since she wasn't able to retrieve half of the money bargained over one of the Iluminati leader's head. I talked her out of doing crazy and illegal jobs. Since the power I gave her shouldn't be used for evil but good and to help others with it. Why do you care? I am the master of my own destiny. I don't want to be a hero. I just want for my family to have a comfortable life, that's all. Would that be too much to ask for, or a sin, using my powers to hurt an evil man, Moira thought in prayer while kneeling down in front of the statue of a cross inside a church somewhere in Jamaica.

The place where Alice and her spent their honeymoon that went from a year to four years. Alice was there hanging on the church ceiling listening to Moira's qualms about her life and the sacrifices she endured to make her family happy and rich.

But it was still the wrong thing to do. Alice made sure that Moira won't get hurt and ordered the crew of a drug rehabilitation center in the in Los Angeles to help her out. Moira got mad at me at first but when she finally recovered from her drug addiction, she was the same Moira I met the first time at the milk tea station in New York.