Spies 2

Not again Moira, please tell me this isn't one of your heroine acts to save the world against the villains?, Alice wished as she sees Moira getting back to her chair and smiling at her, her face forcing one and her hands shivering. Everything alright honey?, I asked Moira one more time and I hope the last time. I'm okay, babe, just the salad I ate maybe. I felt puking and all, but I feel better now, thanks!, Moira again forcing a smile. If you don't feel good we could leave and you can just rest a while at our unit, Alice added and smiling back to her wife. No, it's okay!, Moira disagreed.

No, I think we better talk about this, now!, Moira!, Reka, Cara, Alice and Meg stood around to trap Moira who looked surprised but thinking of what she can do to escape them. But Alice injected a substance on Moira's neck immediately before the woman could react and escape. Alice was crying and feeling sorry about what she did. But she already knew Moira is up to something. And it isn't good, for her and for everyone's sake, she told Reka and the rest of the team about it so they could prepare of an attack or ambush since Fort Haven is a secluded part of the island. It is far from the cities that no one could ever find them or rescue them if they needed help or something.

It's the wisest decision Alice. Thank you!, Reka said greatly appreciating Alice's concern and good heart. Now, we will handle it from here. Moira will be okay. But we need to know what's she and the people she's working with what their plans are. Would it against us or the girls, Revilum, or the D'EYE?. We need to know soon before ABA comes to visit us here in about two days, Reka added very much worried about not knowing what will happen next after they have captured Moira.

Alice was teary eyed looking at Moira who is still passed out inside a glass chamber on chains behind bars. She woke up and didn't know what happened or what hit her, then saw the chains on her hands and feet. She screamed from the top of her lungs to let her out but no one could hear her, only Alice, Reka, Cara and Meg. Alice was staring at her wife numb and not being able to look straight at her. Now all can perfectly hear her as the machine turned her speakers on. Moira, I'm sorry we had to do this but we just want to know what are you up to and who are you working for?, Alice's voice sounded robotic as she asked the questions. Reka, Cara and Meg just watched and waited for an answer regarding maybe the plan of attack or ambush from a terrorist group.

Alice, is that you? Honey, take these chains off me, they're hurting me and I didn't do anything. Not that I know of that would hurt anyone here at Fort Haven. The people I work with just one Aba because they have some old grudges they needed to settle with that prick, Moira said sounded drugged. She was given a truth serum so the team could find out what's going on in Moira's mind and her plans. Okay, good!. How much did they plan to pay you for Aba's head, can you tell me?, Alice asked professionally, accurately. Aha!, now we're talking, it's 20,000 euros and maybe more if I also kill Reka and Cara along the way.

F*ck, what did you do to me?. Alice if this is you, I'm going to fucking kill you. You bitch, you sold me out, your own wife!. How could you?. Babe, please take this chains off me, I love you, please!, Moira said like going mad. The terrorist groups Terrovult was once big and powerful but the group's name wasn't found out not until D'EYE hired private investigators from the inside of the secret terrorist station in Germany. Terrovult is a closed, secret group that hires killers to either murder or slaughter heads, leaders, presidents or agents or defenders of light and truth for their selfish agendas and for money, game, the thrill and gambling.

Terrovult has 1,000 and more dens through-out the world that operates underground and illegal games, sex/prostitution/drugs, gambling, money making agencies, companies and organizations that produce billions of dollars which makes its head the richest person in the globe. You can't fight Terrovult, you can't kill its head for she is all around but you can see her. You're just wasting your time, my friends, Alice!. She is nowhere to be found, ever!, Moira said laughing while she passed out because of the sleeping serum automatically injected so she can rest and be calm for now.

When Reka heard of the word she, it means that this person is more powerful that expected. I don't know, what could be her name? I would definitely like to meet this mystery woman. Cara, on the other hand was skeptic, a smile is seen on both sides of her mouth. She seems excited but why?

It's useless, we should ask Jade's help on this to track this mysterious woman's whereabouts, soon, Meg said wondering who could Terrovult's head be.

Hmm, we all have the same wish, to meet her personally but after that, what then? Do we kill or compromise with her. She is the most rich and powerful woman in the world now. In spite of her illegal operations, we need funding and aid for our non-profit organizations which are in need of financial assistance since typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes and tornadoes have been happening all at the same time now in the world, Reka added keeping a sound mind while seating back at a high chair at her office.

Maybe, we need to talk about this after the event. The girls are still having a good time and this is their night. Let's party with them and just worry about this issue tomorrow morning, Cara interviened and calmed the women down. You have a point there. Btu I hope we still have more time just to sit and have fun around this time!, Meg replied smiling back at Cara.

Well, I don't think this mystery woman head of Terrovult would be nice enough to give us several days to prepare for battle and yup, maybe you're right!, Reka cried giving a huge sigh and put her arm around Cara's shoulders. Alice's smile gave away a soothing effect on all the women and went ahead back to the conference hall and joined the girls dancing to the tune of Their Never Gonna Get Us by t.a.t.u.

Meg walked out of the office and winked at Cara to join Jade at their unit to call it a day. Cara and Reka went for a walk outside the hall and the fort to check the wide range of land and training ground for the Angels. Reka talked first and gave away a light kiss on Cara's mouth.

Cara, felt a tingle of electricity flew to her chest down to her spine and kissed Reka back on her mouth and then deepening it with much affection. She didn't plan to fall in love with Reka like this but she thinks she is totally in love with her now. What the f*ck?, Reka....., Cara reacted when Reka placed her onm police chains and five BLANKS appeared in the scene to confront her. Babe, I knew you were part of some gambling lord shit. But I didn't know that you're the head of Terrovult. Why??? Of all people, my God, Cara, why me? We could've talked about this and you shouldn't have killed a lot because you wanted your secret to remain hidden forever!?, Reka said disappointed and sad at the same time. She is deeply and crazy in love with Cara now.

But how can she interrogate the head of Terrovult when she knows how dangerous this woman is to her and to the world.

You got me! I'm all yours. So what will you do to me, now that I'm here at your mercy!, Cara replied acting defeated and looking straight in Reka's eyes. Reka is nervous and wanted to cry over her wasted love and expectations. But she didn't want to kill her beloved but ask her about her plans to kill Aba and the rest of the leaders of Revilum and D'EYE. You really can't trust anyone, even the one closest to you.

Now I'm so sure of that now, but this won't be pretty. Cara, please just tell me why do you want to kill Aba and me, why would you do this? Why?, Reka asked with tears falling down her cheeks when a huge magnet at about 20-30 feet high above the ground pulled Cara off and got stuck on the magnet and electrocuted her to speak about her plot to murder the leaders of the groups she mentioned earlier.