Defenders 2

Each Angel called their families, love ones and friends to greet and be with them even just for a little while. Soon they will venture into the world to protect and save it against natural calamities, phenomenon and man-made destructions. Madie wanted to check on Axel but since they're not allowed to do it, she got a surprise in her room when Silka went out of for a bit to speak to their manager at the clothing store who stood as their mother during those times they needed one since they're both orphans.

Madie was lying on her bed and playing with her hair that was newly hot oiled since Sara hired a beautician to help the girls out on their hairs, nails and the like. She was an angel for them who they all gave a tight hug that lasted several minutes long appreciating a wonderful gift on self-care. Benedicta smiled at Sara and the woman asked her if she could have coffee with her on the laboratory. Jim is out for the day since he needed to buy stuff for the laboratory and some medicines for the first aid closets they have for the girls.

Surprise!, Axel said already beside Madie. She just suddenly popped right in front of the girl who almost jumped out of the bed terrified. Jesus!, Axel! Don't do that ever again. I might have smashed you with my strong arm or something. You scared me to death, Madie laughing while composing herself to breathe normal after that.

Hi!...Madie said sweetly.

Hiyee! I missed you!, Axel added and wrapped her arms around Madie and kissed the girl on the mouth rapid and fluid.

I missed you too, babe! The word babe is like chocolate melting in my mouth right now! It tastes so good! You taste so good and right!, Madie replied. taste wonderful too babe! Let's do the taste test on each other and have some of that love and kisses as the main course. Desserts can be arranged for later, wooh!, Axel said with eyes so big and smile so wide she looked so happy.

And both girls kissed and cuddled together for about 15 minutes or so. Silka was still talking with their step mom when she entered the room then when thought she saw someone with Madie. She terminated the called right away and ran to the door to Madie. Who's here, Madie?, Silka said seriously. No one, just me and my dream girl!, Madie cried laughing, but was nervous when Silka came into the room so sudden. It's a good thing Axel felt someone is coming and kissed me again on the lips and disappeared right in front of me.

Silka felt a swift wind came out of the door while she's walking inside it. Hmm!...did you feel that? Weird!

I didn't feel anything. Maybe it's just your imagination!, Madie added smiling innocently and went ahead with what she's doing on her computer.

Benedicta joined Sara at the laboratory, where, the doctor's room is also located. Sara offered the Angel a drink. Beer is just fine!, Benedicta replied sheepishly.

Sara is wearing a beautiful dark blue dress, where her cleavage is out and proud. She does have a 36 D I think of breast size. Okay, Benedicta, think wholesome, think appropriately and don't blew this up, the girls said repetitively in her mind.

Benedicta, hey?, Ah....Sara said when Benedicta didn't reply when asked if she wanted a slice of pizza or cake. Christmas is about to come in two days and since they needed ot get ready for the mission, Reka and Cara decided to celebrate it with a dinner and gift giving after the meal. For who would want to celebrate when the girls are going on a life and death mission. Cara is very emotional, (though she is resigned to the thought that sooner or later Lyka would need to become the superhero that she is trained to be for the sake of many in the world) when Reka talks about it, so, it's better to keep quiet and just do whatever they needed to do to help the girls.

Ah, yeah, what was that again? Call me Bene, thanks!, Benedicta asked. Oh, yes, I just asked if you like pizza or cake?, Sara said smiling.

Cake, please! Thank you! Wow! It's my first time to come at your quarters, it's nice and homey. You a small radio there and a television here, your bed at a cute divider and a shower with a tub. It's like a mini home in a doll house. I love it!, Bene added amazed at what she's seeing.

I know, right!, I really made it like that so I won't feel homesick. I miss my dogs actually, two Siberian huskies that my dad gave me as a present when I came out of the Drug Rehab. Reka, really helped me a lot. I have changed so much that I couldn't even recognize my own self anymore. The change was the best that has happened to me but apart from that I became lonely. I mean I used to drink and party a lot when I was younger. Aside from the drugs, I loved having sex and having one night stands but now as if I couldn't even have a steady relationship with a guy, not even Jim, hihi!, Sara said joking but was serious about the part when she was a drug addict before.

I'm glad that you have changed. I too was a problem child. Well, Selina and I were rivals when we were kids but later on became a duo in almost every bad situation and vice you have there in middle school. Name it, we are it! But Cara recruited me along with Selina who was also in and out of the drug rehabilitation centers in the states then. I chose to be well and be different in a way that I am not harming myself or anybody with my uniqueness. So, I stayed gay and even if I party I know my limitations and I didn't really liked one night stands so...yeah!!!, Bene added smiling back at Sara who is now moving closer to her.

Wow! Your room is bigger than I thought, haha!, Bene cried trying to get away from Sara and her piercing looks. She was trying to keep up with Bene walking around the sala, then the bedroom and when Sara closed the door behind her. Bene became silent and smiled sheepishly again. Sara moved towards her and kissed Bene on the tip of her nose. The woman also took Bene's hands that were clasped together in nervousness, and placed her lips to kiss them. Bene felt safe, warm and loved. She likes Sara a lot and maybe loves her too. So, Bene held Sara on her arms and kissed the woman on the lips hard and careless. Sara felt something has sparked on her and felt her libido on fire, thus, pushed Bene down to her bed and jumped over the girl like a hungry tigress. Hehehe! There Benedicta had the most wonderful sex she has ever hoped for.

And it's not just with another woman but her crush, most loved woman in the world, Sara. Hey Doc!, care for another round? Hihi!, Bene said with her eyes piercing through the wonderland of a body Sara has and smiled teasingly. Of course my darling!, I'm all yours. I'm all yours babyyyyyyyy!!!, Sara added like they're in some kind of a movie and all. Yassssss!!!!!, Bene added and looked at us like Joker getting what he wanted from Batman but still wanted more and got it in a silver platter.

So much love, sex and emotions crawling around the scenes we recently read. But if we look closely, we will see from the Arctic Ocean, this secret weapon that has a size of a hundred football field is about to heat up. It's making the waters of the Arctic boil and warm to the point that it makes volcanoes under sea grounds heat up to erupt. Earthquakes is happening near and far the Arctic. Icebergs are melting with more numbers than expected. People in the nearby areas are complaining about the fishes and food they aren't able to get since the living things under the ice die even before they catch them. Scientists and geologists have been contacting the academy but they seemed unable to go through the school's systems. Jim already came home to the lab and ditched the medicines and stuff he bought for the clinic.

Then, since he knew that Sara would be busy in her room this time around with the message she sent to him to not disturb her in her bedroom. He decided to visit the systems room for alerts or messages from Revilum, D'EYE, leaders, climate defenders... and ah...Geo Arctic Seas Group, aha. Hmm! What could this message be?, Jim thought and opened the email. He was surprised with the photos that the geologists sent there. The ocean is all heated up and the color changed from light blue green to black. Like some ship spilled oil, so wide the range of the spill that body of water there became dead, with no assurance of life after the incident about the weapon secretly hid over the Arctic Ocean floors.