Defenders 3

Jim dialed Reka and Cara's room, there have been no answer but at long last Cara answered the phone. He....lllooo!!, Cara just woke up. Reka asked to make love to her and she's been up all night until midnight. Jim apologized but since the message is important, he wanted to let her know about it. Cara was still sleepy but when she heard about how bad the Arctic Ocean has become. She alerted Reka who was already deep asleep. She couldn't budge the sleeping momma. But soon Reka understood that Cara meant well and she wouldn't wake her up without a valid reason.

It's already two in the morning and every one including the Angels are already asleep. The BLANKS remained awake but half of the regiment is resting so the other half would be able to stand guard tomorrow morning. Some BLANKS including Axel, Gig and Jes will be escorting the Angels to the Arctic on a Digital Military Submarine that is mechanically and technologically advanced. It is shaped like a bullet, bigger but not that long. It's 500 feet long and 350 feet wide. It's just enough for the eight girls and some 10-20 BLANKS to accompany and drive them under the Arctic ocean safe and sound.

The emergency siren went off. Bene kissed Sara when both woke up with the sound. Lyka kisses Selina while the siren is going off with it's deafening sound. The other girls Sussa, Kendra, Hailey, Silk and Madie woke up right away and went straight to wear their uniforms. Then, BLANKS ran towards their positions in front of the academy building to receive orders from Katya and Reina. Katya moved ahead and ordered Sky Battalion consists of fifty mixed Veteran and Virgin BLANKS to stand firm and wait for instructions from Cara. Reina moved at the back to wait orders from Cara since Earth Battalion hasn't slept yet due to their graveyard duties. She needed to make sure that when they retire for the day the groups positions are filled and locked so as not to jeopardize the safety and security of the Academy, the girls and the staff, especially the leaders of Revilum and D'EYE.

Cara gave the final orders for Reina's group, Earth Battalion to retire until five, and resume duties and responsibilities from six until the next morning. They will change the duty schedules from every eight hour shifts starting today. So some BLANKS will be on the morning shift, others will be on the mid-shift and the last ones will be on the graveyard shift. This will lessen the time restrictions and at least BLANKS would get more rest than before. The BLANKS were relieved since the schedule is more humane than before. Cara, thought of this since Axel's team will be dispatched along with the Angel Defenders for the Arctic Mission, there wouldn't be enough BLANKS to secure the academy perimeters while they're there during the rest of the week scouting, monitoring and guiding the girls on their mission.

This wouldn't be easy!. Defenders, you are the hope we all are praying for and the light that would shed that hope to save the world from the harmful effects of the secret weapon under the Arctic Oceans. May the angels be with you! God speed!, Cara added while speaking through the speakers of the girls Military Submarine. Reka and the staff are waiting patiently for Axel and her team piloting the submarine and getting ready for the dive to 500 feet.