The Fallen 2

He is so beautiful and....when she is about to reach his private parts, she looked on the other side and continued cleaning that part including his torso. She is about to head down Mark's legs when...

Hi!!!Mark said in a soft voice holding her right hand. Hiyaaa!!! Mark, I'm so sorry, did I wake you? Ah, I just wanted to clean your body cause you're so tired and....Belle said out of embarrassment still looking on the other side. No it's okay, look at me Belle!, Mark added feeling happy and loved by Belle. Thanks!, I missed you so much and I love you, Mark pulled Belle close to him and hugged her so tight she can't breathe. Then Mark looked at Belle's face and touched it. Now he is looking on her lips, Belles was so stunned with what Mark did. But she looked into his eyes and saw his affection, the color of his eyes now turning to golden yellow. He kissed her lips gently, then his tongue came out. Mark saw the idea of kissing using the tongue with the couple he helped while they were doing it. The guy had a heart attack, so he rescued him by trying to prolong his breathing until the ambulance came to give him first aid. As an angel he can't mess with nature and the cycle of life. Only God can do that and he can only protect, support or inspire. But he can't change the course of life or death and nature.

Belle was surprised how Mark knew how to kiss like this but she accepted. Mark then touched her breast and continued kissing her torrid now. MArrrkkk..ha ha ha!, Belle is now burning up, her body is feeling the extreme sensation Mark's kisses and touches give her. He then kissed her neck, Belle's bossoms, now exposed since Mark unbuttoned her top without knowing it. Belle, Be....lle, I, I, wait, ahhhhh!!!, I'm so sorry, Belle, I didn't know what I'm doing, I just really miss you and....Mark added confused looking at Belle as If scared for disrespecting her. Oh Mark, I missed you too, and it's okay....I love you too...Belle said reassuring Mark she is happy to see him and it's okay. So, I should get back up and breakfast will be cold. Fix your sexyyy, ah er...self. I'll wait for you on the table, okay, Belle said teasing while she button her blouse. Mark smiled back and saw he is naked, covered it with the sheet instantly. Oh dear!!!, Belle said still blushing and feeling Mark's kiss all over her, while walking back up for breakfast.

Ojichan and Shita went to school and me, well, on a dreamy state thinking about how Mark desired for me. How did I get so lucky? But haaaa!! I hope this feeling and Mark won't leave me. He is the one I am praying for for a long time. Haay! Mark, Mark, Maa....

Yes, Belle!!! He he!, Mark said on a plain shirt and fitted, worn out jeans, looking at Belle while she is calling his name seated on the breakfast table. Ha ha!!! Sit now and eat...Belle became serious and hid her shame looking at the other side.

At the bookstore Mark and I were so busy since foreign customers came in all together. It's fall season and visitors come here to see the cherry blossoms blooming plus the festivals we have to celebrate the days of bounty. People came in from different places and cities. I am hungry, I think Mark is too. But there are still a few customers. Now we're left with a couple, who are so sweet and kissing while I open the register and get the payment for the book they bought. Huh, it's about ah, sexual relationships. Hmm!!! Figures, I thought and smiled at the naughty couple. Mark seems smiling while he looked at me with a heated face. I smiled back and wondered what he wants now...

Mark came up to my side, and held my hand. He pointed a finger and played with his finger going round and round, tickling me. The couple is about to leave and when they are out of the store, Mark pulled me to his chest and kissed me as if he was so hungry, he wanted to eat me.

Yup, I was hungry too, but literally hungry that my stomach growled, and when Mark heard it, we both laughed.

Mark is what I have prayed for. I just wish he would stay with me forever. But that is definitely a wishful thinking. He told me about everything about him and where he went the past few weeks he was away on a mission. I felt his sadness and disappointment with people. He said God is a good and merciful creator that we are different from Him, who made us. He is so confused why we are totally bad unlike God who is holy, though he gets angry, he has his reasons and it's unquestionable. We humans are unpredictable, crazy and strange. But he also mentioned that even if we are different, we are sweet, loving, strong and compassionate. Not all of us are evil but kind and thoughtful, and I made his wrong belief and distrust of mortals change. Mark said that I opened his eyes to see the beauty of love and how being loved is wonderful and sensational. Well, what can I say, I am adorable and irresistable!, I thought proudly of myself. I was at the terrace overlooking the lake, did I tell you my room faces the enormous water shining like pearls when the sun's rays hit it's waves. I didn't know Mark is already at my back hugging me.

You are Belle!, Mark added kissing the back of my head. Whaa..., you heard that, my thoughts???, I shouted almost fainting in embarrassment. Then....the...oh, no! that means you know what I think even in the shower or, ahhhhh!!, this is so shameful uh...I said covering my face with my palms since I bet I'm red as a tomato now. Ha, ha! It's okay Belle, I understand, it's actually cute, all the inner struggles, confusions, desires you have for me....Mark now smiling teasingly while bringing me to his chest. Now we're face to face and he looks beautiful, sparkling like the sun while it's rays hit him. He looks like golden...ah!. Belle!!!, come with me!, you trust me right?, He asked while holding my waist by his hands. Yes, I do!, I replied confidently. Then close your eyes and hold my hands, we will fly up...Mark said and we're already moving slowly upwards.