Defenders has Fallen?

Yaiks!!!, I ammmm, scared of heights, Mark, Maaaark....Belle shouted. I have you and I will catch you if you fall, he added while he held my shoulder close to him at the side and flew. His wings seemed invisible. Huh, angels can do that, that's awesome.

At first we flew slowly then faster and faster until I can no longer see where we're at and almost felt dizzy.

We're here!, Mark said pulling us down gently on top of a mountain. My God, Belle so amazed of the view, since it's almost sunset. The color of the sky is red orange and I can see everything from here. This is Mount Fuji, I bet you haven't visited this height yet!, Mark added feeling very proud of what he did. Yes, I haven't and oooooy, it's cccoooooold....Belle said grunting her teeth all of a sudden. Okay let's leave, the height and the cold temperature is low here, hug me, he added while hugging me tightly too.

And in an instant, we're back home. It was the most amazing feeling, the thrill and power of being free. Wow! So this is how it feels to fly or be free....wonderful!!!, Can we go again, pleasssee...Belle pleading like a child. Okay we will but not now, soon. I want you to see my favourite place, next time. But now you need to rest, Belle, Good night, smooch!, Mark promised and kissed Belle lightly on the lips. Belle was dumb founded and felt incomplete. Mark, wait....Belle walking towards him and then hugged him tight. She looked at his face and touched it, then kissed his lips

once more, now more deep and torrid. Belle...I don't want to lose control, not again because I respect and love you, I don't want....Mark confessing to Belle stopping him to speak by putting her four fingers on his lips. No, I want it to happen and I want you!!! , please Mark...Belle now pouting. You only feel this because I'm an angel and I can make you feel that ecstasy, that desire. It's my power, my scent, my aura or presence you feel. Since you're sensitive, that's how you will feel.

No!, I love you and I want you....Belle added stubbornly. Belle....Mark said while touching her face and comforting her with words lie, it's okay, it's just your feeling....

Stop it! I'm not a child anymore so don't treat me like one...if you don't want it, then.....Good night!!!

Belle added leaving Mark in the living room, almost bursting into tears. Haaay!!!, Mark what have you done now?!, he said to himself exhaling hard. She's a child, and I'm thousands of years older. Hmm! Well, I read that, age is just a number, so...Haaa!!! I don't know what to do. I need to make amends and apologize, Mark saying in his thoughts while walking to Belle's room.

It took him 30 minutes to compose something nice to tell her, so she can forgive her. But what did I do!? Hmm!, Mark added standing in front of Belle's room. He wanted to knock but he thought she might be sleeping now, so he turned the knob on the right and since it seemed open, he went in.

Ahhh...Mark is surprised, Belle is on her bed but half naked, she is just wearing her shirt but on her panties and socks on. She seemed crying and hugging her big pillow. Her room is dark but with my x ray like eyes I can see Belle's body, her curves, her.....ahh breas.....ah, her, Oh, my God. I can't...

Mark thought moving his gaze to the window and resting his back on the closet near Belle's bed. He instead moved to pull the sheet to cover Belle and touched, smelled her hair. I want to kiss, cuddle and make love to you Belle, more than you could ever imagine. But I am not staying here for good, I don't want to hurt you, I love you it pains me so much to see you like this, Mark added now moving near Belle's bed, he leaned forward to kiss Belle on the forehead. He saw her face, so innocent and cute. Ahh!!!, my heart is melting to this human. I can't really do anything anymore. As if she has overpowered me and her charms captivated me. God damn me, no my Lord please don't but I think I'll be damned now cause I'm deeply in love with Belle.


I am really angry and embarrassed throwing myself to him. Why would he reject me? Ahhh!! He is making me crazy. And seeing him this beautiful only makes me madder inside. I desire for him to touch and kiss me, make love to me. Why can't he understand that?

While I walked to the bookstore to get some books to read for the weekend, I saw Mark with some groceries bumping into Kochiko. They laughed at each other and as if she invited him to her hotel room. And that is it, I'm so furious now. He by passed my needs and he welcomed my cousin's invitation with a smile. Hmp!!!! This is war.

Ojichan, Mama and Shita were already at the breakfast, while Mark is serving the meal wearing an apron. He looks, stoppp, Belle. Good morning!, Mark said softly smiling like a baby.

Good morning!, I replied blankly. Ah!!!, Belle, what's up with you? How's the bookstore going?. Mama asked breaking the awkward silence. Ojichan and Shita were looking at me, waiting for an answer. It's doing well, we had many customers since cherry blossoms festivals coming, Belle said distastefully.

Oh, okay, hehe! Try Mark's omelette, it's so good, as if it's made with lo..., Shita said happily but I cut her short. Love!!, hmmm, I wonder if the person who cooked this really knows what love is? I added grumpily while preparing to taste his eggs ( I mean the omelette, not his eggs, ah f*...k, you know what I mean!)

Ah so, how do you like your eggs, Belle? Mark asked smiling at me. Ojichan, Mama and Shita were looking at each other and then to Mark and me like we're in a battle, what is she or he gon'na say battle .

Eggs, huh, I don't know, how do you like Kochiko's pu***y (blank, blank!!!! Sensored word, I'm sorry) Belle shouted in anger, now crying, she stood up from the table and ran out of the dining room. Mama is now covering Shita's ears who is smiling devilishly. Ojichan is looking at Mama and Mark half questioning what's the matter with Belle this morning. Mark curled his brows wondered what did he say wrong, now. You better follow her Mark!, go and talk to her!, Mama thoughtfully said and brushed his shoulder to go after Belle.

Belle, Bel....what's wrong? Mark shouted, running after her on her bicycle. Stop following me Mark, leave me alone, I'm so embarrassed throwing myself to you like that last night and you just ignored my feelings. You turned me down and I felt silly.

What about Kochiko, I saw you and her this morning...and...Belle said being jealous to the max now.

What about her, she's a friend and since she's your family, she is mine too. She invited me to her room but I refused since I need to cook breakfast for you and your family, Mark said honestly, drying a tear from her cheek.

You know I can run or even fly to follow you even to the ends of the earth, and I will ask for your forgiveness even if I burn in hell loving you...Mark added stopping the bike and holding her hand. Love...meee!! Belle said now confused.

Yes, I love you so much it hurts. If I give in to what you desire I would be hurting you more, what if I leave all of a sudden??? Mark added with mixed emotions.

I'll wait for you, Belle instantly said. What if something happens to me and I died or what? Mark

added. You can never die, you're an angel, Belle replied lifting a brow. Okay, how about if I went to a mission and it takes a month, year or what, will you still wait for me??? Mark asked crazily and now cupping Belle's tiny delicate face with his big hands though it's looking down. I'll still wait for you, however long it takes, because I love you Mortha, Mark, whatever, whoever you are!, Belle added now looking at Mark steadily, her eyes fixed on his beautiful face. Yes, yes, I know, I feel you will, but it's cruel for me to do that to you. I want you to have a normal life, with someone beside you until you grow old.

And it's not me. I am immortal and it hurts to think, you will live, grow old and die on me. I think I won't be able to take that and....Mark said now teary eyed. Sshhhh! Please Mark, don't think about that anymore, I am here and we will make it. Let's do this one step at a time. Maybe, a miracle can happen and I believe that it can though I am not that religious, Belle replied smiling at Mark and giving him a smack on the cheeks and then on the lips. Mark's whole being swelled up like he is so full inside he can die of happiness right then and there. Oh, my Belle, you make me so happy!!! Mark said kissing her deeply now and then it rained.

It poured so hard, the couple ran to a near barn beside the lake. It is an old one with nothing but dried hay and worn out constructions. It was being rebuilt a couple of years ago, since my dad was the one who wanted to reconstruct the barn. Yet when he died the rebuilding didn't happen.

The rain seems not stopping and both of us are really wet that we needed to hug each other to form heat. Mark held me close to his chest and as if like magic I felt warm, so warm I don't feel cold.