Finding Friam

Adamos glanced away. Echid's Manor boasted a beautiful, majestic garden with vividly colored flowers. But they did not catch Adamos' attention. Echid's words added to the irritation that he felt for Lord Damon.

He had thought that she would be hard to find. But not like this. 

How could he have taken aid from a deceiving, cunning man?

Friam was not just on the peripheries of Edin, but she was a false prophet.

Edinian laws banned false prophets from living with the ordinary citizens of Edin. They were outcasts since they played with the gods.

Adamos rocked on his heels as he wondered why he was even here and trusted Lord Damon's suggestion. Should he just look for another solution?

But how could he nose out a plan to assure the other Kings? By the time the meeting took place, their minds could have been polluted.

Except if they count on him more than King Nerasmos. However, Adamos is not the kind of person who depends on trust.