Chapter 12- Shocking Changes

Jett made his way downstairs towards the living room where his family members were engaged in a heated discussion. Intrigued, he quickened his pace to find out what the commotion was all about.

As he reached the end of the hallway that led to the living room, he saw everyone standing, their voices filled with intensity. And there, his two cousins finally came into view.

Ivan, a young man slightly older than Jett by four years, emerged into view. His vibrant hair cascaded in waves, framing his face that bore the unmistakable marks of sleepless nights. His complexion was remarkably pale, as if untouched by the sun's rays. Standing at five-foot-seven, he possessed a slender yet graceful frame, a testament to his devotion to the virtual realms of gaming. There was an air of intensity around him, as though his mind constantly wandered through digital landscapes, seeking new challenges and adventures.

Nicole, the elder of the two cousins at 26 years old, presented a striking contrast to Ivan. As a yoga instructor, she radiated an aura of health and vitality. Her physique was a testament to her dedication, with a lean yet muscular body that exuded strength and grace. Her fair complexion boasted a flawless complexion, accentuated by her meticulous skincare routine. Cascading down her back, her lustrous black hair added an element of elegance to her overall appearance. What caught one's attention immediately were her captivating eyes - a mesmerizing blend of emerald green on the left and enchanting hazel on the right, a unique manifestation of heterochromia.

As footsteps approached the living room entrance, the family turned their attention towards the source of the sound. Each person's reaction was distinct. Nicole, true to her exuberant nature, couldn't contain her excitement and wore her emotions on her sleeve, her face lighting up with joy. Ivan, on the other hand, seemed nonchalant, his carefree demeanor revealing his tendency to remain detached from most things, his mind often consumed by the virtual world and his beloved games. Nonetheless, his eyes flickered with a hint of curiosity as he glanced in Jett's direction.

Jett eagerly stepped forward, opening his arms to embrace his cousins in a warm and heartfelt hug. The reunion brought a sense of comfort and familiarity amidst the chaos unfolding around them. As they settled down in the living room, they began sharing their experiences and journey back home.

According to Ivan and Nicole, they were at Nicole's Yoga studio when the chaos began. Ivan had rushed to pick her up, and together they had faced numerous challenges and obstacles on their way back home. They described the harrowing scenes of car crashes and crumbling buildings they had witnessed. Unlike Jett, who had initially been overwhelmed and traumatized, they seemed to have adapted to the situation more swiftly, their minds focused and less affected by the chaos surrounding them. However, they were already more than halfway through the remaining time they had before the anticipated evolution, adding a sense of urgency to their reunion.

"Well, I'm glad you both made it back safely," Jett said, his warm smile lighting up his face as he looked at his cousins.

"We're so relieved to see you home, Jett. It sounds like you've been through some tough times too, huh? But what matters most is that we're all together now. Come here and give your big sis another hug," Nicole exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness and affection. She had always treated Marcus and Jett like her younger brothers, taking on the role of the responsible older sister. Their bond had grown strong over the years, nurtured by their shared experiences and the challenges they had faced as a family.

Jett's smile widened as he listened to Nicole's words, appreciating her warm and caring nature. He nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of relief that they were all reunited.

"You're right, Nicole. We've all been through our share of challenges, but what matters is that we're here together now. I'm grateful that we made it back. And of course, I'll gladly give my big sis another hug," Jett replied, his voice filled with sincerity.

He walked towards Nicole and embraced her tightly, feeling a sense of comfort and reassurance in her presence. Their bond as a family had always been strong, forged through the struggles they had endured together. It was no surprise that their relationship resembled that of siblings, with Nicole being the caring and protective older sister.

They parted from the embrace, and Jett's curiosity grew stronger as he recalled the intensity of their conversation before his arrival.

"By the way, what were you guys discussing earlier? It seemed incredibly important," Jett inquired, his eyes scanning the room until they settled on Marcus. He fixed Marcus with a questioning gaze, eager to unravel the mystery.

Marcus let out a heavy sigh, his expression reflecting the weight of the events that had unfolded in the outside world during Jett's prolonged slumber. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before revealing the astonishing truth.

"Listen, Jett. You've been asleep for quite a while, and let me tell you, a lot has happened," Marcus began, his voice tinged with a mixture of concern and disbelief.

"What happened, Marcus? I'm all ears. Is it the government? Corporations? Criminal organizations? Please, enlighten me," Jett implored, his curiosity reaching its peak.

"In short, yes, yes, and yes," Marcus replied, his words carrying a sense of gravity. "In the past few hours, countries within the Global Alliance have started providing mutual assistance. They've established local military stations in major cities to maintain order and provide aid to their citizens. It's a temporary solution, as traveling long distances would be impractical given the chaotic state of affairs. However, despite these efforts, the majority of the global population remains in disarray. The death toll has risen to a terrifying level."

Marcus paused briefly, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in before continuing.

"Thankfully, around the third hour, Luminary emerged and publicly declared their plans for support. They deployed state-of-the-art aircrafts, with speeds unlike anyone had ever seen before, loaded with essential supplies such as food, building materials, medical supplies, and basic necessities. However and unfortunately for the rest of the world, their focus was primarily on the most populous countries. They stated that it was the most optimal choice in order to combat the growing death toll. The arrival of these swift and advanced ships instilled a sense of hope among the people. According to their analysis of their first round of assistance, they have already decreased the death toll by 50%, which was already at a staggering seventeen million deaths and rising at a rate of ten-thousand every hour."

Jett's mind reeled with disbelief as Marcus painted a picture of a world transformed within the mere span of eight to ten hours that he had been disconnected. The scale and speed of these global events were beyond his comprehension, leaving him awestruck and hungry for more information. Marcus, sensing Jett's astonishment, prepared to share even more revelations.

"I wish that was all, Jett," Marcus hesitated, the weight of his words evident in his voice. However, he mustered his courage and pressed on. "About two hours after Luminary's Dr. Sophia Rodriguez, the Chief Technology Officer, held a press conference outlining their next course of action, reports started pouring in from news channels worldwide, shocking everyone to the core." Marcus continued, his tone heavy with a mix of resentment and anger, as he narrated the unfolding events.

"A previously unknown criminal organization emerged, seemingly out of thin air. Enormous military cargo ships and planes began departing from the ports of Dur Real in Balovia, targeting territories, islands, and countries outside the protective reach of the Global Alliance. Initially, people believed it was support for regions that Luminary had failed to assist in their initial efforts. However, it soon became clear that this was not the case. They flew a banner depicting what appeared to be a snake, and with overwhelming force, they stormed these locations, employing advanced technology the likes of which we had never seen before. They subjugated entire populations and forcefully transported them onto their ships. At this point, no one could intervene. Balovia is a major trade power, and everyone was already stretched thin. Nevertheless, the world demanded answers for these heinous acts of war committed by the Balovian Government," Marcus concluded, his heavy sigh indicating the gravity of the situation, allowing Jett a moment to absorb the shocking revelation.

"Despite everything, no one came forward. This infuriated the entire world, including us. That's why you saw all of us arguing earlier. These criminals continued their relentless kidnappings, and no one could comprehend their motives. However, an hour before you woke up, a broadcast came through every news channel, originating from the government of Balovia. It was delivered by a man who goes by the name of Dominic Serpentino. Apparently, he is a major shareholder in Balovia's trade industry. Let me show you the video. It provides more details," Marcus said, pulling out his phone to share the message broadcasted by Dominic.

Jett watched the video, seeing Dominic seated in what seemed to be his office. The room had an air of both rusticity and opulence, displaying the presence of a successful tycoon. Dominic himself appeared to be in the prime of his life, with sun-kissed skin, slicked-back black hair, and piercing black eyes. He donned a tailored black business suit made from the finest materials, exuding confidence and command.

With a cunning smile, Dominic prepared to shock the world with his next words. "Greetings, everyone. My name is Dominic Serpentino. I was the major shareholder of Balovia's largest trade ports. Now, I am its sole ruler. Henceforth, Balovia's seas and airspace shall be strictly off-limits. Any attempts to cross these borders will be met with the full force of our military might. We have no intention of engaging in hostile conflicts with any major power, and we have not violated any policies set by the Global Alliance. Given the current state of the world, we wish to maintain our independence for the foreseeable future. We do not require assistance from any government or corporate organization offering support. We have faith in our ability to protect our citizens from any future threats. Moreover, we are even extending help to foreign entities in this time of crisis. I conclude this broadcast by wishing everyone the best of luck."

"As you can see, this bastard had the audacity to claim he was helping those people," Marcus expressed his anger, still seething at Balovia's self-proclaimed new 'ruler.'

"Indeed, it's a shocking turn of events. The death toll is staggering. I can't fathom how so many lives were lost in just a matter of hours, not even a day. Luminary's assistance is commendable, and I hope their next endeavor proves more successful. However, I have my doubts that it will come before our evolution. By then, no matter how hard anyone has worked to deescalate the situation, the world will face a grim reality," Jett shared his thoughts, casting an ominous and foreboding aura over the room.

Surprisingly, Ivan, breaking his silence for the first time since everyone arrived, agreed with Jett. "I think you're right, Jett. Even this Dominic guy can't predict what the world will become after we evolve. If the voice's words were true, one of those individuals captured by Dominic might possess a dangerous ability that could shatter all his plans. Moreover, I believe the place we will be sent to will be more perilous than any of us dare to imagine. This means more lives could be lost, dwarfing the seventeen million we've already seen."

Everyone was taken aback, not only by Ivan's unexpected contribution but also by the chilling reminder he presented. Regardless of the support offered by world powers, tomorrow could reshape the entire landscape, overturning the established system that had been built over decades of conquest, progress, and innovation.