Chapter 13- Family talk

Jett broke away from his thought to look at the timer, only to realize the moment their lives would undoubtedly change forever was almost upon them.


Jett let out a deep sigh, realizing the gravity of the situation. It became clear to him that their next course of action should be to align everyone's goals and devise a plan, no matter how limited their resources were.

"Alright," Jett began, clearing his throat to capture everyone's attention. He locked eyes with each person in the room, his demeanor subtly shifting, drawing everyone in with his commanding presence.

"As much as I empathize with the plight of those affected, it's evident that we are currently incapable of offering substantial help. We lack the necessary resources, manpower, and, most importantly, the certainty of our own survival beyond tomorrow. Therefore, I suggest we focus on clearing our minds, preparing for our individual trials, and striving to survive long enough to unlock our full potential. Only then can we truly be in a position to assist others. Ivan raised a valid point earlier—there's a high probability that the world will undergo a drastic transformation with the emergence of abilities."

Jett paused, taking a moment to catch his breath before continuing.

"These criminals likely intended to exploit the people in the new world, driven by their own greed. However, unless they possess formidable abilities themselves, their actions may have sealed their own fate. Other world powers or secretive organizations are likely to adopt a wait-and-see approach before committing to any course of action."

"So, for now, our focus must be on ourselves. I've been contemplating our options. If all of us acquire abilities, it would make sense to continue exploring the other world. However, if some of us do not manifest abilities, it would be best to return to this plane and regroup, devising a collective plan. I have a strong intuition that this is how things will unfold."

Jett observed the reactions of everyone in the room, sensing the weight of his words sinking in. The silence was deafening as each person processed his points and ideas. They were clearly taken aback by his directness and lack of emotional display, a stark contrast to the events of the morning. Unexpectedly, Ivan broke the silence, being the first to speak.

"Jett, everyone knows you're right," Ivan began. "I agree with you. I don't believe that the mere enhancement of our physical abilities through the origin essence will be enough to overcome the challenges that await us. If things unfold as you suggest, those who are unable to unlock an ability should prioritize finding a way back to this plane to avoid unnecessary dangers."

Gabriel simply nodded in agreement, not feeling the need to elaborate further. Though he was not particularly old, he understood the wisdom behind Jett's proposal and saw it as the best course of action. He turned to Marcus, waiting for his opinion.

"Well, I can't disagree with that," Marcus replied. "But we must proceed with utmost caution. Ivan, do you have any tips or strategies that might help us? Given your extensive gaming experience, you might have some insights into the dos and don'ts of scenarios like these. And Jett, don't worry, I'll talk to Mom about our plans."

"Yeah, 'Eve'," Nicole chimed in, using the childhood nickname she had given Ivan. "You must have some knowledge or tricks up your sleeve that could aid us in that world. C'mon, help us out."

Ivan looked at each person in astonishment. Being regarded as some sort of expert in the post-apocalyptic scenario they found themselves in was the last thing he expected.

" No matter how many games i've played, they don't prepare you for this shit." Ivan sighed, clearly being caught off guard by their inquisitive gazes that seem to follow the sound of every word he spoke.

" it's not to say I don't have ideas"

" atta boy" Nicole laughed as she smacked him on her shoulder. Clearly happy that her brother was being open.

Ivan recoiled as he had not expected that. But, if you paid attention you could have seen a light smirk etched on his face. Its meaning only he would know for now.

"Ouch, that hurt Nicole. Anyway, yes I have some ideas. Try your best to understand your abilities. Take time to explore and understand your supernatural abilities. Experiment with them in a safe environment to learn their limitations, strengths, and weaknesses. Understand how they can be used for survival purposes, such as enhancing strength, agility, or manipulating elements. Whatever it may be."

" Next, conceal your powers, depending on the world and its inhabitants, it may be wise to conceal your supernatural abilities to avoid drawing unwanted attention or becoming a target. Use your powers discreetly and only when necessary."

"Assess the new world. Explore and gather information about the new world. Identify any factions, creatures, or individuals that may pose a threat or provide assistance. Learn about the geography, climate, and resources available to better plan your survival strategies."

"Lastly, adapt to the environment. Use your abilities to adapt to the new environment. If the world has unique characteristics or challenges, such as extreme temperatures or dangerous creatures, find ways to utilize your powers to mitigate these threats and enhance your chances of survival."

" Please take all this with a grain of salt. The world we get thrusted into might make all of this obsolete or it can be what saves you. I have no idea. Be extremely vigilant of your surroundings. Pay as much attention to your environment as you can. One missed step can be your last. Lastly, and most importantly assume everyone is your enemy there. Use force first before attempting to have conversations. The one with the biggest fist decides the outcomes of battles. Anyway that's all I have."

Everyone looked at him, completely engrossed in every word he spoke. They found his advice to be extremely helpful and sensible. Even if some of it didn't turn out exactly as expected, they believed it provided valuable information that could potentially save their lives or, at the very least, prevent them from being completely clueless.

Ivan's words resonated with the group, leaving them filled with gratitude and a newfound sense of determination. Ivan's guidance had provided them with invaluable knowledge that could potentially save their lives in this unknown and supernatural world they were about to enter.

"Ivan, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. Your insights and tips have given us a solid foundation to face whatever challenges lie ahead," Jett expressed with genuine appreciation.

The others eagerly joined in, expressing their gratitude and agreement with Jett's sentiments. They felt empowered by the information they had received and believed it would greatly aid them in their upcoming trials.

Feeling a mix of anticipation and trepidation, Jett announced his decision to retreat to his room to make final preparations. The atmosphere was tinged with a bittersweet energy as they realized these might be their last few hours together in familiar surroundings.

"Let's make the most of our remaining time," Jett said, his voice filled with determination. "May each of us conquer our trials and emerge stronger on the other side. Take care, everyone. I'll see you soon."

With heartfelt embraces, Jett bid farewell to each person, sharing comforting words and encouraging them to stay strong. His conversation with Marcus held an added weight, as they exchanged brotherly advice and support, knowing that their bond would be crucial in the trials to come.

As Jett ascended the stairs, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The unknown awaited them, but they were armed with knowledge and unity. It was a daunting journey, and there was one last thing to do. To use the necklace.