Chapter 17- Ethereal Vale

As Jett awakened, his senses were captivated by the ethereal beauty of the misty vale before him. The flowers, bathed in a radiant luminescence, adorned the landscape with their delicate petals. Their gentle glow cast an enchanting light, revealing the hidden wonders of this mystical realm. The ground beneath his feet, adorned with bioluminescent moss, created a soft carpet of iridescent hues. Each step he took illuminated the path before him, infusing the vale with an otherworldly ambiance that stirred his soul. In this breathtaking realm, Jett would embark on a journey unlike any other, where the mysteries of the misty vale would unveil their secrets and shape his destiny.

Beyond, Jett's gaze fell upon majestic trees, their towering presence exuding an ancient aura. The ethereal bark of these arboreal giants emitted a soft, mesmerizing glow, infusing the surroundings with an otherworldly radiance. Their sprawling branches extended gracefully, forming a natural canopy that played with the sunlight, casting enchanting patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor. In the embrace of these mystical trees, Jett felt a sense of reverence and awe, as if he stood in the presence of living legends. It was a testament to the timeless beauty and grandeur of the natural world, beckoning him to explore its secrets and unravel the mysteries that lay within.

However, before Jett could fully immerse himself in the awe-inspiring surroundings, a sudden wave of overwhelming information crashed into his mind. It was an onslaught of knowledge, flooding his consciousness with details about his rewards, his current situation, and the skills he needed to navigate this new world. Overwhelmed by the deluge of information, he instinctively dropped to his knees on the illuminated path, clutching his head in an attempt to make sense of it all. The weight of his newfound knowledge bore down on him, both exhilarating and disorienting, as he grappled with the rapid assimilation of this unfamiliar realm.

Though it felt like an eternity to Jett, in actuality, only a few minutes had elapsed since the onslaught of information began. Slowly regaining his composure, he rose to his feet, exhaling deeply as he processed the intensity of the experience. "Wow," he murmured, a mixture of awe and surprise evident in his voice. He had prepared himself for the unknown, but the magnitude of what he had just encountered surpassed his expectations.

It wasn't over yet. Jett turned ninety degrees to his right and was taken aback. Before him stood the silhouette of a humanoid figure. His instincts kicked in, warning him that any carelessness could have dire consequences. The silhouette approached with increasing speed, causing Jett's heart to race. He assumed a defensive position, ready for whatever was coming.

But when the figure came into view, Jett was startled. In front of him stood an abominable creature, a twisted amalgamation of fleshy appendages and distorted limbs. Its skin exuded a ghostly dark aura, devoid of any sign of sentience. Its face was sinister and devoid of any recognizable features, emanating an aura of pure malevolence.

Jett's heart raced as the creature drew nearer, its sinister form sending chills down his spine. In a split second, he tapped into his instincts, summoning a kitchen knife into his right hand. With a surge of determination, he focused all his energy, channeling it into his arm, and released the knife with all his might.

Time seemed to slow as the blade hurtled through the air, its trajectory aimed directly at the creature's face. The anticipation built within Jett, his breath held as he watched the knife make contact. With a sickening thud, the blade pierced through the creature's flesh, carving a large, gaping wound.

A mixture of shock and relief flooded over Jett as he witnessed the expected result. The creature's fleshy body convulsed in agony, its grotesque form contorting and writhing uncontrollably. It seemed as though the knife had struck a vital point, causing the creature to lose all semblance of composure.

As the creature writhed in pain, the knife continued its trajectory, slicing through the air until it struck a nearby tree with a resounding thud. In an instant, the knife vanished from existence, leaving no trace of its presence.

Jett's breath caught in his throat as he observed the strange turn of events. The creature, now weakened and disoriented, presented an opportunity for him to press his advantage. Summoning a bat into his hands, Jett unleashed a flurry of powerful strikes upon the downed creature, determined to bring about its demise.

With each strike, the creature's form contorted and writhed in agony, its grotesque limbs twitching in response to the onslaught. Jett's relentless assault continued until, finally, the creature could withstand no more and perished beneath the force of his blows.

Jett's heart pounded in his chest, his adrenaline surging through his veins. Slowly, he regained his composure, his breathing gradually steadying. Curiosity compelled him to investigate the creature further. With a mixture of caution and intrigue, he knelt down and extended his hand into the opening he had created in its chest.

To his surprise, despite the knowledge he received moments ago. He discovered a small mass of pulsating energy nestled within the creature's twisted form. Its vibrant hues flickered and danced, captivating his gaze. Alongside the energy, Jett also found five copper coins, their worn surfaces reflecting his dim surroundings.

A mixture of wonder and excitement stirred within Jett. He carefully retrieved the energy and coins, knowing full well their significance, his mind buzzing with possibilities. The encounter with the creature had revealed both the dangers and the potential rewards that awaited him.

He didn't waste a moment and continued to navigate the labyrinthine vale with utmost caution. The lack of terrain information in his acquired knowledge only added to the sense of mystery surrounding the vale. After approximately 10 minutes of careful exploration, he stumbled upon a deep ravine veiled in mist, its mysterious presence adding to the allure of the place. The swirling mists seemed alive, shifting and morphing as if guided by unseen forces.

Approaching the edge of the ravine, Jett surveyed his surroundings, searching for a suitable spot to pause and examine his newfound rewards. Fortunately, to the north of the ravine, he spotted a steep slope leading to a hollow against the wall. With heightened vigilance, he cautiously made his way towards the location, mindful not to be caught off guard again.

Before venturing into the hollow, Jett took a moment to pluck some of the luminescent flowers that adorned the vale's ground. He hoped these delicate blooms would serve as a source of light in case the interior of the hollow proved to be pitch dark. As he reached the entrance of the hollow, he breathed a sigh of relief to find it empty, devoid of any signs of habitation or recent footprints.

With a mix of anticipation and caution, Jett entered the hollow, his senses heightened.

"Let's see," Jett contemplated, his mind processing the information he had received, while his watchful gaze surveyed the surroundings once more.

"Ethereal Vale, huh? It's fitting," Jett mused, captivated by the mystical ambiance. "This place truly exudes an ethereal presence."

"It almost feels like a game rather than reality. It's unnerving, but intriguing. Ivan is going to be thrilled," Jett anticipated with a grin spreading across his face.

As his heart raced uncontrollably, the pounding rhythm echoed in his ears, resembling the relentless beat of a war drum.


Race: Human

Age: 21(350)

Life form Quality: Nascent

Bloodline: Noble Rank

Realm: Origin Refinement

Stage: Purification

Origin Essence: 4,000

Legacy: Dominion (Astral Manipulation)

Absorption: 22


Strength 63

Vitality 63

Endurance 63

Agility 63

Skills: Astral constructs

Astral Solidification

"Interesting, let's see what they do. I just think of it, right? Alright, here goes."

[Noble Rank Bloodline:

Gives 10% boost in comprehension

Increase essence absorption from kills by 10%

5% Physical Stats

Aura Manipulation: Noble bloodlines possess the ability to manipulate the owners aura. They can use this skill to intimidate foes, inspire allies, or subtly influence the outcome of social interactions.]

"That should be incredibly useful. But can I use it on everything or just sentient beings? Hm, I wish I had realized this earlier. I would have used it on that peculiar creature. What was it called, though?"

[Fleshweaver - E3]

"Huh, that's very convenient. I wonder if it had any abilities. It didn't display any. How peculiar. Maybe I dispatched it too swiftly," a smile crept across Jett's face. "Alright, let's continue."

[Origin Refinement: The second realm of the Nascent life form. The goal is to purify your essence, expand your capacity, and establish a legacy before forming your core.]

"Why should I establish a Legacy? What happens if I don't?" Jett pondered.

Unfortunately, no one provided an answer to Jett. It seemed he would have to discover that on his own. Nonetheless, it didn't matter since he had successfully passed his legacy trial.

[Stage: Purification; at this stage, you must purify the essence energy from the embryonic stage. This process was automatically completed by the crystal on your neck, given that you had already reached the saturation point prior to evolution and had also acquired a crystal. A highly unique and rare circumstance.]

"I guess that necklace contained significantly more energy than I realized. The pain was definitely worth it." Jett grinned.

[Origin Essence: The limit of the embryonic stage is 3,000. Normal evolutions bring you to the peak of the assimilation stage, the first stage of the embryonic stage which is 1,000. You, are at the purification stage hence 4,000]

[Absorption: the amount of energy you can extract from enemies slain. This is based on your own realm]

[Strength: Strength represents an individual's physical power and ability to exert force. It determines their raw physical damage output, the effectiveness of melee attacks, and the ability to carry heavy objects.]

[Vitality: Vitality represents an individual's overall health, resilience, and ability to withstand damage.]

[Endurance: Endurance represents an individual's stamina, fortitude, and resistance to fatigue. High endurance can engage in prolonged battles, endure harsh environments, or withstand intense physical exertion without tiring quickly.]

[Agility: Agility represents an individual's speed, reflexes, and dexterity. It determines their overall mobility, evasion capability, and accuracy in combat.]

[Astral constructs: The ability to manipulate energy into astral constructs, with different forms and objects of varying detail and permanence. Depending on the control over the source of their constructs, those who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.]

[Astral Solidification: The power to condense astral energy and entities into solid substance. The user can solidify or give solid-like properties to astral force with the level of solidity dependent on the users mastery]

" I guess that's how I made the bat and knife. " Jett's mind raced to decipher the almost seemingless infinite possibilities with this set of skills.

" I can only wait, Lets see what this seed crystal is" Jett reached into his pouch. Only now realizing he was wearing poorly made cloth gear.

Jett examined his attire, realizing that he was clad in a set of poorly made cloth gear. The fabric appeared worn and tattered, showing signs of frequent use and lack of proper maintenance. The stitching was uneven and loose in some areas, suggesting hasty and amateur craftsmanship. The cloth itself was of a coarse texture, lacking any notable elegance or comfort.

The outfit consisted of a simple tunic, reaching just below Jett's waist. The tunic was a dull, faded brown color, devoid of any intricate patterns or designs. It had a loose fit, providing minimal protection or insulation. The sleeves were short, barely extending beyond Jett's elbows.

Accompanying the tunic were a pair of trousers made from the same shoddy material. The trousers were baggy and loose-fitting, with a drawstring at the waist for adjustment. And a small pouch attached to it. Their length fell to just above Jett's ankles, revealing his bare feet.

To complete the ensemble, Jett wore a pair of worn-out leather boots. The boots had seen better days, with scuff marks and signs of wear on their surface. The soles were thin and worn, offering little cushioning or support.

"Haha" he laughed self-deprecatingly at the state of his attire. "Guess that's as far as luck goes hopefully this seed is as good as they said"

[Specialized Seed Territory Crystal: Establish the foundation for your future. Can be placed anywhere. Advised to pick a suitable location.]

"Hu? That's it? Psshh, alright. Well this isn't a good spot. I need to search for a better location."

Jett stood up, his determination renewed and his mind filled with anticipation for the journey ahead. He took a moment to survey his surroundings, as he prepared to continue his exploration, Jett's gaze shifted towards the deep, mist-shrouded ravine that lay before him. It beckoned to him, the swirling mists within the ravine seemed to dance and shift, whispering secrets and mysteries yet to be unveiled.

He could sense the hidden dangers that lurked within, but he remained undeterred. His newfound skills and resolve bolstered his confidence, allowing him to face whatever challenges awaited him.