Chapter 18- Foundation

Jett's journey was not an isolated phenomenon; it unfolded in parallel with a world in the throes of transformation. As the Origin Crystals surged with energy at the base of people's necks, their bodies and minds were thrust into a profound metamorphosis. The experience was not without its hardships, and the pain inflicted was far beyond what an average person could endure. It was a deliberate trial, a crucible meant to separate the resilient from the weak.

Across the Earth, individuals of all ages and backgrounds found themselves caught in the grip of this tumultuous process. Men, women, children, and the elderly alike experienced the surge of energy coursing through their veins. Some faced the ordeal with stoic determination, their faces etched with lines of strain, their muscles tensed, yet their hearts beating steadily and their spirits resolute. They gritted their teeth, weathering the storm of transformation with unwavering resolve.

However, a select few stood out amidst the crowd, appearing remarkably composed and unfazed by the overwhelming energy engulfing them. These individuals, a rare handful, radiated an aura of age and wisdom that belied their physical form. They seemed untouched by the transformative surge, their expressions serene and their eyes filled with an uncertain gaze.

But not all could withstand the rigors of this process. Tragically, there were those who succumbed to its intensity, their consciousness slipping away, never to return. These fallen individuals became harbingers of grief and opportunity alike. Once their lifeless bodies were discovered by their families and enemies. The weight of sorrow would loom heavily in the air as a result. History will certainly remember this irrevocable loss. As the world grapples with the harsh reality of their departure.

While Jett embarked on his own adventure, he was intimately connected to the collective narrative unfolding around him. The world was in the midst of an extraordinary transformation, a convergence of destinies that would reshape the course of humanity. Each individual's experience was unique, their bodies and minds altered in ways they could scarcely comprehend. The Origin Plane had chosen its participants, and the stage was set for a new epoch of challenges, growth, and revelation.

After an arduous journey filled with countless encounters against the abominable fleshweavers, which help slowly hone his skills. Jett's arduous journey had brought him to a sacred haven, a clearing nestled within the embrace of nature's enchantment.

As he stepped into the clearing, a sense of serenity washed over him, as if the very air whispered of tranquility and solace. The ethereal light that bathed the area cast a gentle glow, illuminating the surroundings with a soft radiance that seemed to emanate from the very essence of the land itself.

Strewn across the clearing, the familiar luminescent moss continued to weave its magic. Its ethereal glow merged seamlessly with the mist-kissed grass, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow. The grass, perpetually moist as if kissed by the ethereal mist, appeared vibrant and lush, its emerald blades shimmering faintly as if infused with a touch of magic. Underfoot, Jett could feel the cool, dew-kissed earth, offering a refreshing sensation that revitalized his weary body.

Standing sentinel around the tranquil grove were ancient trees, their gnarled and weathered trunks reaching skyward. Their branches intertwined like the fingers of old friends, creating a natural canopy that filtered the sunlight and cast a dappled tapestry of light and shade upon the ground below. These majestic arboreal beings exuded an aura of wisdom and timelessness, as if they had witnessed the passing of ages.

In this surprising oasis of tranquility, Jett knew he had found the perfect location to establish his foundation, the groundwork for his future endeavors. Jett took a moment to appreciate the beauty and serenity that surrounded him, knowing that he had finally arrived at a place of great significance on his extraordinary journey.

"It's time" Jett smiled to himself, as he pulled out the territory crystal from his pouch and looked at it intently.

He proceeded with a sense of purpose, slowly making his way to the center of the grove. Carefully, he placed the crystal on the ground, its radiant glow casting an enchanting aura around it. With a focused mind, Jett utilized his skill once again, materializing a dagger in his hand. Taking a deep breath, he made a deliberate cut on his palm, allowing his blood to drip onto the crystal.

In that instant, a mesmerizing spectacle unfolded before his eyes. Three concentric rings of pulsating energy radiated from the crystal, expanding outward and delineating the boundaries of his eminent territory. The rings emitted a dazzling purple light as they swept across the surroundings, clearing and defining an area spanning a kilometer from the crystal's location.

But the astonishing display was not confined to the energy rings alone. Directly on the crystal's surface, a rustic hut began to materialize, seemingly constructed from the most primitive of materials. It drew upon the ambient energy of the grove, shaping its existence through a magical process. Above the humble abode, a board appeared, bearing the inscription "Chief's Hall," as if proclaiming its purpose and significance.

Directly behind the Chief's Hall, a captivating and mystical structure materialized within the grove. Positioned about ten meters away, it took the form of a canopy-like construction with intricate and arcane inscriptions that adorned its surface. This canopy exuded an aura of mystery and power, drawing Jett's curiosity towards it, its purpose unknown to Jett until he investigated.

And the enchantment continued. To the left and right of the entrance of the hall, more buildings manifested in a similar fashion, standing parallel to one another. Each building possessed a unique design and a board overhead, announcing their specific functions.

On the left, a structure with an equally primitive appearance materialized, revealing its purpose with clarity. It contained a room designated as a restroom, as well as a forge equipped with tools necessary for the creation of weapons, armor, and other useful implements. Above the entrance, a sign boldly declared "Blacksmith," signifying its role and craftsmanship.

Opposite the blacksmith, another distinctive structure emerged, its interior open and waiting to be filled with creative wonders. Wooden manikins stood empty, eager to be adorned by the skilled hands of a craftsman. Shelves patiently awaited the display of unique fabrics, destined to be transformed into exceptional articles of clothing. Only the basic tools of the trade were visible, hinting at the artistry that would take place within. A sign proudly proclaimed "Tailor" above the entrance, welcoming all who sought its services.

Adjacent to the tailor, yet another building took shape, with its own inherent uniqueness. Inside, two wooden tables stood surrounded by shelves filled with glassware and woven baskets. Mortar and pestles, a cauldron, and various other tools associated with the art of herbalism were neatly arranged. This structure, marked by a prominent sign that read "Herbalist," held the promise of medicinal knowledge and the ability to harness the power of nature for healing purposes.

As if completing the ensemble, four additional buildings materialized in the grove, positioned in harmony with the existing structures. These new constructions, unlike the specialized buildings that preceded them, resembled simple homes. Their design suggested that they could comfortably accommodate up to seven individuals each, though it was clear that the quality of these dwellings had its limitations.

These homes, with their modest yet functional layout, provided a glimpse into the potential for a community to take root within this mystical haven.

Jett stood in awe, absorbing the remarkable transformation that had unfolded before him. The crystal had not only granted him a territorial domain but also bestowed upon him the means to cultivate his skills and pursuits. With the Chief's Hall as the centerpiece, accompanied by the blacksmith, tailor, and herbalist buildings, he now possessed the foundations of a thriving community within this mystical grove.

As Jett ventured through the village, his keen eyes absorbed the intricacies and nuances of his newly established territory. Each building he entered held a story, a purpose, and the promise of growth and prosperity.

In his exploration, Jett's attention was drawn to his own home, the Chief's Hall, where he had planted the seed crystal. To his astonishment, the seed crystal had blossomed into a resplendent flower, emanating a gentle yet radiant glow. Approaching the flower, he sensed an inexplicable connection, as if a thread of energy linked him to its existence.

As Jett neared the luminous flower, a surge of information began to materialize before him, forming ethereal projections in the air. It was as if the very essence of the grove was converging to share its wisdom and secrets with him.

Seed Territory Crystal (Specialized)

Name: N/A

Village Area(Kilometer squared): 1

Territory border: 30

Population: 1/1100

Soldiers: 0/400

Popularity: 100

Buildings: 7

Civilian Summon: 11-15/ 2 days

Military Summon: 12/ 3 days

Village Special Stats:

Crop Out-put - 20%

Crop Grow Time - -25%

Population Limit - 10%

Population Attraction - 20%

Owner Bonus Stats- 10%

" What else could it be named other than Ethereal Village" Jett mused.