Chapter 19- First Villagers

" Lets see what that canopy looking thing is" Jet decided to move towards the canopy at the back of the hall after naming the village.

As Jett approached the structure, his eyes were drawn to a peculiar pedestal that materialized beneath the canopy. Its presence added to the air of mystique surrounding the entire scene. The purpose of this pedestal remained veiled in uncertainty, compelling Jett to quench his thirst for knowledge and unravel the secrets it held.

With a mixture of trepidation and anticipation, Jett stepped closer to the pedestal, his eyes tracing the contours of its surface and the inscriptions that embellished it. Each symbol seemed to hold a hidden meaning, enticing Jett to decipher their cryptic messages and unlock the pedestal's purpose.

As his hand gently brushed against the pedestal's surface, a surge of energy coursed through Jett's fingertips, tingling with a blend of excitement and apprehension. The pedestal seemed to respond to his touch, similar to the Hall flower a surge of information began to materialize before him, forming ethereal projections in the air.

[ Summon Civilian : 11-15 can be summoned every two days. Their quality can range from E to A for all quality of territories. Specialized territories have access to S, SS, and SSS quality civilians. ]

[Summon Military Units: 12 can be summoned every 3 days. Currently, the acquirable classes are - Archer, Spearmen, Scout, and Swordsmen. Their quality can range from E to A for all quality of territories. Specialized territories have access to S, SS, and SSS quality military units.]

"Summon!" Jett exclaimed.

Energy streams, vibrant and ethereal, radiated from the pedestal, branching out into the vast expanse of the open grove. Each stream of energy seemed to possess a unique essence, pulsating with life and purpose. Jett realized that these energy streams were the conduits through which individuals would be brought into existence within the grove.

As the energy streams from the pedestal transformed into living beings, Jett marveled at the diversity that unfolded before his eyes. Each being took on the form of a human, reminiscent of Jett's original home, but with unique features that set them apart from one another.

One by one, they emerged from the vibrant energy streams, their physical appearances manifesting with stunning variety. Some had radiant, luminous hair that glowed softly in the grove's ethereal light, while others had cascading locks of vibrant colors, reminiscent of the flowers that adorned the grove. Their skin tones ranged from pale and delicate to rich and deep, reflecting the beauty of diversity.

Their bodies, too, displayed a remarkable range of forms. Some stood tall and statuesque, exuding an air of grace and elegance, while others possessed a sturdy and resilient build, embodying strength and fortitude. Every gesture and movement carried a distinct energy, a testament to their individuality and the experiences that shaped them.

As Jett observed these diverse beings taking their first steps in the grove, he felt a profound sense of awe and gratitude. They were not merely creations, but living, breathing souls, each with their own dreams, hopes, and aspirations.

Wow!" Jett exclaimed, marveling at the astonishing sight before him. "This is truly remarkable. How were they conjured into existence from nothingness? Could it be the essence of the origin plane itself?... Fascinating."

With keen eyes, Jett observed each of the summoned individuals, taking note of their distinct features. A total of twenty-seven individuals stood within the expansive grove, the maximum number he had managed to summon.

In turn, the summoned individuals gazed back at Jett, their expressions transitioning from surprise to comprehension, and finally settling on admiration as they surveyed their new surroundings.

Approaching Jett, they knelt before him in unison, their voices blending harmoniously.

"My Lord!" they addressed him, acknowledging Jett as their esteemed leader.

Momentarily caught off guard by their display of loyalty, Jett swiftly collected himself and issued a command.

"Rise, all of you!" he declared. Responding to his authoritative tone, they felt an internal surge and obediently stood upright.

Jett paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts and composure, as he prepared to address the eager crowd. The new citizens anxiously awaited his words, their hopes and expectations intertwined with uncertainty about the leader who would shape their future. They understood that their destinies hung in the balance, reliant on the decisions and actions of the person before them.

"My fellow citizens of Ethereal Village," Jett began, his voice resonating with a mix of determination and humility. "Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, a chapter filled with promise, challenges, and boundless potential. We stand here together, united in our purpose and vision for a thriving community. As I stand before you today as your leader, I want you to know that I am not a seasoned ruler. In fact, I am just as new to this world and its challenges as each and every one of you. But together, we will navigate this journey and build a prosperous future."

He continued, addressing the doubts that may have lingered in their minds. "Yes, I may lack experience, but what I do possess is a relentless spirit and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of our community. I am willing to learn, adapt, and grow alongside all of you. Together, we will overcome any obstacles that stand in our way."

He gestured towards the surrounding land, emphasizing the potential they held. "Our first task is to expand and clear the land surrounding our territory. We must create a safe and thriving environment for all of our citizens. Let us work together, side by side, to build homes, cultivate the land, and establish the necessary infrastructure. We will create a village that not only sustains us but also flourishes as a beacon of hope and prosperity."

With those final words, the crowd erupted into applause, their faith in their new leader renewed. Jett smiled, filled with a sense of purpose, as they all stood united, ready to embark on their collective endeavor.

"Alright, before we proceed, I ask those with specialized skills or professions to stand on my left. Those with a military profession stand on my right. The rest stay where you are." Jett's voice carried with a firm yet inclusive tone, ensuring that everyone felt seen and acknowledged.

As the individuals sorted themselves accordingly, Jett took a moment to assess the two groups before him. Those on his left, with their unique expertise and specialized knowledge, would play a crucial role in shaping the development and progress of the village.

Turning his gaze to the group on his right, Jett recognized the significance of their presence. They were the guardians, the protectors of the village, entrusted with ensuring the safety and security of their fellow citizens.

Once they were done he looked at everyone on his left, and noticed that out of the fifteen civilians he summoned only two were specialized individuals.

[ Solomon: Herbalist

Rank: S


Herb Compendium-{Has fore-knowledge of herbs within the Ethereal Vale.}

Botanical Affinity -{This affinity can aid in finding rare or hidden herbs, as well as sensing dangerous or poisonous flora.}

Supportive Aura -{This aura can provide passive healing or a minor boost to the health and stamina regeneration of nearby allies.} ]

[ Pyke: Blacksmith

Ranks: A

Repair and Maintenance- { The blacksmith is proficient in repairing damaged or worn-out weapons and armor. They can restore and strengthen items, extending their lifespan and improving their overall effectiveness.}

Metalworking Mastery- {They possess the knowledge and skill to shape and manipulate metal through heating, hammering, and tempering techniques. This expertise enables them to create intricate designs and imbue weapons with special properties.} ]

After examining the two professionals he had summoned, Jett couldn't help but display a wide grin on his face. Solomon and Pyke would be invaluable additions to the budding village, bringing their expertise and knowledge to the table.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both, Solomon and Pyke," Jett greeted them warmly, extending his hand with a friendly smile.

"M-Master!" Pyke stammered, overwhelmed by the honor of meeting Jett. "It is our honor to meet you as well."

"Master, it is my honor to meet you. I hope you can guide us well into a new future. You have my absolute knowledge at your disposal," Solomon expressed, his words carefully enunciated, befitting of a scholar dedicated to research and study.

Jett took a closer look at both of them, appreciating their unique qualities.

Solomon appeared to be around thirty years old, tall with a slender frame and minimal muscle definition. His bald head was adorned with a long, black, lustrous beard that cascaded down to his chest. He wore attire similar to Jett's, and his face displayed an expression of deep thoughtfulness, as if constantly analyzing everything within his sight.

Pyke, of a similar age to Solomon, stood slightly shorter but possessed a sturdier physique, a testament to his devotion to his craft as a blacksmith. He, too, was bald, lacking not only facial hair but even eyebrows. Despite his intimidating appearance, he exhibited a more reserved demeanor, slightly hunched with fidgety movements.

"I'm glad you both feel this way. Your expertise will be greatly needed for the prosperity of our village," Jett expressed with a smile. "You possess valuable insights that should be passed on to others, don't you agree?"

Solomon quickly caught on to Jett's intention and responded, "Master is right. If we want our village to prosper and expand, we will need skilled individuals to sustain our growth. I propose we take on disciples, perhaps starting with two each. This will leave enough room for other necessary tasks. What do you say?"

"Hahaha!" Jett laughed heartily, appreciating Solomon's quick wit and forward thinking.

"Solomon, that's a fantastic suggestion. We currently have thirteen villagers without specialized skills. Please select those you find suitable as your disciples. Familiarize yourself with our village and explore the surrounding territory, searching for medicinal plants and suitable areas for farmland. I trust your judgment in this matter. Before you leave, take four guards with you, whom I will address shortly. And Pyke, what are your plans?"

"YES! Um... um... Master!" Pyke once again became flustered as Jett turned his attention to him.

"I agree with Solomon. I will take two disciples under my wing and teach them to the best of my abilities. I will also assess everyone's equipment and see if I can make any improvements."

"Excellent, Pyke! That will be incredibly helpful," Jett praised, giving Pyke a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Addressing everyone present, Jett continued, "In a moment, Solomon and Pyke will choose four individuals each, who will be personally mentored by them. I hope you will all be eager learners and contribute to the prosperity of our village."

"Furthermore, for those who are not chosen, do not be discouraged, as your presence is equally important, especially in our current state. I would appreciate your assistance in gathering materials for expanding our village. We need essential resources for constructing additional homes and sentry posts. We cannot afford to let our guard down, as there are potential threats lurking around us. I also request your help in clearing a section of land for possible farmland. Speak to Pyke about the necessary tools and consult Solomon regarding a suitable location for the farmland."

With his instructions delivered, Jett's gaze swept over the assembled crowd, hoping to instill a sense of purpose and determination within each individual. The success of their village depended on their collective efforts, and he trusted that they would rise to the challenge.