A bad feeling

If someone had said the first thing one would see once they woke up was a young Elf that could comfortably pass off as a Loli, none of the nobles present would have believed such a bogus claim.


Because the legend of other races living on Midgard alongside humans had long since turned into something of a myth.

In fact, the current generation would be more inclined to refer to those stories as nothing more than a fairytale.

After all, there had been no sightings of these beings for way too long.

But that all changed today.

One of the few rich merchants to regain his consciousness and wake up managed to find an Elf seated right next to him.

His exclamation was not intentional by any standards. Not at all.

It was more of a reflex act as he opened his eyes and his brain registered Ella's presence that had changed ever since Ryuk undid Veil.

It was an unexpected development.

Alas, his innocent action was enough to doom Ryuk and Ella to a lot of problems.

"An Elf?"