You won't stop me

"Over there!" Max exclaimed while pointing at the end of the path.

It looked a lot like a screen showing several sceneries all at once, a testament to the fractured space.

This didn't deter Max though as he knew that they would be okay… that is as long as they stuck with him.

"Grab on!" Using his staff, he wrapped it around all of them before charging forward.

Just as they were within arm's length, he leaped into a particular scenery that depicted a starry sky.


The feeling was familiar.

Max had experienced it during his earlier years with Regard.

It felt a lot like a reverse summon with the river of stars that greeted them.

The others closes their eyes to cope while he kept his eyes wide open to ensure they didn't fall out at the wrong time.

After a while, he took a deep breath and without warning, attacked the spatial tunnel.



The others were shocked by his sudden action but no one questioned him as they trusted Max to get them out safely.