... I promise

The sunlight was being reflected by what seemed to be a mirror and then the reflected light was currently touching Regard.

His expression cooled as he narrowed his eyes just in time to notice a thin veil that seemed to encompass the entire area they were in, separating them from the rest of the world.

Regard was about to act when Link spoke coldly. "Mystique… show yourself!"

As though in response, several crimson balls dropped from nowhere, entering the separated region until almost the entire area was with at least one crimson ball.

Link was about to say more when the crimson balls began to glow an ominous red.

"Shit." Regard managed to say before a deep baritone voice was heard.



The crimson balls detonated and the separated region was covered in fire, poisonous blood, and corrupted mist.

"I doubt they would be able to escape that combination alive." A sweet female voice said somewhere within the forest just adjacent to the separated region.