It's all about perspective

It was true that perspective was an important aspect of life and living.

A scene can be both good and bad, it just depends on the perspective it's viewed from.

It sounded simple but this same perspective was the reason for wars, strife, and a lot of terrible things.

Take the case happening right now as an example.

Max had sympathized with Ryuk at the beginning when he learned about what caused him and Tatiana to leave the Land of the Elves.

He felt sad and angry.

How could they be so heartless?

How could they treat their kind like trash?

It made no sense to Max.

But he already realized something after meeting Tatiana's vestige.

She held no anger she seemed sorry for what had happened.

Almost like what Ryuk had told him wasn't the complete story.

Was it right to say Ryuk had lied to him?

Of course not!

It was just the side of his story from his perspective.