Love and Will II

Love and Will.

Max's love for his mother, for everything she had done for him.

For loving him despite everything she had to endure.

His love for her pushed him to keep going.

Pushed him to get stronger, strong enough to give her a life free of worries.

She deserved that and he wanted to give her just that.

This was why Love as an emotion was at the forefront.

He felt it deeply and resonated well with him.

It made him take on the risks regardless of how they came.

But even more than his love, was his will to succeed.

His will to defeat the fate that attempted to destroy his second life.

Even with everything, his Will remained strong.

"When I think about it… I guess Will had always been empowering me from the beginning."

He recalled the time back at Forbidden City.

Against all odds, even as fatigue tried to bring him down, his Will stood tall.

After all that, wasn't it easy to decide on what emotion to cultivate further?