Death and destruction

Death and destruction.

That was clearly the only thing the aura of the Red World, or rather Demonic aura was capable of.

Even power gotten from it would kill the user, so what exactly was so good about it?

Why did it seem like it kept on rearing its head wherever Max went?

At this point, Max felt like the secrets of the dangers that were threatening the Samsara were revealing themselves before him.

Like someone's master plan.

"Just what are they after?" To have to destroy so much, to ruin so much, just what exactly where these… spawns of chaos gunning for?

Max felt the need to find out before things got out of hand.

Taking a deep breath, he helped buried the bones before rising to his feet.

"First rest." And then move out.

That was Max's thought process as he made his way back to the entrance.

He paused midway though as he sensed a particular gaze rest upon the entrance to the cave.

No doubt, the undead dragon.