
"Another lobe?"

"That seems like another lobe on the left side of your brain", Stephen said pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah I can see that", I said still looking at the screen.

"Dude, that's weird, it means the accident created another lobe your brain, a small one though", he said as we walked around stroking his chin.

"I think I'd go home now, it's been a long day", I said as I walked out.

"Uhh ok let me follow you to the door", he replied.

We walked to the door and we both waved goodbye. I thought I'd greet his dad but I didn't see him in the sitting room. I took the power bus home as I couldn't pay for the AST. I got home and greeted my mum but she was fixed on her telenovela. It's hard to notice that my mum is married into a rich family cause she acts like any average mum would, with the telenovelas and the expert cooking. Though she does act as classy as possible when needed.

When I got to my room, I turned on my computer and searched the internet tirelessly for side effects of an extra lobe on the brain.

"Brain lesions... Lobe functions...Frontal lobe... Nothing here explains the extra lobe", I thought to myself as I scrolled through countless search results without any result.

Then I saw a notification pop in and it looked a bit similar to what I was searching for.

"Extended lobe on fore brain... Hmm this seems like it",I said.

"If you have an external lobe on your brain it means you were probably affected by a serious accident one that probably affected the physical condition of your body. As a result your brain has to adjust to this new condition in your body's system. Hence, the additional lobe on either the right or left side of your brain depending on whether you are left handed or right handed", I read.

As I kept on reading it was getting clearer and clearer. I began feeling different sensations in my body that made me feel stronger than usual.

"This lobe, studied in ancient times, is referred to as a power lobe. The power lobe enables the affected human to release very powerful energies which could be unstable at first but as time goes on the human would be able to use these newly found powers offensively and defensively", I read further.

As I read the words powers, I paused for a moment. I began to ask myself whether these powers were like superpowers and my mind wanted me to agree that I displayed these powers today in school so I kept on reading.

"... In effect many ancient studies have proven that theses powers made them superhumans... Superhumans?", I said already freaked out.

I didn't want to believe all this. Superhumans? It was already becoming too much, the brain scans , the article I just read. I needed to clear my head. So I went out of the house without telling anyone.

It was a cold night but it seemed as if the cold wasn't affecting me at all. I walked into my favourite store around and bought a comic and a few drinks. I remembered I had to get myself a new phone if not I couldn't pay for anything. Luckily I had cash with me. I walked out the store and tried to think about the weird things that had happened to me since yesterday. How come in less than 24hours it seemed my life would change?

"No, I can't think like that, everything is alright. What I read could be an article written by some of those superhero fanatics", I thought to myself.

Then I heard loud screams in an alley not to far away. Curiously I walked over to the direction of the voice. As I reached the alley I saw two men trying to abuse a lady. As I saw the entire scene play in front of me, I got so angry I dropped the things I bought. It was almost as if I was actually boiling.

"Oii, what are you looking at, get lost", one of the men noticed me and shouted.

"Please help me I'm begging", the lady cried out.

"Hey quiet!", the other man said.

"Let her go", I said unconsciously.

"Look kid, you're beginning to test my patience, I said leave and forget you ever saw this", the first man said as he folded his arms.

"Let her go", I repeated unconsciously.

"Ok that was your last warning", he said as he moved towards me and about to give me a slap.

Before he could do so, I swiftly dodged it like i was a black belt karate master. He wanted to give me another but I dodged again. I was surprised as how fast I was moving that I didn't notice I was moving my body unconsciously. Then before the other guy tried to punch me, I helt his hand so tight and gave him a punch that flew him right back. I turned and the man who tried to slap me was holding a gun. They were really gangsters.

"Look kid, get outta here or I'll shoot you dead", he said as he cocked the gun.

I ignored him and walked to the lady on the floor.

"Are you okay", I asked.

"Yes I guess", she said as she tried to stand up.

"Ok, that's the last straw", he said as he pointed the gun towards me.

As he shot the bullet I began to see fire around me. Then instantly the bullets were deflected. It was as if I was on fire but unlike last time It didn't look like I was burning.

"What is this, who are you", the men asked uniformly.

"I don't know", I said as I looked at myself

Unknowingly I raised my hand and a blast of fire sent the men flying to the other side of the road. The lady who I had rescued ran away in fear.

Then the second man stood up, brought out a plasma gun and shot it at me. Instantly the flames around me consumed the bolt from the plasma gun and again unknowingly I raised my hand towards the man and blasted him further back.

"Who... A-re... you", the first man said.

I didn't reply this time. Honestly I didn't know if I was the one controlling myself or it was the anger in me that was working. Then they ran away as they noticed the fire was becoming even worse. I noticed it as well but I couldn't control it. It was like I was being controlled. Then before I knew it I fell to the floor and the flames went out. I felt so weak, I couldn't move my body at all. Then before I could open my mouth I blacked out.

Then I thought I woke up but I found myself in a strange place. Everywhere was white and there was no one or nothing there.

"W-where am I?", I said as I tried to stand up.

"Welcome Luis"