The Water Guardian

"Welcome Luis", A voice from nowhere said.

"Hello, please who am I talking to?", I said as I looked around for the voice.

"You are in the link between different universes, the link between time and space, you are in the power sanitarium and I am its guardian", the voice said.

"Oh wow nice to meet you, but wouldn't it be great to see your face", I said still looking around.

"I have been practicing that line for hundreds of years and that's all you had to say, just turn around", the voice said.

I turned around but didn't see anyone.

"I can't still see you", I said as I looked up.

"Turn around a hundred and eighty degrees and raise your head up this time", the voice said.

I did what the voice said and I saw a girl probably my age floating in front of me.

"Hey there you are, you look like you're my age", I said as I chuckled to myself.

"I may look like your age but I am older than you", She said boldly.

"Is that so", I asked.

"The power sanitarium has lasted for hundreds of years, and I have been here since the last millennium. So clearly I'm way older than you", she said.

"Oh such a long time, so why am I here?", I asked as I folded my arms.

"You are here because you have something no else has, you have superhuman powers", she said.

"Hmm figures, I mean I just blasted fire from my arms... Hold up what about that girl", I said still folding my arms.

"She's fine, she ran away when she saw you display your powers",she said.

"Oh that was grateful, so I'm guessing you know what's wrong with me", I asked her.

"Yes. You have superpowers. You are one of the few humans in Earth's history to have superpowers. Your accident caused your brain to form an external lobe on the left side of your brain which you already know and that has given you extraordinary powers which you humans refer to as superpowers. Since the dawn of time humans have developed superpowers through various means mostly as accidents. These humans learnt how to use their powers. But sadly majority of them chose the evil path and caused mass destruction to humans all over the world. Luckily only few of them used their powers for good and to stop these evil powers. But in the process these heroes have lost their lives in the battle between good and evil and the last set of super humans the world ever saw perished. But now you have gained superpowers and you can continue their legacy. So what do you say", she said dramatically.

"Wow nice speech, you also practiced that right", I asked trying to mess with her a bit.

"Sorry Luis, your clownish antics wouldn't work on me and yes I also practiced that", she claimed boldly.

"Hold up if I actually listened to your speech, I think I heard 'continue their legacy'?", I asked sounding serious this time.

"Yes you heard correctly", she replied.

"Ok count me out then", I said as I looked for how to leave there.

"Why? I thought you would be happy, normally the humans of your day would be over the moon when they hear this", She asked.

"Look that's sounds like a whole lot of work and responsibilities and I don't think I'm cut out for that", I said still looking for a door.

"You don't know what you have Luis. You have the power of fire and that's one of the most powerful source of energies on Earth", she said loudly.

''Look, you'd just be disappointed, I am a person who hates responsibilities, so can I go now", I said as I sounded a lot serious.

"You are just like him", she said as she floated down.

"Like who?", I asked sounding curious.

"The Water Guardian", she said.

"Who's that?", I asked again.

Then she moved her hand across the vast white space and we found ourselves in a world painted by her following narrative.

"About a thousand years ago, the first set of super humans existed on the earth. They were the most trained set of humans to ever walk the earth. Powerful in their kind. Speed, Strength, Time, Nature, Technology, they had it all. Then there was a rebellion in this elite force. A group of people rebelled against the force and began to attack the others. Only a few escaped from the rebels' deadly hands but they were rendered powerless in front of them. Then a boy just about your age met with an accident when these rebels were attacking the city. During the accident he fell into a river and drowned. Eventually a girl rescued him and cared for him while he still recovered. Then a night came when she saw drops of water floating around his body. When the boy woke up he told her what happened to him before he fell into the river and she told him what happened to him in the night. They eventually discovered that a superhuman who could control nature had accidentally hit him with his powers and it had reacted with the water he drowned in. Later they learnt that his water powers were very powerful and could end the civil war but he didn't want to take up the responsibility as he saw it too demanding. The girl persuaded him but he didn't budge. Their shelter was eventually attacked by the rebel team and the girl was badly injured. The boy felt so much regret that he fought of two rebels, injuring both badly. The boy took the girl to a safe place and watched over her until she recovered. Then the boy promised the girl that he would end the war and swore that he would be her guardian till the very end. From then he was known to many as the water guardian and he began to form a team of superheroes that would be able to defeat the rebels. In their final battle, the leader of the rebel team became to overwhelming for the team of superheroes. Then the water guardian had a plan which could cost him his life. By absorbing all the powers of the team he was able to combine them into one big blast and wiped out the entire rebel force but the water guardian lost his life in the process. Before he died, he told the girl that he cared for her a lot and that he would return to her one day. Then all the super humans that existed dedicated their powers to creating a Power Sanitarium to ensure the powers of any superhuman to exist after them remain healthy and they made the girl the guardian of the Sanitarium and till this day the girl hasn't seen the boy", she said as she ended the illusion.

I looked at her for a while as I saw her getting emotional and I quickly got the message. She was the girl in the story and the boy was her very close friend. She may have loved him, cause she was crying.

"I'm sorry about what happened to him and look I will think about it", I said as I placed my hand on her back.

"I think you have to get going now", she said as she cleaned her eyes and opened a portal, "And I hope you make the best decision so when any problem arises you are there to defend the people you love."

"Don't worry, I'd think about it, bye",I said as I walked through the portal.

"Bye", she said as she waved.

I woke up and had a light headache. I felt like everything that happened yesterday was a dream. Then as I was about to get out of bed, I couldn't find the floor. I kept on swaying my feet around trying to look for the floor. I knew i hadn't grown any shorter and I didn't buy a new bed. Then I looked down and realized my bed was floating across the room.

"What the what!"