
"Seems like it wasn't a dream", I said to myself as I watched my room from above.

I didn't understand the working behind it. If I had the ability to create fire I don't think it meant I had the ability to float things cause it was pretty clear that my newly found power was behind this. It was becoming increasingly distressful that I couldn't come down until I decided to take the risk and hop down on all the floating objects. By the time I reached the floor everything came falling down. Noise. Attention.

"Well that's one way to draw attention", I said as I quickly moved to the door and locked it.

"Luis! Is everything alright", my mum said outside the door.

"Everything is just fine mother, just cleaning up the room", I lied as I didn't want her to ask further questions.

"Ok, be careful", she replied as her voice faded.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I began to clean up my large room. To think of it, it looks smaller than usual. When I finished I went to the shower to freshen up. I got out and began to look for the things I bought last night and I saw them behind my cupboard.

"Hmm she must be the one that left it here", I said as I pulled the bag out.

I went through the things I bought to make sure nothing was missing and I found a phone amongst them. Infact it was the exact same phone I had before the accident and it was repaired.

"This is my phone", I said, "Did she fix my phone?"

I decided not to bother and started reading all the superhero comics I bought. Then something struck my thoughts. I wanted to try and create fire like I did yesterday.

"From the comics the only way to activate your powers is to channel your energy into where you want to use it. By compressing the energy flow I would be able to produce fire like last time", I said as I looked at my hands, "It's worth a try."

I began to follow what I just said as I held my hands firmly. I suppressed all the energy I could through my hands but I feel nor see a single flame.

"I bet Stephen could help", I said.

I called Stephen and told him to meet me at Mt. Veno.

I hurried outside grabbed my breakfast and took an AST to the last stop before the mountain. Mt. Veno wasn't as large as other mountains but it did have splendor and had a great deal of attraction. By the time I reached there, Stephen was already there. It was understandable because his house was close to the mountain.

"Luis what's up bro", he said as he came to hug me.

"I'm fine, why the hug", I replied and asked as i tried to pull out of his hold.

"You don't know how scared I was last night", he said as he stopped hugging.

"Scared?Last night? What are you saying?", I asked as I looked very confused.

"Yesterday when I went to buy a few stuff from your favorite store, I noticed that there was a large crowd not too far away. I wanted to know why there was such a crowd and when I got there I saw you lying on the floor. I thought you were Dead cause I couldn't feel your heart beat or anything so I took you home and laid you there. Oh and I dropped your shopping bag behind the wardrobe and seems you got my gift", he said.

"Gift?", I asked.

"Yes, the phone", he replied as he pointed to my phone.

"I do not even want to know how you got my phone but why do all of you have the habit of breaking into my house and dropping me in my room without getting caught", I asked rhetorically.

"Well I'm glad you're still alive, so what did you call me for?", he asked.

"About that, I want to learn how to use my powers", I replied him as I walked around.

"Hmm and you're asking me", he said with a giggle, "Luis you should be asking yourself I'd probably just help you to train them", he replied.

"Last night I almost killed two men out of anger with fire", I replied as I sounded serious.

"Woah was that why you were lying helplessly on the ground", he asked.

"I don't want to do the same thing to someone I love Stephen, I need your help Stephen", I said as I gripped his shoulders very tightly.

"Dude you need to watch your strength... my shoulders", he said in pain.

"You see, I can't control it", I said as I pulled away and looked the opposite direction.

"Don't be too hard on yourself dude, we'd think of something", he said as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"What is there, I've read everything in the comics but there's no answer", I said.

"You said you got angry yesterday and you used your powers on those men right", he asked as he did his signature chin rub which meant there's an idea.

"Yes but how does that help", I asked.

"What if your powers are affected by your emotions", he asked.

"Hmm that's possible, infact you might not be entirely wrong", I said as I sat on the ground.

"Yeah, you're a very emotional person and therefore your powers work on impulse and in tangent with your emotions which also means for you to control your powers you need to control your emotions", he said.

"That was very smart Stephen, so all I need to do is control my emotions and I will be able to control my powers", I said.

"It still sounds very weird to me that you have super powers, cause scientists proved it impossible for someone to have super human ability, but then for the sake of science I'll help you", he said reassuringly.

"And that's why scientists aren't meant to know I have those superhuman abilities", I said as I smiled at him.

"Yup, we have a whole day to work on trying to control your emotions, so let's do this", he said as he brought out his phone.

Stephen began to search for multiple ways to control ones emotions and since I was superhuman I guess it may not be that hard.

8 hours later...

"It's still not working", I said as I tried to squeeze an inch of fire from my right arm.

"We've tried everything dude", he said as we laid on the ground.

"What if there's something we aren't trying, what if to control my emotions I have to test it around something or someone who brings out all my emotions?, I asked.

"That's true cause they could be other emotions we aren't looking at like love, do you know anyone that brings out all your emotions", he asked.

"Hmm no one I can think of", I said as I scratched my head.

Just then I received a text from someone. The text read:

'Hey it's Samantha'

"Samantha just texted me, how did she get my C'book profile name", I asked.

"Oh I gave her, she asked me for it yesterday", he said.

"Oh you know I've never been able to smile properly around her", I said as I laughed.

"Seriously?", he asked as he laughed as well.

"Honestly, it's like I don't know whether to smile or not to around her, she has this very strange vibe that makes me feel undecided but relaxed", I said as I smiled.

"You beginning to like her?", he asked.

The question hit me like someone through a stone at my head. I knew I couldn't like her even though I wanted to, my heart wouldn't accept it. Someone else had already broken it and I'm not sure If I can let in another.

"Nahh, you know I can't", I replied.

"Hmm ok, Hold up Luis did you hear what you just said?", he asked as he sprang up.

"What?", I asked.

"You said you don't know which emotion to display around her which meant she was most probably bringing out all your emotions at once and you were feeling strange", he said.

"So what you're saying is that Samantha is what's going to help me control my emotions", I replied.

"Yes, if you're able to control your emotions around her you should be able to control your powers", he said as he rubbed his chin.

"It's worth a shot", I said.

"Ok I'd call her", he said as he dialled Samantha's number

"Call her for what?", I asked

"Samantha how are you", he said to Samantha over the phone.

"I'm good", she replied.

"Luis and I were wondering if you'd have time to go out after school tomorrow", he said.

"Hmm ok, I just hope it's not in the NIGHT AGAIN", she replied.

"It's not night, some time immediately after school", he said as laughed.

"Ok then later, see you at school tomorrow", she said.

"Thanks so much and Happy national holiday", he replied as he ended the call.

"Dude!", I said as I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"You're welcome", he said.

"You're too much", I said as I laughed.

We had to find a way to control my powers if not I could become a threat to the people around me and a lab rat as well. Now all we need to hope for is that everything goes out as planned tomorrow.