In the hospital,

Currently, Robert was staring at the ceiling without making any sound. The doctor had carried out some tests on his knee and according to the result of the tests, he has most likely suffered a tear in his anterior cruciate ligament. According to the doctor, the injury will basically sideline him away from football for a minimum of seven to eight months.

More than the injury itself Robert was concerned about how would the injury impact his play. Acl tear was one of the most feared sports injuries and it has already derailed or even ended the career of numerous footballers furthermore The last time he injured himself he was released by Legia Warsaw and was deemed unfit to play football as they believe he would never be able to play football again. now he was scared a similar fate might occur in leads as well.


While Robert was laying in the hospital bed Ryan had just arrived at the hospital with his assistant. He had already talked with the doctor regarding Robert's condition. The doctor had told him that Robert will be needed to undergo surgery and the surgery time will be decided after carrying out a few more tests.

After finishing his conversation Ryan excused himself and with the doctor's permission went to the room where Robert was currently kept.

When Ryan opened the door he saw Robert blankly staring at the ceiling. Seeing Robert like that Ryan could only let out a sigh. He was all too familiar with that look. Ryan was currently 35yrs of age which was relatively early for being a manager so one might wonder why he became a manager so early on.

Well, Ryan's dream wasn't always to become a football manager, There was once a time when Ryan was hailed as a young prodigy. Everyone believed he would become a great player in the future but early injuries ended his football career even before making his professional debut. His injury however wasn't able to take away his love for the game. Instead of playing, he started to train to manage a football team but sadly he never got a chance to manage a professional side so he was left to manage amateur sides until he met Oliver that is.

Seeing Robert didn't seem to notice he has entered the room Ryan knocked on the door to get his attention.

Robert was brought back to reality by the knocking sound and Seeing someone knock on the door Robert turned his head towards the doorway where he saw Ryan standing there.

"Hello, Robert is there any pain or discomfort current," Ryan asked while moving next to the bed Robert was currently being kept.

To Ryan's question, Robert just shook his head.

"Robert I just had a talk with the doctor and according to him, you will need to undergo surgery. I just want to make sure you don't worry unnecessarily. just focus on quickly recovering and don't worry about anything else. you are a vital member of our team and will continue to be so in the future as well. The club will provide you with the best medical treatment so you don't need to worry your injury will heal soon."

Hearing Ryan Robert just nodded his head without saying anything.

Seeing Robert wasn't in the mood to talk Ryan went outside the room and left him to have some alone time. After that Ryan moved on to carry out all the formalities for the tests that needed to be carried out to determine operation time. After the formalities were carried out further tests were done on Lewandoski, where the doctor was able to spot chronic rotation and translation instability in his knee. The Doctors were carefully observing these problems as these may cause giving way episodes as well as further knee damage including meniscal tears osteochondral defects and ligament tears.

After the tests were finished The operation was determined to be carried out 3 weeks later in order to avoid arthrofibrosis.

Making sure everything was in order Ryan went back to inform others as well.


Osaka, Japan,

Currently, Oliver was packing his stuff to head back to England. He had just received news regarding Lewandoski's injury and decided to head back to ensure everything went smoothly in his treatment. Lewandoski was a vital member for the future of Leeds so he wanted to monitor everything up close.

Oliver had already informed Lili about him heading back first. she told him that he didn't need to worry about the work here and that she would make sure everything goes well. So he could go back without worrying.

After informing Lili, Oliver quickly sent a message to Ji Eun that he won't be able to make it to her concert due to some urgent matter and that he would make sure to be there for another of her concert if he got the chance. Ji Eun quickly replied that it was ok and that he must be there for her next concert, to which Oliver happily agreed

After making sure everything was packed and saying goodbye to Lili, Oliver boarded the plane and headed back to England.


September 15 2007

Oliver arrived in Leeds at around 9 am and After landing at the airport, he quickly made his way straight to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital he had a quick chat with the doctor to make sure everything was going well regarding Lewandoski's treatment and then went to check on Robert.

Oliver then had a quick chat with Robert. He told Robert to not worry about anything and that he should only focus on his quickness.

After talking with Robert for a short time and making sure everything was ok, Oliver just decided to quickly head back home, and have a quick shower and a change of clothes. He left his assistant in the hospital to update him on Robert's condition and told him to inform him if Robert faces any complications in his treatment
